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    编号 问题 选择 A 选择 B 选择 C 选择 D 答案 注解1 “On a large diesel engine installation, crankshaft axial alignment is maintained by the _.“ piston rod guides engine thrust bearing crosshead bearing main shaft flexible coupling B 在大型柴油机安装中,曲轴靠推力轴承保持轴向对中。2 “A diesel engine which is rated for normal operation at a crankshaft speed of 800 rpm, is commonly classed as a _.“ slow-speed diesel medium-speed diesel high-speed diesel constant-speed diesel B 曲轴转速 800 转分以额定功率正常运行的柴油机称 为中速柴油机。3 Which of the following statements is correct concerning available astern power for diesel main propulsion systems? Astern power is to be provided in a sufficient amount to secure proper control of the ship in all normal circumstances. The astern power of the main propelling machinery is to provide for continuous operation astern at 60% of the ahead rpm at rated speed.“For main propulsion systems without reversing gears, controllable pitch propellers or electric propulsion drive, running astern is not to lead to overload conditions.“ “Astern power available will be equal to ahead power when controllable pitch propellers are utilized, thus discounting the need for increased operating parameters.“ A 倒车功率必须能提供足够的功率确保在各种正常情况下能够对船舶进行适当的控制。4 “When two medium speed diesel engines coupled in parallel to a common propeller shaft that operates at the same speed as the engines, which of the operating conditions listed will apply?“Full horsepower is available ahead and astern. One engine must be running ahead and the other astern. Full reversing torque is not available. Mechanical reduction gearing is required.D 当两台中速柴油机并排连接到同速运转的普通螺旋桨轴上,需要机械减速装。5 Which of the listed design features is most common to a two-stroke/cycle low-speed main propulsion diesel engine? Crosshead construction. Cross-scavenging air flow. Trunk type pistons. Single reduction gearing. A 低速二冲程主推进柴油机普遍采用十字头结构。6 A disadvantage of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is _. more power strokes per revolution the use of scavenge air more complicated valve gear higher working temperatures of the piston and cylinder D 二冲程柴油机的缺点是气缸头的温度高。7 “In comparing engines of equal horsepower, higher exhaust gas temperatures occur in a/an _.“ opposed-piston engine double-acting engine two-stroke/cycle engine four-stroke/cycle engine D 与相同马力的柴油机相比,四冲程柴油机的废气温度高。8 The double bottom in a vessel is a space comprised of _. plating forming the engine room tank top double plating installed over the flat keel plate a watertight boundary formed by the inner bottom compartments between the inner and outer bottoms D 船的双底壳是由内外两层构成的。9 A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel engines to _. reduce heat radiation to the engine room aid in preventing turbocharger overheating condense and drain moisture from exhaust gases dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold A 环绕排气总管的水套是为了减少对机舱的热辐射。10 “Which of the listed types of staring systems is often used on large, low speed, direct reversing, main propulsion diesel engines?“ Electric. Hydraulic. Air. All of the above. C大型低速可逆转主推进柴油机使用空气起动系统。11 The over-speed trip installed on most diesel engine will stop the engine by shutting off the _. water supply fuel oil supply lube oil supplyexhaust damper B 大多数柴油机安装的超速保护(停车)装置通过切断燃油供油使发动机停车。12 “In a common rail system, excessive pressure in the header may be caused by _.“improper adjustment of the bypass valve a dribble in the fuel injection nozzle insufficient leak-off through injection nozzle packinga malfunctioning injection nozzle A “在共轨燃油喷射系统中,集油管压力过大可能是由于旁通阀调节不当而造成的。“13 Diesel engine electric starting motors generally require heavier duty motors and operaste at higher voltages than comparable starting motors for gasoline engines due to _. higher speed required flywheel-effect lower starting temperatures higher compression pressures D因为要更高的压缩压力,柴油机电起动马达与类似的汽油机的起动马达相比,要有更大的功率和更高的电压。14 “When used with reversing reduction gears, medium-speed diesel engines should be bolted to their foundations with fitted bolts at the drive end and clearance (loosely fitted) bolts in other locations. This is done to _.“ maintain alignment when the ships hull is working in heavy seas ensure engine vibrations correspond to the natural frequency of the hull permit the engine to expand away from the driven equipment as the engine heats up and expands maintain engine thrust bearing clearances C 当与倒车减速装置一起使用时,中速柴油机应该在传动端用装配螺栓与底座连在一起,而在其它地方则用间隙螺栓固定,这样可使柴油机热膨胀时留有膨胀余地。15 A diesel engine with a combustion chamber located between the crowns of two pistons is known as a / an _. double-acting engine opposed pistons engine single-acting engine horizontal acting engine B 柴油机的燃烧室介于两个活塞之间,这种发动机称为“对置活塞式柴油机” 。16 “In using reduction gears to obtain efficient propeller speeds, _.“ they must be located at the after end of the engine they can only be used with one engine at a time they eliminate the need for controllable pitch propellers they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling D 减速齿轮与发动机采用柔性联轴节连接。17 “For a given size engine, the two-stroke / cycle diesel engine will deliver more power than a four-stroke / cycle diesel engine because _.“ it has a longer power stroke more air gets into the cylinder each stroke it develops twice as many power strokes at the same speed higher combustion pressure is developed C 理论上,二冲程柴油机发出的功率是相同四冲程柴油机的两倍。18 The minimum speed an engine must attain before ignition can occur depends upon _.the type and size of the engine the condition of the engine ambient temperature all of the above D 发动机发火之前必须获得的最低转速取决于发动机的类型和尺寸、发动机的状态和环境温度等因素。19 “In a diesel engine, internal combustion causes the piston to be moved by _.“ the simple admission of fuel and air into the combustion space only the pressure of gases developedspecially designed parts connected to a shaft the concept of reciprocity B 在柴油机工作时,内部燃烧引起活塞被燃气压力驱动。20 Diesel engines are classified as reciprocating internal combustion engines because they _. use energy from fuel burned outside their cylinders burn fuel in a combustion chamber that moves back and forth burn fuel in a chamber where its energy moves a piston back and forth use a continuous combustion process to impart rotary motion to the pistons C把柴油机归类于往复式内燃机,是因为燃油在燃烧室内被燃烧,产生能量使活塞作往复运动。21 A main propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by _.shutting off the air supply over-speeding the engine securing the fuel supply securing the ignition system C主推进柴油机是通过切断燃油供应实现停车的。22 The thermal energy produced by an internal combustion engine is transformed into _.combustion energy internal energy external energy mechanical energy D 内燃机产生的热能转换成机械能。23 Maximum horsepower of a diesel engine is attained _. when the engine RPM is pulled down by overloadat rated engine RPM at 95% of rated engine RPM at 95% of a properly adjusted governor RPM with the engine under full load B 在额定转速时所产生的功率是柴油机的最大功率。24 “As a heat engine, _ energy is the source of power by which the diesel engine can be operated.“ electric heat mechanical exhaust B 柴油机作为热机,热能是其功率的来源。25 “Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and heavy, _ and cylinder block may be made in one piece.“ the column the jacket cylinder cover cylinder liner A 由于小型发动机的铸件不是很重也不是很大,机架和气缸体可以做成一体。26 _ system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the sea as required to trim the vessel. The domestic waterBilge water Oil transfer The ballast D 压载水系统用来确保能从任一个舱或海中吸入海水,也能将水排到任一舱或海中,达到平衡船舶之目的。27 “If you vessel burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18 knots?“ 13.82 tons 15.61 tons 16.00 tons 16.37 tons A 船舶以 15 节的速度航行时耗油 8 吨,那么以 18 节的速度航行时的耗油量为:M2=(V2 / V1)3×M1= (18 / 15)3×8=13.82 (吨) 。28 Each cylinder liner on the marine medium speed engines _. is usually cooled by sea water can be replaced when worn out is in direct contact with the water in the bore of the cylinder can't expand when heated B 船用柴油机的缸套磨损后可以更换。29 Energy losses due to _ occur in every machine. speed friction impactatmosphere B 由于磨擦造成的能量损失在每一台机器都存在。30 “Hitachi B after closed / short / after open / long / before closed / long / before A 如果柴油机是自然吸气型,或者是带有离心式废气涡轮增压器的小型高速机,则其气阀重叠角,即两个阀同时开启的时间,会比较短,而且排气阀将在上止点后 10 度左右关闭。 ;naturally aspirated 自然吸气;turbocharger 废气涡轮增压器;period of valve overlap 气阀重叠的时期,即气阀重叠角77 “In order to control thermal stresses, some types of modern engines use pistons with _.“ heavy wall and intensive cooling heavy wall and no cooling thin wall and no cooling thin wall and intensive cooling D 为了控制热应力,一些类型的现代柴油机采用薄壁强冷的活塞。 ;thermal stress 热应力;thin wall 薄壁;intensive cooling 强烈的冷却78 A marine diesel engine is started by _. supplying high pressure oil into a hydraulic motor supplying high temperature air into the cylinder supplying high pressure air into the cylinder electrical igniting C 船用柴油机通过提供压力很高的压缩空气进入气缸实现起动。 ;high pressure air 高压空气,即储存在空气瓶的起动空气79 The starting air system of an engine on board usually has interlocks in order to _.ensure a successful shutting down at emergency conditions ensure a successful starting at emergency conditions prevent the engine from starting at some abnormal conditions prevent the engine from starting at emergency conditions C 船用柴油机的起动空气系统通常有联锁装置用于防止柴油机在不正常的情况下起动。 ;interlock 联锁;in order to 为了;prevent from 阻止做;abnormal 反常的,异常的80 “In conventional systems, the injection pressure _, while its _ in common rail diesel engines.“ “fluctuates with the engine speed to some extent, independent of the engine speed“ “keeps constant at all engine speed, dependent on the engine speed to some extent“keeps constant at all engine speed, independent of the engine speed.“is decided by the engine speed, constant at all engine speed“ A 对于传统的柴油机(喷油)系统来说,燃油喷射压力随柴油机转速而变,而共轨柴油机的喷油压力与转速无关。 ;conventional 惯例的,传统的;injection pressure 喷油压力;fluctuates with 随 变动;independent of 独立于,与无关;common rail diesel engine 共轨柴油机;【注】:共轨系统与之前以凸轮轴驱动的柴油喷射系统不同,共轨式柴油喷射系统将喷射压力的产生和喷射过程彼此完全分开,电磁阀控制的喷油器替代了传统的机械式喷油器,燃油轨中的燃油压力由一个径向柱塞式高压泵产生,压力大小与发动机的转速无关,而由凸轮轴驱动控制的轴向柱塞式分配泵的发动机,燃油系统压力与发动机转速呈线性关系,在发动机低转速时形成燃油压力不足,而共轨系统能够在发动机的所有转速范围内获得非常高的燃油压力。81 “In common rail engines, the fuel is _ before is injected into the cylinders.“ stored in a common fuel line pumped by the injection pump at low pressure already atomized A对于共轨柴油机来说,燃油在喷入气缸之前储存在一个共同的燃油轨中。 ;common rail engine 共轨柴油机; common fuel line 共同的燃油轨,共轨(其实就是共用的一个油路)82 “In a common rail engine, the fuel is injected into cylinders _.“ by injection pumps at a time decided by the injection pump timing by a signal opening the magnetic valves at a time decided by the cam directly C 对于共轨柴油机来说,当有信号开启电磁阀后,燃油才喷射入气缸。 ;common rail engine 共轨柴油机;magnetic valve 电磁阀;【注】:共轨柴油喷射系统中,电磁阀控制的喷油器替代了传统的由凸轮轴控制的机械式喷油器。83 “_ uses one or two high pressure pumps for all the cylinders with one more standby, while _ have a separate high-pressure pump for each cylinder.“ “A common rail engine, conventional engines“ “A conventional engine, common rail engines“ “A marine diesel engine, most other engines“ “A two-stroke engine, four-stroke engines“ A 共轨柴油机使用一个或两个高压泵供油给所有气缸,还有一个高压泵备用;而传统柴油机各缸都有独立的高压油泵为之服务。 ;one more 还有一个,还多一个;standby 备用;separate 独立的,单独的84 “A common rail engine has only one or two high pressure pumps in operation at the same time, and the injection into each cylinder _.“ cant be controlled very precisely cant be controlled as flexibly as the separate pump system can be controlled as flexibly as the separate pump system can be controlled more precisely and flexibly D 共轨柴油机仅使用一个或两个高压泵供油给所有气缸,喷油可以被控制的更精确和更灵活。 ;common rail engine 共轨柴油机;flexibly 灵活的,柔软的;precisely 精确的;separate pump system (传统的凸轮轴控制的)各缸独立的柱塞泵系统85 The common rail engines show great advantages in combustion especially _. at high speed and full load at low speed and part load when heavy fuel oil is used at sea when the ships run long distance B 共轨柴油机在燃烧上显示出了巨大的优势,尤其是在低速和部分负荷时。 ;show 显示;great advantages 巨大的优势;especially 尤其是; part load 部分负荷;【注】:凸轮轴驱动控制的轴向柱塞式分配泵的发动机,燃油系统压力与发动机转速呈线性关系,在发动机低转速时形成燃油压力不足,而共轨系统能够在发动机的所有转速范围内获得非常高的燃油压力。86 “To meet the market requirements, a marine diesel engine should not be of _.“ big size fuel economy low speed high power A 为了满足市场的需求,船用柴油机尺寸不能过大。 ;meet the market requirement 满足市场需求;big size 大尺寸87 The main purpose of changing main engine to electronic controlled is not to _. control fuel injection time more precisely control fuel injection rate more precisely meet the environmental requirements meet high engine speed requirements D 将柴油机发展转变为电控的主要目的不是满足高转速的需求。 ;main purpose 主要目的;electronic controlled 电子控制;fuel injection time 喷油时间;fuel injection rate 喷油速率;【注】:电控可以使喷油定时和喷油速率更精确88 “If a cam-controlled engine has a normal injection pressure at rated speed, the injection pressure will be _ at slow speed.“ a little lower a little higher too low exactly the same A 凸轮控制(喷油)的柴油机在额定转速下喷油压力正常,在低速下喷油压力会稍有降低。 ;cam-controlled 凸轮控制;rated speed 额定转速89 “If a camshaft-less engine has a normal injection pressure at rated speed, the injection pressure will be _ at low speed.“ too low a little lower a little higher exactly the same D 对于非凸轮轴(控制喷油)的柴油机,额定转速下喷油压力正常,低速时喷油压力仍然不变。 ;camshaft-less 非凸轮轴,没有凸轮轴; rated speed 额定转速;exactly the same 精确一致90 _ is not a feature of the electronic controlled engines. Lower fuel consumptionBetter balanced cylinder power A shorter overhaul period Less smoke emission C“大修间隔时间短并不是电控柴油机的特色之一。 ;feature 特色, 特征;balance 平衡“


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