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    |一、公共英语 PETS 三级 A 节作文预测题目要求Directions: Suppose that you ordered a refrigerator but later found a worrying problem. Write a letter of complaint to describe the matter and require settlement, Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.路线:假设您订购一台冰箱,但后来发现了一个令人担忧的问题。写信投诉来形容此事,并要求解决,在你的信的结尾不要签署自己的名字,用“李明” 代替。参考范文就冰箱的问题写一封投诉信Dear Sir,I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.After we used it for several days. we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly. When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15, far from the standard temperture range from 0 to 9.This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.Yours faithfully,Li Ming亲爱的先生,我很高兴,我们上周下令冰箱已经准时到达。但很可惜,我们发现有一些错误的冷藏设施。之后,我们用了好几天。我们发现,保存在冷藏室的食物迅速变坏。当我们终于决定把温度在里面,我们惊奇地发现它是 15左右,远远标准温辐射范围从 0到 9。这个问题已经影响了我们的正常生活。请你让我知道你是否能尽快派修理工的可能吗?我希望我的问题会得到您的关照。此致,李明二、公共英语 PETS 三级 B 节作文预测题目要求汽车给人们生活带来的好处,但同时也车产生很多问题,对此你是如何看待汽车的作用。参考范文Since their coming into being, automobiles have been significantly contributing to human industries, agricultures, and even the daily lives.It is automobiles that have been shaping and reflecting the ways humans work and think. They accelerate the sustainable economic development. They boost industries. They also catalyze scientific research.But nobody can deny that automobiles have also exerted some unfavorable impacts on social and economic fabric. First of all, they have seriously polluted the environment in which humans survive. Secondly, traffic jam wastes lots of time. Finally, they also waste the money, especially in metropolis.My opinion is that in the foreseeable future, scientists will be able to solve all problems. Exactly, human will eventually be able to minimize the harmful effects of automobiles, whereas their advantages can be maximized. 由于他们的到来应运而生,汽车已经显著促进人类行业,三农,甚至日常生活。这是汽车已形成和体现人类的工作和思考方式。他们加快了经济的可持续发展。他们助推产业。他们还促进科学研究。|但没有人能否认,汽车已经也对社会和经济结构的一些不利影响。首先,他们已经严重污染,其中人类生存的环境。其次,堵车浪费大量的时间。最后,他们还浪费钱,尤其是在大都市。我的看法是,在可预见的将来,科学家们将能够解决所有的问题。没错,人类最终将能够最大限度地减少汽车的有害影响,而自己的优势最大化。一、公共英语 PETS 三级 A 节作文预测题目要求A foreign delegation is to visit your university. You are assigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your class. Now write a welcome speech to1)express your welcome, and2)make a brief introduction to your university.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)外国代表团参观你们的大学。你被分配做了欢迎致辞中代表你的类。现在写了欢迎讲话1)表达你的欢迎,2)做一个简单的介绍你的大学。你应该写上 ANSER SHEET2.大约 100 字的信的末尾不要签署自己的名字。用“Li Ming”这个名字。你并不需要写地址。 (10 分)参考范文A Welcome Speech 一封欢迎词(107 words)Ladies and Gentlemen,First of all, please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of our Class One in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. We have been looking forward to seeing you for long. It is a wonderful day today.Now I would like to brief my university to you since I want to leave the most wonderful for you to discover. Tsinghua University is well-known both at home and abroad. If you want to meet distinguished scholars, please come to Tsinghua. If you want to meet the most industrious students, please come to Tsinghua. If you want to discover the most attractive campus, please come to Tsinghua. I do hope that you will enjoy your stay in Tsinghua.Sincerely YoursLi Ming致欢迎辞一封欢迎词(107 字)女士们,先生们,首先,请允许我表达最衷心的欢迎各位代表我们班之一,在清华大学计算机科学系。我们一直期待着看到你长。这是一个美好的日子。现在我想向大家介绍我的大学给你,因为我想留下最精彩等待您去发掘。清华大学是驰名海内外。如果你想以满足杰出的学者,请到清华。如果你想满足最勤劳的同学,请到清华。如果你要发现最有吸引力的校园,请到清华。我希望您将享受您在清华的住宿。您忠诚的李明二、公共英语 PETS 三级 B 节作文预测题目要求作文:学生是否应该学习英语?Why Do Students learn English?参考范文English has been getting more and more popular in the last decade. Many countries have made English taught as the second language in schools. But why do students need English? If they do need, what do they need it for?|Different students learn English for different purposes. Most of the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures, while a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, or write letters and reports.Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities. However, the current teaching methods should be improved and the teaching materials should be updated to satisfy their needs.英语已经越来越流行,在过去的十年。许多国家已经取得了英语作为授课学校的第二语言。但为什么学生需要英语?如果他们需要什么,他们需要它?不同的学生学习英语的目的不同。大多数学生学习英语,因为他们需要读英语课本或刊物和参加英语演讲,而少数同学使用它来谈谈讲英语的游客,参加研讨会,或写信函及报告。不管是什么目的是,有一件事是肯定的:学生需要英语,英语教学应在大学得到加强。然而,当前的教学方法应该改进和教材应更新,以满足他们的需求。A survey conducted in Tianjin found that 98% of high school students and 92% of elementary school students have to spend most of their weekends doing homework.Write an essay of about 120 words. You may include the following points:1. Discuss the negative effects of too much homework on children.2. Discuss the disadvantages of the present exam-oriented education system.3. Call for efforts to ease students' burden and help them lead a colorful and enjoyable life.在天津进行的一项调查发现,98的中学生和小学生的 92都耗费了大量的周末做作业。写一篇约 120 字的文章。您可能包括以下几点:1.讨论功课太多对儿童的负面影响。2.讨论目前应试教育体制的弊端。3.呼吁努力减轻学生的负担,帮助他们过一个丰富多彩,愉快的生活。参考范文Too much homework has become a common complaint in high schools and elementary schools. Students have to spend most of their time doing homework, even on weekends. As a result, they have no time for their hobbies, or for their parents or friends. All they do is what they have to do, not what they like to do.The underlying cause for this phenomenon lies in the present exam-oriented education system. National College Entrance Examination has become the sole focus of teachers, parents, and students themselves. High score becomes the ultimate goal, to the neglect of practical abilities, personality development, and all that.It is urgent that we deepen our educational reform. We must allow for students' overall development, not just evaluate their test scores.太多的功课已成为高中和小学一个常见的抱怨。学生不得不花大部分时间做功课,即使是在周末。其结果是,他们没有时间为自己的爱好,或为他们的父母或朋友。他们做的是什么,他们所要做的,不是自己喜欢做的事情。造成这种现象的根本原因在于目前应试教育体制。全国高考已经成为教师,家长和学生自己的唯一焦点。高分成为终极目标,以实践能力,个性发展的忽视,以及所有。这是我们迫切需要深化教育教学改革。我们必须考虑到学生的全面发展,而不是仅仅评估他们的考试成绩。(2). company is recruiting new employees. Write a letter applying for a position as an assistant accountant. In your letter, please include the following information: 1. the position you apply for;2. your work experience;|3. the reason for your leaving the present company;4. the treatment you expect to get from the new company.You should write no less than 120 words. Do not sign your name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin“ instead. You do not need to write the address.公司正在招募新员工。写信申请一个位置作为助理会计师。在你的信,请提供以下信息:1.你应聘的职位;2.你的工作经验;3.您离开目前的公司的原因;4.处理您期望从公司新获得。你应该写不超过 120 字以内。在你的信的结尾不要签上你的名字。使用“王林” 代替。你并不需要写地址。参考范文Dear sir:I wish to apply for a position with your company as an assistant accountant. I am twenty-six years old and at present employed by the Island Company, where I have been for the past two years. Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co., where it was nearly three years.My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there is no future opportunity in my present position. I wish to serve in a large company like yours, to provide me with ample opportunities to learn new things.I can give you references from both these firms as to my character and ability as an accountant. My present salary is $2,600 a month and I would not care to accept less in another position, but I am willing to start at the same salary, provided there is an opportunity for advancement. Yours faithfully, Wang Lin亲爱的先生:我想申请贵公司的位置作为一个助理会计师。我今年 23 六岁,目前由岛国公司,在那里我一直在为过去两年采用的。从前,我是受雇于环球进出口有限公司,它是近三年。我离开其中任何一个位置的唯一原因将是更好的自己,我觉得有我现在的位置是没有未来的机会。我想成为一个大公司像你,给我提供了充足的机会去学习新的东西。我可以给你从这两个企业作为参考,以我的性格和能力,作为一名会计师。我现在的薪水为$2600 一个月,我不会介意接受低另一个位置,但我愿意开始在同样的薪水,只要有升迁的机会。此致,王林(3)According to some surveys done by the Ministry of Education, there are about 153 million illiterates and semi-illiterates in China. Its illiteracy rate in the western region is much higher than the country's average level and it is as high as 40 percent. The rate for the country's whole population stands at 14 percent. Write an essay of about 120 words, stating your opinion about this issue now confronting China.据一些调查由教育部完成的,大约有 1.53 亿文盲和半文盲在中国。其文盲率在西部地区比全国平均水平高得多,它更是高达 40。房价为国家的总人口已达 14。写一篇约 120 字的文章,说明你对这个问题,现在中国面临的见解。参考范文The task of educating a huge population can be challenging to any country. Though China has shown great concern and done much in education, and in eliminating illiteracy, it still has 153 million illiterate and semi-illiterate citizens, according to some statistics issued by the Ministry of |Education. So, in my opinion, raising China's education level, to a large extent, depends on greater educational achievement in its vast western region and some other backward areas.In the past decade, China has moved to combat illiteracy and promote nine years of compulsory schooling, especially in poor areas and areas inhabited by minorities, and has achieved a great success, but it seems a difficult task in regions where educational opportunities are limited. However, we should set a target that, by 2010, nine-year compulsory schooling should be realized and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged adults should be reduced to the minimum. Only in this way can China raise its national educational level.教育人口众多的任务是很有挑战性的任何国家。虽然中国已经表现出极大的关注和做了很多教育,并在消除文盲,它仍然有 1.53 亿文盲,半文盲的公民,根据教育部颁布的一些统计数据。所以,在我看来,中国提高的教育水平,在很大程度上,取决于更大的教育成果在广大西部地区和其他一些落后的地区。在过去的十年中,中国已经转移到扫盲,促进九年义务教育的学校教育,尤其是贫困地区和少数民族地区,并取得了巨大的成功,但它似乎在地区一项艰巨的任务,其中教育的机会是有限的。但是,我们应该设定,到 2010 年,九年义务教育应该认识到,在青年和中年的成年人文盲率的目标应减少到最低限度。只有这样,才能提高中国的国民教育水平。(4) WritingAn article in a newspaper once said: “As China strives to develop its western area, some effective measures should be taken to improve forestry in the region.“ Write an essay of about 120 words, stating what effective measures should be adopted to improve forestry in the western area.写作在报纸上的一篇文章曾经说过:“随着中国努力发展其西部地区,应采取一些有效措施,改善林业在该地区。”写一篇约 120 字的文章,说明应该怎样采取有效措施,提高林业在西部地区。参考范文Over the past 10 years, China has made much headway in its afforestation and soil conservation. For instance, the national forest acreage has increased by 13.7 million hectares since the fourth national survey on forest resources in 1990. Despite these great achievements, some serious problems still remain to be solved such as how to improve forestry in the western area in the course of its economic development.Forestry build-up in the west is a long-term task. In order to have this goal materialized, I think some concrete and effective measures should be taken immediately. For example, to protect the natural environment of the west, some previously cultivated areas should be returned to forest and grassland. In the course of improving forestry, some strict laws should made and their enforcement must be guaranteed. Those who violate forest protection laws must be severely punished. Only by taking these effective measures can forestry in the western area be improved.在过去的 10 年中,中国在植树造林和水土保持取得了很大进展。例如,全国森林面积已经从对森林资源的第四次全国调查,1990 年尽管有这些伟大的成就增加了 13.7 万公顷,一些严重的问题仍有待解决,如如何提高林业在西部地区在课程其经济发展。林业积聚在西方是一个长期的任务。为了这个目标实现,我认为应立即采取一些切实有效的措施。例如,为了保护西部的自然环境,一些以前耕地面积应返回到森林和草原。在提高林业的过程中,一些严格的法律应作出及其执行必须得到保证。这些谁违反森林保护法必须严惩。只有采取这些有效的措施能够林业西部地区得到改善。|(5) As is known to all, computers are becoming more and more popular in our daily life nowadays, especially in education. Write a short essay of about 120 words, describing how important computers are in education.正如众所周知,计算机正变得越来越流行在我们的日常生活的今天,尤其是在教育。写一篇约 120 词的短文,描述如何重要的计算机在教育。参考范文It has turned out that computers have become quite indispensable to education. With computers, students can do their homework more quickly and more efficiently; with computers, teachers can reduce their work load and improve their teaching. For instance, computers can free teachers from certain kinds of time-consuming bookkeeping; help teachers “bank“ test items, thus greatly reducing the time required to produce a new test, and mark test papers. More importantly, they can analyze test results, indicating to the teacher which points may need further treatment in class. They can also make it possible for a teacher in the classroom to give individual attention to students who are having trouble in their studies. While the rest of a class is working on an educational program, the teacher can take the time to work directly with a student who is falling behind. So it goes without saying that computers are extremely important in education at all levels.它原来,电脑已成为不可或缺的相当的教育。随着电脑,学生可以更迅速,更有效地做好自己的功课;随着计算机,教师可以减少他们的工作负担,提高学生的教学。例如,计算机可以摆脱某些种类耗时簿记的教师;帮助教师“银行”的测试项目,从而大大减少了所需产生一个新的测试时间,并注明试卷。更重要的是,他们可以分析测试结果,指示该点可能需要进一步的治疗老师在课堂上。他们还可以使人们有可能在课堂上老师给予个别关注谁是有在学业上的麻烦的学生。虽然班上的其他同学正在一个教育项目,老师可以采取直接与学生谁是落后的工作时间。因此,不用说,计算机是在各级教育极为重要。(6) Below is a bar graph showing the causes of fire in a city. Look at the graph and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points. 1. bad results caused by fire 2. the causes of fire 3. How to prevent fire?下面是一个条形图,显示在一个城市火灾的原因。请看图,写约 120 字参照以下几点的文章。1.坏的结果引起大火 2.火灾起因 3.如何预防火灾?参考范文Fires and CausesFrom the table, it is clear, fires bring great disasters to us. More and more people are killed and houses including many valuable things are burnt out. Fires are threatening to our lives and wealth.Look at the bar graphs we can see there are mainly three causes of fires. 40% are caused by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away, while 25% are started by the leakage of gas pots and 15% results from the children who play with matches.Fires can be prevented if we take necessary measures. The key measure is to educate people to be careful to make fires, warn the children of the danger of playing with matches. Though we cannot avoid fires completely, we can reduce the fire disasters火灾原因和从表中可以清楚,火灾带来巨大的灾难给我们。越来越多的人被杀害和房屋在内的许多有价值的东西都烧毁了。大火威胁到我们的生活和财富。看看吧图表,我们可以看到主要有火灾的三种原因。 40的被人们随手扔掉的烟头引起的,而 25是由气体罐和谁玩火柴的儿童 15的结果泄漏开始。|火灾可能,如果我们采取必要的措施加以预防。关键的措施是教育人们要小心弄火,警告的玩火柴的危险的孩子们。虽然我们无法避免火灾完全,我们就可以减少火灾灾害(7) Below are two graphs showing the changing of the working hours per week in China from 1980 to 2001 and the changing of working days per week from 1994 until now. Look at the graph and write an essay of about 120 works making reference to the following points: 1. the changing of the working hours per week in China from 1980 to 20012. the changing of working days per week from 1994 until now3. the way the Chinese people use their leisure timeHours worked 19


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