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    .河南专升本改错分类训练一And,but,or,as,than 连接的关联对应结构,要求前后形式一致1. It was kind of him to meet me at the station and drove me to his home. A B C D2. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it, and doing so as frequently as possible. A B C D3. We can sit by the lake enjoying the scenery, or lay on the grass for a rest. A B C D二主谓一致1. Neither he nor his two brothers was responsible for the fire which had caused greatA B C Dlosses to the family.2. Neither of them were in good health, but both worked very hard.A B C D3. That tests can actually give measurement of the languages skills of the students are questioned by A B C many teachers.D4. Every means have been tried but without much success. A B C D5. Suddenly the stones was flying down at us from the sky-they were like rain!A B C D6. Today, I am going to talk about what we should do when an earthquake break out. A B C D 7. Some of the students often wonders why they should study English so hard.A B C D8. Mr. Gilmore is one of those men who appears to be friendly; however, it is very hard to deal with him.A B C D9. They believe businesses in other countries is not as competitive as those in America.A B C D三、非谓语动词1. The professors lecture on grammar was three hours long and Sam felt very boring.A B C D2. Im afraid that I have to stop to talk with you because I have to go to the doctorsA B C Dfor my toothache.3. There was no meeting last Wednesday, he went home to see his parents. A B C D 4. If carefully doing, the experiments will be successful. A B C D 5. He has nothing to say but do what is told to. A B C D6. Supposed he does not come, shall we go without him?.A B C D7. Weather permit,the John sons will hold open-air garden party.A B C D8. After reading the novel he was too exciting to go to sleep that night.A B C D9. Have run out of fuel, the plane crashed to the ground.A B C D10. Nobody can work well if he is distractingA B C D11. The wound soldier made an effort to stand up, but the general stopped him.A B C D 12. It took fifteen minutes for her realize that she had spelled my name incorrectly. A B C D13. Today is September the tenth. Happy Teachers Day to you. Thank you for teach us so well.A B C D14. Having not got enough hands, she had great difficulty in accomplishing the taskA B C D 15. I think it necessary for him finishing the work in time.A B C D16. Sat under the big tree, the old man remembered his childhood. A B C D17. One day Peter, my best friend, asked me to let him to copy my answers.A B C D18. My teacher asked us to study hard, hope all of us can go to key universities. A B C D 19. His English is so poor that he cant make himself understood at all sometimes.A B C D 20. It is no use to learn English without practice. A B C D21. When he found he hadnt enough money to pay for the meal, he was very embarrassing.A B C D22. During the discussion, Mr. Boyd remained silent when asking his opinion.A B C D 23. Have no money but not wanting anyone to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. A B C D24. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate to hear from you sometimes. A B C D四、从句1. I asked him where hed like to go to.A B C D2. There is nothing so admirable as a man whose sacrifices his life and happiness for others.A B C D3. No one knows that the experiment will succeed or not. A B C D4. On the way I met my next-door neighbor, Miss Wang, that was walking her dog. A B C D.5. He often gets high marks in English tests when other students usually get low marks.A C D D6. I believe which I have learned at university has prepared me for my work in the future. A B C D 7. We havent decided if to go swimming or to go fishing.A B C D8. He has no doubt whether he will be admitted to the key university.A B C D9. There are two kinds of computers here, both of them are widely used today. A B C D10. He bought lots of books, none of them he has ever read. A B C D 11. Which really matters is not what you said but what you did.A B C D五、搭配1. The climate here is often said to be similar in that of Japan.A B C D2. Man is superior than the animals and he uses language to convey his thoughts. A B C D3. More and more ,she wanted to communicate for others.A B C D4. The boy called Tom was born in the morning of Mar 2nd, 1990.A B C D 六、形容词/副词1. Japan , after the Second World War, grew into an industrial country rapid.A B C D2. Cars turn into dead weapons when they are driven carelessly.A B C D 3. As usually, when his parents don't like what he wears, they start to bug him.A B C D4. My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird. A B C D5. Dont be nervous or in a hurry. You should always try to remain calm and reasonably.A B C D6. The doctor will get much practice out of me than out of ten ordinary patients. A B C D 7. We consider it very important for teachers to pay more attention to students individual difference.A B C D8. There is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are.A B C D9. Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as more superior to other musicians.A B C D10. The far away we get from the earth, the thinner the air becomes. A B C D11. The weather is not as cold as you think. So I dont think the ice is enough thick to walk on.A B C D.12. Considering that she is a mere child, it is not safe to let her go lonely.A B C D七、强调句 1. It was the bad weather which ruined their plan. A B C D2. It is when you nearly lose someone when you become fully conscious of how much you value them.A B C D3. It was in the classroom which we had class meeting yesterday. A B C D八、时态/ 语态 1. He bought a lot of books, none of them he has ever read. A B C D2. In western countries, teenagers exposed to more drug education, but drug use is still on the side.A B C D 3. Im look forward to hearing good news form you.A B C D4. Her wallet has been stolen from her unlocked car , only because of her carelessness.A B C D5. He is an experienced businessman; he has engaging in foreign trade for a few years. A B C D6. We will hold a sports meeting next Monday if it wont rain.A B C D7. Everything could destroy if he had not called the firemen when the fire broke out. A B C Di13. As long as it will be fine tomorrow, we will go swimming with our classmates. A B C D14. If all goes well, by the time you come back from America, I have got my masters degree.A B C D15. John always gets up very late, and never had enough time for breakfast. A B C D13.九、so VS such 1. It was such interesting a book that both my son and my daughter couldnt put it down. A B C D2. She is so a good teacher that all the students like her.A B C D3. It was so a long journey that we felt very tired when we arrived.A B C D4. She is so a good teacher that all the students like her. A B C D十、倒装1. Not until she got to the classroom she found that she had forgotten to bring her books. A B C D2. No sooner had they reached there then they were ordered to return to London.A B C D3. No sooner he had entered the room than the telephone rang. .A B C D4. I cannot hardly believe it when I saw it with my own eyes. A B C D5. Nowhere in the world you can find a man who is more foolish than John.A B C D十一、冠词1. Jenny is an university student, and she is an honest girl. A B C D2. Lets give the patient the hand. The car is waiting for us outside the school. A B C D3. Of all the Native Americans in the United States, the Navajos form largest group. A B C D4. Finally, there was a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught. A B C D5. She was tall, with big eye and a long black hair which attracted me most. A B C D6. The teacher was very angry because Tom had same answer with me in the test. A B C D7. I like the beautiful garden in the front of the house, but I dont like the house at all.A B C D8. In order to celebrate such important day with my parents, I asked a day off.A B C D9. What a terrible weather we have been waiting!A B C D十二、名词/代词 1. Mr. Black, a good friend of me, likes drawing horses.A B C D2. There is a people in the room but nobody knows who it is.A B C D3. Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade3, but he doesnt work hard.A B C D4. Look! Two hundreds students are watching a football match on the playground. A B C D 5. A house built of brick lasts longer than the one that is made of woods.A B C D6. Tom found that incredible to adapt to the climate so soon where he would settle down.A B C D7. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day. A B C D十三:连词1. Although he is considered a great writer, but his works are not widely read.A B C D2. A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset. A B C D 十四、虚拟语气1. They demanded that the right to vote is given to every adult person.A B C D 2. Its necessary that the paper is checked again before handing in. A B C D3. If we has got up earlier, we would have caught the train. A B C D4. Had I not had my hair cut, I would visit you last night. A B C D 5. Without water and fresh air, human beings cant live on the earth. A B C D 6. Would you bought the dictionary if you had had more money yesterday?A B C D7. It is high time that we take effective measures to improve the current situation.A B C D8. Had he taken my advice, he would succeed.A B C D9. It would save him much trouble if he has known her telephone number.A B C D10. Its highly desirable that a new president is appointed for this college.A B C D十五、特殊考点 1. Dont stay at home. You had better to go out for a walk.A B C D2. You had better to bring enough money with you. A B C D3. Mother asked me if the Blacks were going to move here long before.A B C D 4. He must have stayed up late last night, mustnt he ?A B C D5. Let us go shopping this afternoon together, shall we?A B C D 6. It took years for Einsteins theory to gain acceptably.A B C D7. To stay health, youd better drink more water every day.A B C D8. A mature man is one who is good at turning failure into succeed.A B C D9. Whoever leaves the classroom last should turn up the lights.A B C D11. Only if do you obey the rules can you prevent your eyesight from being short-sighted.A B C D.


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