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    Unit 4 Understanding animalsI. VocabularyPassage 1 When we abuse animals we debase ourselves1. debase: v. to lower in rank, dignity, or significance l Sport is being debased by commercialism.体育运动的价值受商业化的影响而逐渐下降。l You debase yourself by telling such lies.你说这些谎话就降低了身份。2. slaughterhouse: n. a building or place where animals are butchered for food; abattoirl He got work in a slaughterhouse, then switched to a job at leather - processing factory.他先在屠宰场找到了工作, 后来又转到皮革加工厂上班。l Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn Germany.  两个动物权力保护者正在抗议将猪送到德国波恩的一个屠宰。3. make the rounds1) (of information, rumor, etc) to be passed around, so as to be generally known; to be reported or told; circulatel The news quickly made the rounds.  消息很快就传了开来。2) to go from one place to another, as in making deliveries, paying social visits, or seeking employmentl The guards caught a thief while making the rounds in the department store.  警卫在百货商店巡逻时,抓到一个小偷。4. take to heart:to take / regard seriously; be upset aboutl Still, there were some red flags and lessons that we should all take to heart.尽管如此, 还是有一些我们应该牢记在心的警示和教训。l Don't take to heart what happened just now.  方才的事你不要放在心上。5. degrade:v. to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contemptl Do you think it degrades a woman to marry a man, not because she loves him, but because he is rich?   一个女人嫁给一个男人,不是因为爱他,而是因为他有钱。你觉得她是堕落吗?l He was degraded for being drunk and disorderly.他因酗酒和妨碍治安而受到降级处分。6. bully 1) n. a person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker peoplel The bully whacked my brother with a stick.那恶棍用棒头狠揍我兄弟。2) v. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidatel The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.经理企图以解雇来威胁,迫使职工更卖力气。7. demoralize 1) v. to corrupt or undermine the morals ofl Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody. 频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。2)v. to weaken the courage or self-confidence of somebody l Each attack is designed to demoralize our people and divide us from one another.每一起袭击事件都妄想摧毁我们的士气,在我们中间制造隔阂。8. to ride roughshod over:to treat harshly; to act with complete disregard forl These laws allow the security forces to continue to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people.这些法律允许安全部队继续践踏人权。l Tom seems to ride roughshod over the friends. 汤姆对待自己的朋友好像总是盛气凌人。9. meek:a. spineless or spiritless; compliantl His wife is a very meek woman, like clay in the hands of the potter.  他的妻子是一个很柔和的女人,百依百顺。l Maidens should/ must be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak.  少女应该温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。10. commission:n. the act of committing a crimel The prisoner pleaded that he was drawn in to the commission of the crime.囚犯辩解说他是受人引诱而犯罪的。l If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.l 如果使用枪支进行犯罪,就应该受到额外的惩罚。11. catch up (in):to become involved or entangled withl We were so caught up in the movie that we forgot what time it was.我们被那电影吸引住了, 简直忘了时间。12. transcend:v. go beyond; overpassl The scene is so beautiful that it transcends my powers of description.   这风景之美非我的笔墨所能描绘。l His latest symphony transcends anything he has ever composed before.   他最近的一首交响曲胜过他过去所有的作品。13. immune:a. (usually followed by to') not affected by a given influence; secure against;l We are not immune to the influences around us.我们不能不受周围环境的影响。l Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.   由于是独子,那个年轻人免于服兵役。14. vandalize: v. to damage on purposel The phone box was vandalized by a gang of youths.那电话亭被一群少年歹徒故意破坏了。l Some young heathen has vandalized the bus shelter.有几个坏小子故意损坏了公共汽车候车亭。15. abound: v. to occur or exist in great quantities or numbersl The countryside abounds in wild life of every kind.乡间有各种野生生物。l Questions abound as to the reasons for the president's decision.关于总裁作出这一决定的理由,人们提出了各种各样的疑问。16. discipline: v. punishment inflicted by way of correction and trainingl The boy was often disciplined for staying away from school.   那孩子常因为逃学而受到处罚。l She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness.   她有条不紊,一定受过良好的训练。17. inexplicably: ad. not able to be disentangledl His wartime experiences were inexplicably absent from the diaries. 他的战时经历莫名其妙地从日记中缺失了。l  Living in bustling cities, people often feelinexplicably depressed.  生活在都市的喧嚣之中,人们常常感到莫名的压抑。18. incompatible: a. incapable of living or existing together in peace or harmony; conflictingl Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatiblecomputer systems. 由于计算机系统不兼容,许多机构通过人工方式进行信息交换。l Those two are temperamentally incompatible.  他们两人脾气不对头。19. outgrow: v. grow too large or too mature forl Johnny has outgrow the fear of staying at home alone.约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。l Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit.  凡是患有梦游症的儿童长大以后通常都能改掉梦游的习惯。Passage 2 Jane Goodall Embraces a Broader Mission1. embrace:v. take (a person, etc) into one's arms as a sign of affection; (fml ) accept or take (an idea, etc) willinglyl She embraced her son before leaving.她在离开前拥抱着儿子。l embrace an offer, opportunity欣然接受提议 把握机会2. mission:n.  (work done by a) group of people sent abroad, esp on political or commercial business; building or settlement where the work of such a mission is done, esp among poor peoplel The delegation completed its mission successfully.代表团圆满地完成了任务.l The doctor works at the mission. 那医生在贫民教区工作.3. attain: v.  succeed in getting (sth); achievel attain a position of power 获得权位 l attain one's goal, objective, ambition, etc 实现目的 目标 抱负等 attainable a. that can be attained l These objectives are certainly attainable. 这些目标一定可以达到。attainment n. success in reachingl The attainment of her ambitions was still a dream. 她要实现抱负仍是一种梦想.4. jungle: n.  area of land, usu in a tropical country, that is covered with a thick growth of trees and tangled plantsl The new road was hacked out of the jungle. 这条新路是在丛林地带辟出的。l (idm 习语) the law of the jungle 丛林法则; 弱肉强食.5. empower:v. (esp passive)  (fml) give lawful power or authority (to sb) to actl The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street. 新法令授予警方可在街上截停任何人的权力. l The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills. 已授权给律师偿付她的一切帐项.6. forge: v.  (fig) create (usu a lasting relationship) by means of much hard work; make an imitation or copy of (sth) in order to deceive peoplel a friendship forged by adversity 患难中建立起来的友谊l forge a banknote, will, signature, etc 伪造钞票 遗嘱 签字等7. prompt1)  a. (of a person) acting without delay (in doing sth/to do sth)l She was very prompt in answering my letter. 她给我写回信非常及时. l They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应.2) v. cause or incite (sb) to do sthl What prompted him to be so generous? 是什麽原因使得他如此 大方呢? l The accident prompted her to renew her insurance. 这一事故促使她为投保续期. 8. session: n. meeting or series of meetings of a parliament, lawcourt, etc for discussing or deciding sthl the morning session of the Crown Court 英国地方刑事法庭的上午开庭 l the next session of arms negotiations 军备谈判的下一届会议 9. estimate1) n.  judgement or calculation of the approximate size, cost, value, etc of sthl I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you will need. 我可大略估算一下你需要多少砖。l This is an outside estimate of the price. 这是最高的估价。 2) v.   sth (at sth) form an approximate idea of sth; calculate roughly the cost, size, value, etc of sthl We estimated his income at/to be about 8000 a year. 我们估计他一年的收入大约8000英镑. l She estimated that the work would take three months. 她估计这项工作需要三个月. 10. harmony: n.  agreement (of feelings, interests, opinions, etc); (instance of a) pleasing combination of related thingsl working towards harmony in international affairs 致力使国际事务协调一致l the harmony of colour in nature 自然界色彩的协调 l The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture. 设计者的目标是要使外观与材料的特性两者统一起来. (idm) in harmony (with sb/sth): agreeing; matching l live together in perfect harmonyl His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好与我的相同.II. Useful expressionsPassage 11. abuse animals虐待动物2. make the rounds (on) (在)广泛流传,在坊间广为流传3. take to heart将记在心上,在意; 铭记4. ride roughshod over 欺凌,蹂躏; 骑在头上5. inhuman acts不人道行为6. be caught up in沉湎于7. be immune to 对免疫; 不受感染; 不受影响的8. establish a platform搭建一个平台9. speak out against公然反对,大胆抗议10. inextricably woven together紧密交织在一起;密不可分11. have yet to do. Sth还未, 尚未12. our commonly held qualities我们所共有的品质13. be composed of由构成14. What matters is that 关键是;重要的是15. blend sth. into sth. 将混合成16. Golden Rule金科玉律, 黄金法则Passage 21. feel overwhelmed 感觉不知所措2. forge a partnership with 建立伙伴关系3. make the shift 进行转变4. have a session on conservation 举行了一次有关环境保护的会议5. the closest estimate 最为精确的估算 6. the unsustainable lifestyles 不可持续发展的生活方式7. live in peace and harmony with each other 和谐共处8. in a repressive regime 在强权政治体制中9. get jailed 锒铛入狱10. be killed in the name of justice 为正义而献身11. make a difference 有影响,起作用;有所作为 12. impact the planet in one way or another 以某种方式影响地球13. at odds with与不和/有矛盾/意见不一


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