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    |7AU4 My day【知识点】1. wake up 醒来, 叫醒把我叫醒 wake me up Dont wake up the baby. He will cry.不要叫醒那个婴儿,他要哭的。2. Is it time for breakfast? 早餐时间到了吗? Its time for sth.= Its time to do sth. 做的时间到了。Eg 上课时间到了。Its time to have classes. = Its time for class. Its time for sb. to do sth. 某人该干某事了。Eg 我们该吃晚饭了。Its time for us to have supper. 3. Shall we go walking in the hills? 我们去山上散步,好吗?Shall we + do ? (=Lets do sth, shall we?) 是一个表示提出建议的句型(=What about doing sth?= How about doing sth?=Why not do sth?=Why dont you do sth?)Eg Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow? Eg Shall we play basketball this afternoon?go shopping/swimming/running/fishing4. seldom 很少,不常 (adv ) Tom seldom goes to school.never 从不,绝不 我上学从不迟到。Im never late for school. be late forusually adv. 通常,经常 I usually get up at six thirty ( half past six ).5. after breakfast 早饭后下课后 / 放学后/午饭后 / 晚饭后 after class / school /lunch / supper他们每天放学后常常在操场上踢一小时足球。 They often play football in the playground for an hour after school every day. 6. need vt. 需要 need sth/ need to do sth|她需要一双新鞋。 She needs a new pair of shoes.我需要好好休息。I need a good rest(=I need to have a good rest).7. rest n. 休息 你想休息一下吗? Do you want to have a rest? need a good rest8. know how to have fun 知道如何找乐(疑问词+ 动词不定式)知道如何做一个好孩子 know how to be a good child知道如何打网球 know how to play tennis 他只有 5 岁,但他知道如何照顾他生病的妈妈。Hes only five years old, but he knows how to look after his sick mum.9. exercise n. for B. too much; forC. many too; to D. much too; to .( )5. It's seven o'clock It's time for Millie to get up. Let's _.A. wake up her B. wake her upC. wake up him D. wake him up( )6. We usually have a class meeting _ Wednesday afternoonA. in B. / C. on D. at( )7. They usually chat _ each other_ play football _class.A to; or; in B. with; or; afterC. with; or; in D. to; or; after( )8. - _ do you have this kind of match? - Once a year.A. How long B. How farC. How often D. How many ( )9. - Give me some oranges, please. -. _.A. Here you are B. That's all rightC. That's good D. It's here( )10. - Do you do morning exercises?- Yes, _. I want to keep healthy.|A. always B. never C. seldom D. some times( )11. - What time do you usually get up in the morning?-_ six o'clockA. On B. For C. In D. At( )12. - We will have a school trip next week. -_.A. Have a good time B. We willC. I'm happy to hear it D. Don't forget it( )13. - Mrs Li is very popular among the students.- Yes. Her classes are_ lively and interesting.A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never( )14. New York and Washington DC are good places to visit _May or October.A. from B. at C. in D. on( )15. English people_ use Mr before a man's first name(名).A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes( )16. Can the boy answer the question?No, he is _ six years old.A. too B. really C. just D. also( )17. We do exercises twice a day at school.Thats great. Its good _ you.A. at B. for C. to D. with( )18. Jack looks sad this morning. Do you know the _?His dog gets ill. It makes him sad.A. subject B. question C. lesson D. reason( )19. I will go on a trip to Huangshan tomorrow.|Oh, _ you a good trip!A. hope B. want C. wish D. take( )20. _ we go fishing tomorrow afternoon?Sounds great, but Ill ask my mother first.A. Do B. Does C. Shall D. AreKey|


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