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    养育者第三季第五集哪位我是凶手-Who is it? - It's a murderer.我扛着大枪来谋杀你们I've come to murder you both with a big gun.谢天谢地上来吧Thank Christ for that. Come up.早上好来点高级咖啡吗Morning. Posh coffees?看来一切一定尽在你掌握Wowzers. You certainly look like you're on top of everything. 那当然 我们要挽救这家公♥司♥达伦I bloody am. We're gonna save this company, Darren.我保证完全赞同-Guaranteed. - All aboard!你邮件里发的宣传提案The pitch proposal you emailed me,我不能完全看懂但看起来很棒I don't fully understand it, but it looks superb.是啊我对这个提案非常有信心Yeah, I'm feeling incredibly positive about this.很抱歉我在资金方面无能为力I'm only sorry there's nothing I can do, you know, financially.我所有一切现在都在我母亲名下Everything I've got now is in my mother's name.-是啊你说过这很复杂-Yeah, right. No, yeah, you said. - It*s complicated.因为税收原因 我妈变成了公♥司♥Mum's a company for tax reasons,所以有时我必须在信里称呼她为so sometimes I have to refer to her as"财产解决方案有限公♥司♥""Property Solutions, Limited" In letters.是啊有次我还不小心写在了生日贺卡上-Yeah. - And once accidentally in a birthday card.你下午要去见银行经理吗Oh, it's bank manager afternoon, isn't it?祝你好运你考虑清楚-Good luck. - Oh; have you thought any more about要不要办生日派对了吗因为妈妈现在和我不是同一个状态Well, fcause Mumrs in a different headspace at the moment.她很有进取心She's all sort of. go-getting.我觉得她不想听我说这些Don*t think she wants to hear this.但我觉得你应该会懂But L yeah, I. I thought you'd get it.我确实懂很好-1 do get it. - Good.晚饭大概一小时后就好Right, dinner in about an hour?-好的-好-Great. - Cool.谢谢爸爸谢谢儿子-Thanks, Dad. - Thanks, mate.等一下我来开Ah, one sec. I'll get it.你好保罗Oh, hi, Paul.我帮你拿快递了L uh, I took in a parcel for you.好啊谢谢卡尔Great. Thanks, Carl. Cheers.其实我自己也在等快递Yeah, I was waiting for something myself, actually.跟你一样也是亚马逊的快递Similarly from Amazon.差不多的大小-是吗-Same sort of size. - Right.是啊我刚开始的时候还很疑惑快递员说Yeah, I was quite nonplussed at first when they said, uh,”你能把这个给隔壁吗” 是吗-"Can you take this in for next door?" - Right.我说”为什么他们要拿这个”I said, nWell, why would they want it?"然后我就明白了Then it clicked.虽然只是一小会但大脑真的太有意思了Just a matter of seconds, but it is funny what your brain does. 大脑真的挺有意思It is funny what your brain does.好非常感谢卡尔Okay. Thanks very much, Carl.-要开派对-是啊-Oh, uh, party? - Yep. Yeah.我们就是We're just, um.在为艾娃几天后的生日做准备prepping for Ava's birthday in a couple of days.我应该知道这是什么气球I think that's what this is, actually. Balloons.挺好-是啊-Nice. - Ah. Yeah. Yeah.-好再次感谢-不客气-Okay. Thanks again. - Yeah, no problem.-我天啊-Oh, I- - Oh, boy.很乐意帮你拿快递I'm always happy to take in a parcel for you.一是吗-除非是台大钢琴-Are you? - Unless it's a grand piano.是啊 但就算你买♥♥了钢琴Yeah. You know, but even then,我家后面有个门廊所以I do have a porch out in the back, so.-我得去谢谢你-好的-Listen, fve got- Thank you. - Yep.谢谢谢谢Thanks. Cheers.嘿大伙儿气球来了Hey up, everyone. Balloons!我在想我戒烟了还能把这些气球吹起来吗Wonder if I can blow these up now that I'm a nonsmoker.我以前都吹不起来试试看-1 never could before. - Give it a go.我来试一下往后退Fil give it a go. Stand back.加油啊你的肺Oh, come on, lungs.太难rThat's hard.吹啊Blow.吹啊吹啊吹啊Blow, blow, blow,吹啊吹啊吹啊吹啊blow, blow, blow, blow.还不错吧太棒了-That's not bad, is it? - Yay!要还是卡尔的话我就要去申请限制令了If that's fucking Carl, I'm gonna get a restraining order.嗨你好我们是格蕾丝的父母Hi. Hello. We're Grace's parents.对当然你们好Oh, yes, of course. Of course. Hello again.我们要接格蕾丝回家 家里出事了We need to take Grace home. Something terrible has happened. 不是吧Oh, no.今天早些时候格蕾丝的堂哥伊森去世了We lost Grace's cousin Ethan earlier today.高速上出了交通事故There was an accident on the motorway.天啊真遗憾Oh, my God. Tm so sorry.进来吧格蕾丝就在楼上Uh, come in. Grace is just upstairs.艾娃当然马上想取消生日会Ava immediately wanted to cancel, of course,不过后来格蕾丝给她发信息说她必须but then Grace messaged her and said that she had to继续举办生日会这并没有不敬go ahead with the party- it wasnrt disrespectful.不会她就见过那个堂哥一次吧No, she'd met this cousin, what, like once?-就一次是啊他们家肯定都崩溃了-Once. Yeah. - Yeah. The family were devastated, of course.格蕾丝很好 她让艾娃不用取消生日会But good for Grace, she said Ava shouldn't cancel.-太惨了那个堂哥多大了 -二十几岁-Tragic. How old was the cousin? - Mid-twenties.话说回来这个味道很棒This is all fantastic, by the way.-真的很好吃都是亚历克斯做的-Really delicious. - Its all Alex's doing.莉亚是个出色的副厨Leah is an excellent sous chef.我磨了点奶酪然后坐在客厅里喝杜松子酒I grate a bit of cheese, then drink gin in the sitting room.保罗你工作怎么样How's work treating you, Paul?那个Oh, well.不是特别顺利亚历克斯Not incredibly tenderly, Alex.-老实说是这样-怎么了-If Tm honest. - Oh?其实还好就是I mean, it's fine. Uh.我本来可以升职海伦原来的职位Well, I was up for a promotion. It was Helen's old job.那个年轻的剑桥女孩The young Cambridge girl?是的保罗没得到那个职位-Yeah. - Paul didn't get the job因为董事会没有远见就跟because the board of trustees don't have any vision, like.跟那该死的银行一样like the bloody banks.还是没融到资吗Still no joy raising capital?还没但是我不会放弃的Um, no, but I am not giving up.过去这几天我们一直很严肃地在讨论We've been having a big discussion over the last few days.我和你母亲对你非常有信心爰丽Your mother and I have great faith in you, Ally,我们做了一个决定and we've made a decision.在英国55岁以上可释放房♥屋资产取现我们俩都打算释放房♥产资产We're both prepared to release the equity on our houses 然后换成现金给你in order to give you the capital你就有钱救公♥司♥Tyou need to rescue your business.你需要钱我们You need access to cash, and.我们可以给你we can. provide it.我们知道你的事业一定能成功And we know you're gonna make a big success of the business. 到时候你再还给我们And you'll be able to pay us back.亲爰的-嗨亲爰的-Darling. - Hey. Hon. Honey.对不起对不起我只是I'm so sor- I'm sorry, fm just g- I'm just.-宝贝-对不起-Babe. - Sorry.她太感动了She's overwhelmed.我也是你们真是太慷慨了So am I. That's incredibly generous of you.那么敬你们二位 谢谢你们Well, wow. Here's to both of you. Thank you.-干杯-干杯-Cheers. - Cheers.你一路哭回来没停过You didn't stop crying all the way home.那不是幸福的泪水对吧This isnrt happy crying, is it?我做不到保罗I can't do it, Paul.妈妈和亚历克斯说要给我钱的那一刻The moment Mum and Alex offered me the money,我立刻就意识到了 意识到什么-1 knew in a second. - Knew what?我救不了公♥司♥我肯定不行I can't save this business. Of course I fucking can't.我怎么救得了公♥司♥How am I meant to save this business?你不是有个提案吗You've got a pitch document.那是墙上的大饼 乐观的想法Oh, it's pie in the sky, positive thinking,一线希望而已silver linings bullshit.完全不切实际It makes no real sense.达伦是个无可救药的蠢货他都不懂And Darren is a hopeless twerp, so he's got no idea.他只是对我会用表格印象深刻He's just impressed that I can use Excel.我也是内心深处我知道-So am I. -1 mean, deep down I knew没人会给我们那么大一笔钱that no one was ever gonna give us that amount.之前我们的亏损如此严重Not after the way we collapsed.我只是假装只要我有足够的资金So, I was safe pretending that I could save the business我就能救公♥司♥if I just had enough fucking cash.所以你觉得你没方法还钱给你妈和亚历克斯So, you don't think you'd be able to pay your mum and Alex back?当然还不起No, of course not.那是他们仅有的财产And it*s everything they have in the world.我付不起赔光的责任I cannot be responsible for losing that.那So.接下来怎么办What's next?我不知道I donrt know.我真的不知道I genuinely don't know.你知道我买♥♥不到合适的激素药Ah, you know how fucked everything is with my health我的身体状况有多糟糕because I can*t get my proper HRT,你也知道艾娃的事我处理得很不好and you know how bad things are with Ava.我就是接受不了I just. I couldn't bear to accept 我这么热爱这份工作过去这十年 that this job that I love, that I have devoted myself to 我投入那么多现在却要结束了 for the last ten years, was over.但是这是真的But. it is.我存在的意义是什么保罗Oh, what is the point of me, Paul?爱丽告诉我我存在的意义是什么-Ally. - Please, tell me. What is the point of me? 别这样Stop that.好了All right.但是Uh, but.听着我想给这个非凡的组织Look, I wanna bring something new and useful带来点新的有用的东西to this phenomenal organization.但是现在But for now,我只想观察学习一下看看你们是怎么做的I just wanna watch and learn. See how you guys operate. 我的卡放在国王手臂酒吧后面Oh, and my card is behind the bar at the King*s Arms. 如果你们下班了愿意过来 if you'd care to join me after work.-你们有人喝酒吗喝啊-Do any ofyou guys drink? - Yeah.那我们今晚酒吧见好吗Then I will see you there tonight. Okay?谢谢太好了布兰登-谢谢-Thank you. Cheers, Brandon. - Thanks, man. Thank you. 再见Cheers.保罗有什么事吗Paul! What can I do for you?我刚刚好像听到你提到“西雅图建议”Um, did I hear you mention the Seattle Initiative just then?是的你知道那个啊Yeah. You know it?是的就是把持刀犯罪受害者的真实故事Yeah. It's the thing where you print true stories印在炸鸡店盒子的盖子上of knife-crime victims on the lids of chicken-shop boxes还有汉堡包装纸上等等and inside burger wrappers, or.这会给受众带来很大的冲击我想试试It hits the demographic hard. I want us to try it.因为恕我直言'Cause with respect,布兰登我不喜欢这个提议Brandon, I don't like it.我觉得这是搞噱头I think it's gimmicky.还有些冒犯而且老实说有点阶级歧视It's a bit offensive and, frankly, ciassist.我们有政策我知道你们的政策-See, we have a policy. -1 know your policy.这个政策已经15年没变了You've had the same policy for 15 years.是的那是因为它有效Yeah, 'cause it works.我是说这个政策是代价最小的I mean, okay, it's the thing that fails least.我们投资社区工程青年服务We invest in community projects, youth services.也恕我直言保罗这种做法已经过时了With equal respect, Paul, I think that's a tired approach.好吧布兰登Okay. Brandon, again,再次恕我直言这没有过时with respect it's not tired.或许是有些无趣It might be boring, sure.但是能够带来改变能拯救生命But it makes a difference. It saves lives.我尊重这个组织保罗I admire much about this organization, Paul,但是关于持刀犯罪的政策已经奄奄一息了but its knife-crime policies are moribund.天哪“奄奄一息”Oh, boy. I - "Moribund'?没错 我想让大家用那些资金去试一下Yeah. Td like us to use that money to trial西雅图建议the Seattle Initiative.-我不想这样做-看出来了-Well, I don't want us to. -1 am getting that.那要不我们就解除你的政策管理工作So, maybe we take you off this area of policy.不不你肯定不能把我解除了No. no, obviously you can't take me off.我已经负责持刀犯罪政策很多年了I've - I've been on the knife-crime policy for years.这就是我想说的That is my point, man.我们需要改变不用这方面我很擅长-1 think we need change. - No, we don't. Tm good at this.是吗你已经错过多少次晋升了保罗Really? How many times you been passed up for promotion, Paul?去你的你个垃圾别那么跟我讲话Fuck you, shithouse. Don't talk to me like that.抱歉我很抱歉Sorry. Yeah, I'm - Yeah, I'm sorry.要不我们各退一步Let's maybe both take a step back.不是布兰登我之前还不确定Yeah, no, look it's. Brandon, I didn*t know我是否对这份工作还抱有热情if I really felt passionately about this job anymore.结果看来我还是有的And it turns out, actually, that I do.我很抱歉布兰登我刚刚失控了So, I-fm sorry, Brandon. I lost it for a second.行了我还有些别的事要做 保罗Okay. I need to get some things done now, Paul, so.那好吧Sure. Yeah.多点糖多点巧克力多点可乐Right. More sweets, more chocolate, more Cokes.我就像个反面的牙仙I'm like the inverse Tooth Fairy.你来客人了You got visitors.我们来早了是吗We're early, aren't we?早了 90分钟Ninety minutes, yeah.即使以你的标准来看也早太多了That's going some, even by your standards.我们不想迟到We didn't wanna get here late.要坐两趟巴士There's two buses.听着我再次抱歉Hey, look, I'm - I'm sorry again我无法支付额外的租金about not being able to stump up the extra rent.那个你不用担忧保罗Oh, don't worry about that, Paul.我们在我们的小公♥寓♥里挺好的We're all right in our little flat.很温暖炊具也能用还有卫生间It's warm, the cooker works, there's a toilet.天哪妈妈要求别那么低Jesus, Mum, don't just settle for that.纵观全世界我们可谓是奢侈生活了Compared to most of the world, we live in the lap of luxury. 人得知足常乐You need to count your blessings.现在他们都说查明你的特权”Check your privilege, they say now.-和知足常乐是一个意思吗-我觉得是的-Is that the same as counting your blessings? -1 think so.只是后者要求你还要感到一丝愧疚Just you're meant to feel a bit more guilty.我去开门ril get it.布兰登向我和人力提出了正式的投诉whether you want a party for your birthday?嗯没关系我不想办派对Yeah, Tm fine. I don*t want one.拜托派对一定很棒Oh, come on. It would be great.11岁只有一次You're only 11 once.除非你信佛佛教♥徒♥会经历几次轮回unless you're a Buddhist. They clock up a few.我真的不喜欢成为关注的焦点I don't really enjoy being the center of attention.但你值得被关注拜托艾娃But you deserve to be. Come on, Ava.抓住生活的什么来着蛋蛋-Grab life by the- well, what is it? - Ballbag.后颈抱歉-Scruff of the neck. - Sorry.继承你母亲惊人的正能量And tap into your mother's amazing positive energy.好吧没问题Yeah. Okay. Sure.我会办生日派对 不过是小型派对Ill have a birthday party. But a small one.超小型的我们只邀请原子参加Minuscule. We*ll only invite atoms.好了你能帮我把这些放在一起吗Right. Can you just put those together for me, please?帮我们拎东西不会伤到你的背吧You won't have hurt your back lugging our shopping, would you? 不不会我最近乖乖去健身房♥了No, no. No, Tm being good about going to the gym.健身很有用It's really helping.而且我戒烟了And I've stopped smoking.真是好消息Oh, that's good news.谢谢你帮我们买♥♥东西保罗Thanks for gettin' all that, Paul.有时候我感觉我们好像被关在这At times, it feels like we're housebound up here.Brandon's lodged an official complaint with me and HR指控你使用辱骂性攻击性accusing you of using foul, aggressive,还有冒犯性的语言几乎算是职场欺凌了and offensive language that borders on workplace bullying.他说辱骂性”这个老古董说辱骂性”吗He said "foul"? Captain-fucking-Moribund said "fbulj did he?再说他是老板我怎么可能欺凌我老板Anyway, he's my boss. How can I bully my boss?我来这儿是因为不用多说I came round because it goes without saying we'd rather如果可以私底下解决这个投诉最好resolve this grievance informally, if possible,-防止停职处理-停职-and avoid suspension or. - Suspension?如果你能在你的立场上Now, obviously there'd be procedural fairness得到充分支持的话with you being fully supported是有公平的程序可走的保罗in putting your side of events, Paul. Hmm.但我俩私下说But between us, mate.如果布兰登对你指控无误的话if Brandon's right about what you said.不对我是叫他垃圾No, I called him a shithouse.因为他当时真的很垃圾'Cause he was being a shithouse.我又没叫他傻♥逼♥Anyway, it*s not like I called him a cunt.抱歉Sorry.好吧我需要这份工作纳迪娅Okay. I need to stay in this job, Nadia.告诉我我应该怎么做Tell me what I have to do.如果私下解决布兰登想要你口头抱歉To resolve this informally, Brandon wants a spoken apology, 在工作的时候我也要在场at work, with me present;你要成认你的恐吓和欺凌行为where you admit to threatening and bullying behavior.不可能去他的滚去月球上吧Well, no, I mean he can fuck himself to the moon.真的滚去月球上吧I mean really, to the moon.好吧Okay.我理解I understand, yeah.考虑一下吧保罗Think about it, Paul.好吗晚点跟我联♥系♥Okay? Call me later.好的抱歉.Yeah. Sorry, it's.嗯Yeah.爱丽不想要这个钱 对吗保罗Ally doesn't want the money, Paul. Is that right?是的Yeah.这有点复杂但是Ifs complicated, but, um.她她真的.She - you know, she really, uh.她真的很感激你们的帮助she really appreciates the offer.你得成为她的支柱啊保罗You're gonna have to be her rock, Paul.不好意思听起来像在说“潮水潭”Sorry, that sounded like "rock pool." Ah.认真的保罗你要成为她的支柱I meant, Paul, you're gonna have to be her rock.没事我懂No, I - understood, yeah.我会尽我所能照顾她的PH be as rocky as I can be.抱歉我先过去下Uh, excuse me.一切都还顺利吧Hey. Its going well, isn*t it?看起来挺顺利的Well, it looks like it. Yeah.能说服她举办个派对真不错Well done. for persuading her to have a party.我觉得她会很开心的希望如此-1 think shell be really glad of it. - Oh, I hope so.做一些对的事还真能扭转局面呢Doing something right would make a change, heh.所以现在应该不是我失业的好时机吧So now would be a bad time for me to lose my job, wouldn't it?什么你也要失业了吗-不不-What? You're losing your job, too? - No, no, no, no. Its- 就是 公♥司♥来了个新人Ifs- there's a new guy at work.-查德吗-布兰登-Chad? - Brandon.他有点-不不行-And he's being a bit. - No, no.你现在不能辞职You cannot resign now.不行我们会颗粒无收的No, werd have nothing coming in.我知道我不会的No, I know. I won't.-他干什么了这个布拉德-查德-What*s he been doing, this Brad? - Chad.是布兰登-布兰登 对-Brandon. - Brandon. Yeah, um.他就是有点说不好He's just a bit. I don't know.就没什么没事没事It's. Nothing. It's fine. Itfs fine.各位小朋友数到三Right, you lot, after three,我们一起唱生日快乐we're gonna sing "Happy Birthd


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