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    圣诞晚会讲话稿范文(英文版)Good evening everyone!“Good evening!”Are you having a good time?“Yes”No, I can tell that you are not having a good time, but having a great time!Our annual holiday events are just getting better and better: more people are attending year after year; this years venue is the best; the settings are fantastic; and the energy level on the floor is so higher, no wonder everyone is smiling and delightful.We all know that it takes a lot of efforts and time to organize such a party, our Social Committee members worked hard for this, so please put your hands together, a big thank you to the social committee.While you are sitting, relaxing, and enjoying your chatting, I feel a lot of pressure. Yes, Pressure, stress.The pressure is not coming from work, is not coming for standing in front of the crowd, it is coming from what I was told last week.A few days ago, the Social Committee told me that they want me to lead a line dance again this year, and to make it our year end gathering tradition.“What?” I said, “I am aging, plus, I do not have the talents and skills to lead line dancing anymore”.So that is why I feel stressed.But this year, I promised them to do it again, and the main reason was that I was inspired by your enthusiasm, and by your participation.About one month ago, some of you booked rooms in this hotel for tonight. How many of you will stay overnight here today?1,2,3,4,5,6,. Wow, good for you!So for those of you, our event is just the beginning of your overnight party! You deserve it! How many bottles of whisky are you going to drink? If you got too drunk, call me, because I know how to recover from it. But I am not going to tell you now, otherwise, many of you may try whisky and get drunk at home which I do not recommend.Everyone looks sharp tonight. But there is one sparkling spot that really, really, grabs my attention. You guess what it is?Our MC Andy told me that he was looking forward to tonight since last December, and recently, he said: he looks at his fashionable white shoes, polishes it very day. So Andy, please show us your shining shoes. Thank you.Also, some social committee members started to have vacation since last week, I asked them what did they plan for their holidays? Guess what? They said: they planned nothing but bake for this event! So just look around, those delicious deserts, thank you.Ok, I have said enough. Lets talk about line dance.I have selected a Chinese song called “一晃就老了” , first, please follow me, say it: 一.晃.就 .老. 了.。It means that “getting old like a sway”.We all are not old at all, and we all are able to sway, so please come to the dancing floor, follow my steps and sway!(after dance)You guys are genius, you follow the music gracefully and beautifully, and you learn to sway on the spot.Thank you and enjoy the night!


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