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    book1 unit 4 earthquake公开课课件(最终使用).ppt

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    book1 unit 4 earthquake公开课课件(最终使用).ppt

    Unit 4,Warming up and reading,Earthquakes,fire,Natural Disasters,flood,typhoon 台风,typhoon,tornado, hurricane飓风,volcano (火山),sandstorm 沙尘暴,tsunami(海啸),earthquake,How much do you know about an earthquake?,Many people died,People lost their homes,Many things were destroyed.,Why does an earthquake happen?,Pacific plate,American plate,Eurasian plate,Indian plate,African plate,Antarctic plate,San Francisco,Paragraph 4,Pacific plate,North,South,West,East,American plate,Earthquake Happens,2. What strange things would happen before an earthquake?,What strange things would happen before an earthquake?,Bright lights flash in the sky,Animals are too nervous to sleep, such as cats, dogs, chickens, horses, ducks and rabbits, etc.,Unit4,A night the earth didn't sleep!,Tangshan,Tangshan, Hebei,July 28th, 1976,Tangshan, Hebei,July, 28th, 1976,When did the earthquake happen?,How many people were killed and injured during the quake?,How many buildings were destroyed?,How many soliders were sent to help the rescue workers?,Fast-reading,at about 3:00 am, July 28th, 1976 (Line 5),more than 400,000 (Line 17),all, 75%, 90% (Line 19),150,000 soldiers (Line 29),(3 minutes),Paragraph_: before the quakeParagraph_: during the quakeParagraph_: after the quake,We can divide the passage into three parts:,1,2-3,4,Detailed reading,Paragraph 1:,Listen to the tape. While listening, write down the things that happen before an earthquake. After listening, put up your hands quickly and tell me your answers. If you can do it quickly and correctly, your group will get one point. Come on!,1._ will rise and fall.2._ have cracks.3._ and _ will be too nervous to eat.4._ will run out of the fields.5._ will jump out of the bowls or ponds.6._ were in the sky.,Before the earthquake,Water,The well walls,Chickens,pigs,Mice,Fish,Bright lights,(5 minutes),Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3:,Read the two paragraphs carefully, and answer the True(T) or False(F) questions. Each group should also compete with each other.,1.People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.2.Two-thirds of people died in this earthquake.3.Tens of thousands of cows would give milk again after the earthquake.4. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during another quake.5. People tried to get fresh water in the wells.,(T),(F),(F),(T),(F),In the earthquake,(10 minutes, correct the sentence if it is false),Paragraph 4:,After the earthquake,Listen to the tape and then fill in the blanks:,Soldiers were sent to dig out those trapped and _ the dead; People built_ for the homeless and _ was taken to the city.,to bury,shelters,fresh water,(5 minutes),Summary:,_ happened in Tang Shan. For a few days, water in the wells _. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. At 3:00 am, everything began to shake. The city lay _. Two-thirds of the people _ or were_. Then later that afternoon, another big quake _ Tang Shan. _ came to help the rescue workers._ were built and _ was taken to the city. Slowly, the city began to breathe.,nervous, died, injured, Strange things, rose and fell, shook, The army, Shelters, fresh water, in ruins,Strange things,nervous,in ruins,died,injured,shook,The army,Shelters,fresh water,rose and fell,(3 minutes),Discussion:,Work in groups and then share with us your ideas,How to help the sufferers?,If I was on the spot(在现场),I would _ If I was not on the spot, I would _,take care of the sick people, give out the goods(物品),help the doctors,donate(捐赠) my money and some of my belongings(所有物)such,such as clothes, bags,books to help them, I will also call on(呼吁) people,to give their help to them,Discussion:,on the spot,we can overcome all the disasters because our country is a big one, full of love and cooperation. Let our love spreads all over china and all over the world!,让我们的爱在中国传播,在世界传播。,Homework,Using the information about Tangshan Earthquake, write a piece of news about it. Please add a title.,Thank you!,


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