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    M9U2-Could it be your town公开课课件.ppt

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    M9U2-Could it be your town公开课课件.ppt

    Module 9 PopulationUnit2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.,a small and quiet village,a big and modern town,What are the changes of Changshan?,The place we liveThe traffic,In the past,Now,In the future,a busy city?,In Quzhou,flat,public services,buildings,There are lots of tall with many flats. I live in a small but beautiful_.,In the city, there are better_ with hospitals, buses, schools and so on.,Could it be your town?,Part (para1),Part (para2-3),Part (para4-5),b. The past of Parkville.,c. The changes and problems of Parkville,a. The ways to solve the problems.,Read the passage quickly and match the main ideas.,Skimming reading,How many people were there in Arnwick? 2. How long did it take Jo to go to school in Arnwick?,Read the passage quickly and answer:,There were 200,000 people.,It took Jo an hour to get there by bus.,Scanning reading,are,There are over 1,000,000 people.,1. Where did they live in Parkville?,Read Para1 carefully and answer,Careful reading,They lived in a small house, close to fields and hill.,1.What are the changes of Parkville?,1.The population2.The traffic3.The place they live4.The public services5.The school,Read Para(2-3) and tick( ),Read Para2-3 again and complete the table:,People from Parkville moved to Arnwick to find jobs.,It was expensive to live in the city centre.,Its very crowded,and rubbish is also a problem.,There is a lot of traffic and pollution.,The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago.,Read Para 4 and fill the blanks:,1. more schools,_ _Ways to solve 2. _ the problems and better public services 3. _ to protect its people. But to do all these things, it needs _.,fresh air, clean water,more police,more money,buses and hospitals.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,Many towns and cities have the same problems as Arnwick. People need places to live, so the (1)_ government has to build more (2) _ . People need better bus and train (3)_ . They also produce more (4) _ , so the government has to make more efforts to protect the city against (5) _ . As we say, a hundred people make a (6) _ problems! (protectagainst 保护免受),flat local pollution rubbish service thousand,local,flats,services,rubbish,pollution,thousand,Is Parkville a real place?2. Can money solve all these problems? If not? What else should we do?,No, it is just a story.,Could it be your town?,Read Para 5 and think:,Writing,Please write a passage about the changes of your city and its problems, and give some suggestions.,I am . and I live in.It was. . in the past. But now.(changes)There are . (problems)So we should/ shouldn't/ need to.(suggestions),美文欣赏,Read aloud 1、listen to the passage and pay attention to your pronunciation 2、Read the whole passage loudy 3、read the following sentences crazy,激情朗读重点句子,1. They had a small house, close to fields and hills. 2. It is very crowded and rubbish is also problem.3. It takes an hour to get there by bus.4. It needs fresh air, clean water and better public services.5. In fact, It describes what is happening all over the world.,.Discuss and write a summation about the changes of Arnvick.,A quiet small village-jobs-move to city Arnwick-crowded-rubbish-not enough flats,schools,hospitals.-a lot of traffic and pollution-needs-fresh air,clean water and so on.,Think it over,The government should provide more jobs in the countryside and build more flats in the cities.,The government should build more schools and hospitals.,We should provide more buses , and plant more trees, try not to go out by car.,People shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere.,Dont pour dirty water into the river, and save water.,Homework:,Writing : Please write down the changes of your city and its problems, and give some suggestions. Key words : build, provide /pr'vaid/v.提供, more buses, plant, throw away扔、扔掉, rubbish, everywhere, pour/p :/into往倾倒, dirty water, river,Thank you for listening!,


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