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    XX爱好:X特长:XX电话:XXXXXXXXXXXQQ:XXXXXXX身高:比较高体重:比较轻,个人介绍,有学习上的问题和心灵上的困惑可以找我聊聊,失恋了别找我说,因为我也单身。,定语从句,翻译:他是一个伤心的男人。,He is a sad man,考一考,他是一个喜欢抽烟的男人,难到变形,He is a man that likes smoking.,He is a man that likes smoking.,观察后不难发现:定语从句的构成为:that + 其他,这是一条喜欢和人说话的狗,This is a dog that likes talking with people.,观察与类比,请翻译:,一.结构,定语从句的结构:先行词+关系词引导的从句,例如:He is a man that likes smoking. 先行词为“man”,定语从句为“that likes smoking”,而“that”为引导定语从句的关系词,先行词是什么呢?,先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词,请指出下面句子中的先行词以及定语从句,1.He is a boy who likes beautiful girls.2.This is a dog which likes eating meat.3.I know the boy whom teachers all like.4. Xian is a good place where there are many delicous foods.5.Can you tell me the reason why he quite school?6.I remember these days when we were friends.,二.关系词,1.关系词的作用,He is a boy whom beautiful girls like,He is a boy/beuatiful girls like a boy,2.关系代词及其用法2.1. 先行词为“人”,that: He is the student that likes reading books. He is the student that others hate.(2) who: I like the girl who has long hair.(3) whom: I know the boy whom Mr. Wang is talking with now.(4) whose: He is a soldier whose eyes are blue.,总结:that 用在从句中作主语和宾语,who用在从句中作主语,whom用在从句中作宾语,whose常常后面加名词,2.2.先行词为“物”,that: The dog that always barks to me is very ugly The dog that these children is beating is mine.(2) which: The fish which is swimming in the pool will be our dinner. The cat which she is playing with is mine.(3) whose: The book whose cover is red is yours.,总结:that 用在从句中作主语和宾语,which用在从句中作主语和宾语,whose常常后面加名词,关系代词用法总结,请务必将此表记下来!,练习,I dont like the boy ( ) name is Tom.The girl ( ) is reading a book is my sister.The old man ( ) they are talking about is a teacher.The cat ( ) the dog is hunting for is Toms.I like playing with the boy ( ) eyes are brown.The fish ( ) body is red is from Africa.,老师咱们能不做题么,人与人之间的信任呢?,2.3. 只用“that”的情况,三大原则,1.说法绝对:先行词出现绝对性的描述,如唯一的(the only), 每个人(everyone), 每件事(everything),所有的(all),没有一个(none), 任何事(anything), 任何人(anyone),2.数字常考: 当先行词前有序数词时,如 the first, the second, 其中the last,最后的也属于这种情况,3.最高级:先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,也只能用“that”,此外:当先行词是人和物一起的时候,关系代词也要用that,又来?,This is the only book ( ) I can find.This is the best book ( ) I have ever read.Is there anything ( ) you dont understand?The boy and his dog ( ) are walking along the street have lost their way.,3.关系副词及其用法,where: I remember the school where we had spent 3years. when: Do you still remember these days when we were students. why: Can you tell me the reason why he leave me.,关系副词在从句中作状语,4.关系代词与关系副词的选择,I know the reason why he left home. I forget the reason that he had told me.(2) I still remember these days when we were best friends. I still remember these days that he had forgotten already.(3) This is the school where we had left a good memory. This is the school that was destroyed in 2006.,我一定是听了假课,这又是什么东西?,不要慌,且让老师娓娓道来,判断定语从句中到底是要选择关系代词还是关系副词,关键在于:去掉要填的关系词后,如果从句依然完整,则使用关系副词,如果缺少主语宾语而使得句子不完整,则使用关系代词,He is a good student who likes reading books.I know the reason why he came to my home.He still remember the cliff where he jumped. (不及物动词),来来来!不要松懈了,趁热再来几道题。,1.The reason ( ) he came here is not clear.2.These days ( ) we lived together is unforgettable.3.I like go to the park ( ) many old men palys basketball everday.4.This is the staion ( ) he had talked about.5.I dont understand the reason ( ) he had explained to me.,非限定性定语从句,1.区别:限定性定语从句是对先行词进行修饰说明的,是必要信息。 非限定性定语从句是对主句信息的补充说明。 He is the man that is talking with Mr. Wang. Obama, who was the president of the US, loves his daughter.,原来是这样!,2.结构: 限定性定语从句关系词和主句之间不分开 非限定性定语从句常常用逗号单独隔开,且关系词用which,who,whom,whose, 关系代词的选择与前面判断限定性定语从句中关系代词的方法一致。此外,which可以指代主句的全部内容。注意:that作关系词时前面不能有逗号。Tom, who is a student, is my neighbour. He had won the first prize, which surprised me a lot.,例题:1. This car, ( )is dyed red, is Smiths.2. The boy, ( ) we all likes, is named Tom.3. The Chairmans daughter, ( ) name is Ann, gave me a patient smile.4. The CEO, ( ) has earned a lot of money, is my father.5. He had killed his father, ( ) surprised me a lot.,本堂小结,请同学来自己总结一下定语从句1.结构2.关系词:关系代词与关系副词3.关系代词和关系副词的判断4.限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句,谢谢!,


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