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    ,The-Olympic-Games,执教教师:XXX,Welcome to my class !,running,rope skipping,Period 1 Warming up and speaking -Wu Ting,Unit 2,The Olympic Games,Learning Aims,Dear class, you are expected to,2.learn sport events and spots stars of Olympic Games and have a better understanding of the Olympic spirit(奥运精神).,3.be more interested in doing sports in your daily life.,1.master some words and expressions about the Olympic Games.,The biggest sports event in the world is the Olympic Games.,- Rise 2016里约奥运会主题曲 .mp4,Q2: Whats your feeling after listening to this song?,Q1: What was the video about?,excited,It was about _.,the 2016 Rio Olympic Games,wonderful,Competition,How much do you know about the Olympic Games?,Lets have a quiz about,2. When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start? A. 1896 ,China B. 1906, the USA C. 776 BC, Greece,1.How often do we hold the Olympic Games ?A. Every 4 years B. Every 3 years C. Every 5 years,3. What was rewarded to the winners in Modern Olympic Games? A. Metals B. Medals C. Olive wreaths,silver,gold,bronze,4. What was the prize for the winners in ancient Olympic Games? A. Money B. Medals C. Olive wreath,5. What is the motto (口号) of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games? A. New Beijing, Great Olympics. B. Swifter, Higher, Stronger C. A New World,6. What is the host city of 2020 Olympics?A .Tokyo, Japan B. Beijing, China C. New York, USA,7. How many kinds of Olympic Games are there in the world? What are they?,A. the Summer Olympic Games B. the Winter Olympic Games.C. both A and B,8. Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event? Li Ning, gymnastics B.Xu Haifeng, shootingC.Fu Mingxia, diving,9.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?A. five continents B. five oceans C. five countries,Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,America,10. What are the three words that show the spirits(精神) of the Olympic Games?,swifter,higher,stronger,Guessing game,This is a very fast game.,2.Each of the two teams has five players.,4.The players try to put the ball into a "basket." It is useful if you are very tall.,3.The game is played for four periods (场次) of twelve minutes each,1.This game must be played in water by several players.,2.One who first reaches the finishing line is the winner.,4. Several athletes take turns to fire(射击,开枪) at something with a gun.,1.The game is played by two teams of six players each.,2.Each team can hit the ball up to three times, but not more than three times.,3.Then the ball must land on the other side of the net (网).,4.It is useful if you have tall players in your team.,China VS Serbia(塞尔维亚),In addition to a gold medal, Zhu Ting has been chosen as the most valuable player at the Rio Olympics.,spirit of Chinese women volleyball teams,女排精神,Fill in the blanks,1.The _ (29) Olympic Games in Beijing _ 2008 was _ ( real)a great success not only for Beijing but also for our whole country. 2.These Chinese athletes _ (win) 51 gold _ ( medal), which was placed _ first.,29th,in,really,won,medals,the,It is a great honor to host the Olympic Games. To hold the Olympic games will make a country known in the world and show the ability of a country. Whats more, it can promote(促进) the development of economy(经济发展).,benefits of sports 运动的好处,keep health,reduce disease,build up our body,keep a clear mind,环境友好,environmentally friendly,relax ourselves,make us happy,Brainstoring,be good for/ be beneficial to 有益于;对有好处,strengthen team spirit,release pressure,Pair work,Make a conversation about your favourite sport. And give reasons why you like it so much.,Q2: What sport do you like best?,Q1:What sport do you like ?,I likebecause,I likebest /,my favorite sport is,Q3: Who is your favorite athlete?,My favorite athlete is.because,Example:,Q4: Do you think it is important to take exercise every day?,Yes/No. I thinkbecause,Game Over,Who got the most points?,Are you the winner?,Homework,1.Write a passage about your favorite sports in about 120 words.2. Preview the Reading “An Interview”, try to understand the meaning of it.3.Complete exercise1 and 2 on page 11.,Many thanks for your attending and cooperation!,The Olympic Spirit,Swifter,Higher,Stronger,Every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and become stronger. They do their best to win medals.,What is the meaning?,A new world,summary,Today, we have learn something about the Olympic Games:,Before our class, lets enjoy some pictures.,Whats the meaning of holding the Olympic Games?,interviewer,interviewee,have an interview,(采访者),(被采访者),Did you watch the Rio Olympic Games this summer vacation?,ri:u n.里约,volleyball,A Flash,Are you familiar with the following sports events?,fencing,football,boating,weightlifting,shooting,skating,skiing,hurdle race,boxing,diving,Swifter,Higher,Stronger,9. What is the motto(格言,口号)of the Olympic Games?,Asia,Europe,Africa,America,Oceania,The five rings stand for friendship and unity of the five continents .,11. What do the five Olympic rings stand for?,1.We have learnt some new words about the Olympic gamesopening ceremony, mascot, stadium, Bird Nest, Water Cube, ring, continent, motto, spirit, ancient, Oceania, Olympic torch, enthusiasm, light the torch, bronze, boxing, Wrestling, Diving, shooting,2. How to have an interview and talk about sport.,Talk about your favorite sports star,Pair work,AN INTERVIEW,step3,Task: Talking about sport,谢谢观看,请指导,


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