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    _ONFederal prosecu- tors charged dozens of wealthy parentsincluding prominent law and business figures and two Hollywood actresseswith using bribes, bogus entrance- exam scores and faked athletic achievements to get their chil- dren admitted to elite colleges. One New York law-firm co- chairman allegedly paid $75,000 to an admissions con- sultant so his daughter could a portion of the funds funneled to the then-head tennis coach at Georgetown University, in exchange for having their daughter tagged as a recruited athlete. She was admitted to the school. Joseph Bonavolonta, special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Boston field office, described on Tues- day a “culture of corruption and greed that created an un- even playing field for students trying to get into these schools the right way, through hard work, good grades and commu- nity service.” The sprawling case, the re- sult of a 10-month multiagency PleaseturntopageA4 fly to Los Angeles and take the ACT in a private room last De- cember, accompanied by a proctor who had been paid to correct her errors. Another family allegedly made a $400,000 contribution to a sham charity in 2016, with ByMelissaKorn, JenniferLevitzand ErinAilworth WealthyParentsAreCharged InCollege-EntranceScheme ChineseHackersAttack Navy,ReviewConcludes WASHINGTONThe Navy and its industry partners are “under cyber siege” by Chi- nese hackers and others who have stolen national security secrets in recent years, ex- ploiting critical weaknesses that threaten the U.S.s stand- ing as the worlds top military power, an internal Navy re- view concluded. The assessment, delivered to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer last week and re- viewed by The Wall Street Journal, depicts a branch of BYGORDONLUBOLD ANDDUSTINVOLZ U.S.FightsHuaweion UnderseaDataGrid AmericatriestoblockChinesetechgiant fromexpandingsystemofinternetcables first crash in October, Boeing is making a significant change to the software that controls a stall-prevention feature, and that change is more extensive than what many industry offi- cials familiar with the discus- sions had anticipated. Tuesday started with Aus- tralia, Malaysia and Singapore deciding to suspend the planes operations, joining China, Indonesia and several carriers in Latin America. Then, European aviation regu- lators broke ranks with their U.S. counterparts and grounded the aircraft, forcing some planes to return to their departing airport midflight. The suspensions marked an unusual departure for foreign regulators, who typically ad- here to guidance from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administra- tion regarding U.S.-built air- craft. President Trump wrote Tuesday on Twitter that “air- planes are becoming far too PleaseturntopageA12 Boeing Co.s woes escalated as European aviation regula- tors joined Asian and Latin American authorities in grounding the 737 MAX jet, and lawmakers on Capitol Hill urged U.S. airlines to volun- tarily park those planes after two deadly crashes of the air- craft in the past five months. The crashes have raised questions about the planes flight-control system. The Wall Street Journal reported Tues- day that in response to the BYROBERTWALL ANDMATINASTEVIS-GRIDNEFF EuropeGroundsBoeingJets, BreakingFromFAAStanceLatest Brexit vote unsettles companies. A6Defeat gives rise to a range of possible outcomes. A6 The Middle Seat: Muted response over air rules. A12 Boeing is making change in cockpit software. A13The man behind the cheating scandal. A4 Prosecutors charge 33 parents in alleged scheme. A5 Clockwise from upper left: Actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin; college-counseling consultant William Rick Singer; photo allegedly used to falsely claim an applicant was a pole- vaulter, though the image was of someone else; former University of Southern California water polo coach Jovan Vavic; John Vandemoer, former St


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