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    深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院综合教程综合教程 1 Unit 1 CollegeUnit 1CollegeUnit 1CollegePart CPart BPart ALead inTextExercisePhoneticsGrammarFunctions and NotionsLead inTextExerciseWritingWorkshopTask 2Task 1Task 3Part ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.Use the words given below if necessary.1.Who are the people in each picture?Whats their relationship?2.Where are they?What are they doing?3.Do you think they enjoy what they are doing now?Part ALead inCues:students,classmates,sports friendsCues:classroom,football field,library,listening,playing,looking forCues:very much so,not at allTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 1 A.Good morning.Is _?B.No,you can take it.A.Thanks.UhAre you also a _ student?B.No.Im in my second year.Call me Anson.A.Oh,Im Blair.Good to meet you,Anson.Well,I feel a little _ aboutuhabout this course.B._?A.I was told that this course is hard for freshmen.B.Dont worry.Professor Johnson is quite a funny guy and really smart.Youll _ while learning.A.Thats great!Part ALead inthis seat takenfirst-yearnervousHow comefeel relaxedTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 2 A.Hello,you seem _.Anything I can do for you?B.Yes,Im a freshman,and Im looking for _,but there are so many buildings here and Ive forgotten which oneA.Okay,Okaytake it easy.You can follow me.Im _ there.B.Thanks.You know,this is the first day of class,I dont wanna be late.A.I understand.The campus is too large,and many freshmen _ it,me included a year ago.B.Really?I guess I need a map A.Well,it just _.Part ALead inworriedTeaching Building Oneon my waygot lost intakes some time Task 3 Discuss the following questions.1.What did you do in the first week at college?2.What differences are there between college life and high school life?Part ALead inCues:meet someone,explore the campusCues:free time,pressure,not the same asThe Freshman Experience:College Is Not Summer CampBy Kristine Wellesley The first week of college is summer camp.The second is back to reality.When I arrived on campus a little over a week ago,I never imagined going from name games to essays in a blink.Part AText My college has a week of orientation,so it never really felt like school until I walked into Geology on Tuesday morning.Before that,I had been watching movies with other freshmen,exploringwell,really getting lost in the campus,and trying every imaginable ice cream combination at the dining halls.Part AText From the moment I walked into my class,I realized I cant just watch movies and eat ice cream for the next four years.Buying textbooks before the class was its own problem really,if a book is used,shouldnt it be dirt cheap,not just a fraction less expensive than the new version?but being in a room filled with strangers,most not nave first years like me,was quite frightening.Part AText In high school,the first day was one of my favorites.Sure,I hated knowing I had a year of work ahead of me,but I loved seeing old friends,catching up on summer gossip.Here,I sat down and immediately started taking notes.What part of this lecture was important enough to write down?Who was the person sitting next to me?Was I allowed to raise my hand to ask a question?Part AText And then came the terrible syllabus,something Ive never used before.So now I have four separate syllabuses from my classes,all confirming that I will be piled down with reading and papers for the next few months.Not only is it overwhelming,but its making me feel hopeless to even consider joining clubs or having a little social life in college while keeping up with work.Sure,I worked hard for the last four years.But that was nothing.Part AText What really scares me is I just dont know what to expect.One professor told me to call him by his first name,but Ive heard that another thinks“Hi Professor _”in an email is too informal.Upperclassmen have told me that some professors expect students to drop by during office hours,while others think its a nuisance.How am I supposed to know what is expected from me?Part AText From new subject matter to new academic expectations to new professors,I am overwhelmed.When I look at my messy dorm room and list of homework in my agenda,I still cant believe Ive been here for less than two weeks.And I cant help but partly wish I were back at camp,not college.(448 words)Part AText大一新生体验:大学并非夏令营大一新生体验:大学并非夏令营 大学的第一周仿佛是夏令营,但第二周就回归现实。一个多星期以前到校的时候,我根本没想过在一眨眼的功夫就完成从游玩到学习的转变。Part AText Translation 我们学校有一周的入学教育,因此我根本没有上大学的感觉,直到周二早上走进地质课课堂。在那之前,我和其他新生们一直在看电影,逛校园真正地瞎逛。另外,我们还去餐厅品尝各种混合花样的冰激凌。Part AText Translation 从进教室的那一刻起我就意识到,接下来的四年我不能总看电影、吃冰激凌。上课前买教材就成了问题。真的,用过的书应该很便宜呀,怎么能只比新书便宜一点呢?而更让我恐惧的是一屋子陌生的面孔,且大多不是我这样傻乎乎的新生。Part AText Translation 在高中的时候,我最喜欢开学第一天。一想到等着我的是一年的学习确实很烦人,但我喜欢见到老朋友,跟他们一起说长道短,闲聊暑假见闻。而在大学,一坐下来就得开始记笔记,还要想着“这堂课哪些要点得记下来?坐我旁边的是谁?我是否可以举手问问题?”。Part AText Translation 接下来就是可怕的课程大纲了,我之前从没用过。现在我有四份不同的课程大纲,但都确切地告诉我接下来几个月要读大堆的书,要写大量的论文。这不只是令人备感压力,简直让人绝望,要在学习上不掉队,就别想加入课外俱乐部或者参加哪怕一丁点儿社交活动。过去四年我学习已经够努力了,但跟这比,那都不值一提。Part AText Translation 真正令我害怕的是我不知道怎么理解别人的意图。有个教授要我直呼其名,但又有教授告诉我在邮件里称“嗨,某某教授”太随便了,不够正式。学长们告诉我有些教授希望学生在他们办公时间拜访他们,而有些教授则讨厌那样。那我怎么知道别人想我怎样做呢?Part AText Translation 面对这些新的课程内容、新的学业要求及新的教授,我不知所措。看看我那乱糟糟的宿舍和日程表上一项项的作业,我真不敢相信我开学还不到两周,我不禁有点希望我不是在学校而还在夏令营呢。Part AText TranslationThe first week of college is summer The first week of college is summer camp.The second is back to reality.camp.The second is back to reality.The first week of college is like summer camp(which is usually full of excitement and fun),but in the second week,we have to go back to our real life at college.Part AText Language PointsI never imagined going from name I never imagined going from name games to essays in a blinkgames to essays in a blinkI hadnt thought I would change from playing games to studying hard so fast.Part AText Language PointsHere name games simply mean playing instead of studyingNote:The Name Game(also known as the Adjective Game)starts with one person in the room picking a word that describes himself or herself as a person.The catch is that the word must start with the first letter of their first name.Part AText Language Pointsname gamesname games imagine imaginev.to form a picture in your mind of what something might bee.g.She imagined singing her favorite song on a big stage.她想象着自己在一个巨大的舞台上唱自己最喜欢的歌曲。Close your eyes and imagine(that)you are in a forest.闭上眼睛,想象自己在森林里。Part AText Language Points blink blinkn.(usually singular)the act of shutting and opening your eyes very quickly e.g.He finished all his food in the blink of an eye.一眨眼功夫他把食物全吃光了。She does not comprehend the meaning of my blink.她没有领会我眨眼的意思。Part AText Language Pointsn.training or information that you are given before starting a new job,course,etc.e.g.This is orientation week for all the new students.这是让全体新生熟悉情况的迎新周。New employees receive three days orientation.新雇员接受三天的入职培训。Part AText Language Points orientation orientation it never really felt like school until I it never really felt like school until I walked into Geology on Tuesday morning.walked into Geology on Tuesday morning.It was not like school until I walked into the Geology class on Tuesday morning.Here“felt”is a link verb,different from when it is used in“feel like doing sth.”Part AText Language Pointsa.used with superlatives,and with“all”and“every”,to emphasize that something is the best,worst,etc.that you can imagine,or includes every possible examplee.g.This is the only solution imaginable.这是唯一可想得到的解决办法。Posters were put up on every imaginable surface.每一处能想到的空白都张贴着海报。Part AText Language Points imaginableimaginableBuying textbooks before the class Buying textbooks before the class was its own problemwas its own problemIts hard to get cheap second-hand textbooks for this course.Note:College students in some countries have to buy textbooks,often second-handed ones,on their own.For many courses,there are simply no textbooks,but reference books,and students do not always have the option to purchase these items.Part AText Language Points (informal)extremely cheap,as cheap as dirte.g.The shop owner let us have the stuff dirt cheap.(used as adverb)店主很便宜地卖给我们这些东西。She bought the fashionable dress at a dirt-cheap price.(used as adjective)这件时装她买得很便宜。Part AText Language Points dirt cheap dirt cheapbut being in a room filled with strangers,most but being in a room filled with strangers,most not nave first years like me,was quite frightening.not nave first years like me,was quite frightening.I felt frightened,because the classroom was full of students whom I did not know,and most of them were not silly freshmen like me.Here first years refer to first year students,or freshmen.Note:In the western universities where the credit system(学学分分制制)is in practice,it is not uncommon to find students of different majors or ages sitting in the same classroom for the course they choose.Part AText Language Points to find out about things that have happenede.g.Let me catch you up on all the gossip.我跟你透露一点最近的闲话。Im afraid I cant catch up on how things are in that region.恐怕我无法跟进那一地区的情况。Note:In informal conversations,“Lets catch up.(改天见面聊(改天见面聊 一聊)一聊)”is a very common and polite way of saying“Lets get together and have a talk.”Part AText Language Points catch up on catch up on gossip gossipn.informal talk or stories about other peoples private lives,that may be unkind or not truee.g.Dont believe all the gossip you hear.别对那些道听途说都信以为真。Marys in there having a gossip with Maggie.玛丽在那里和玛吉闲聊。Part AText Language PointsAnd then cameAnd then cameHere the subject and verb are in an inverted order.Part AText Language Points confirm confirmPart AText Language Pointsv.to state or show that something is true or correct,especially by providing more evidencee.g.Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.研究证实这种风险对女性来讲要大一些。Has everyone confirmed that theyre coming?他们是不是每一个人都确定会来?that I will be piled down that I will be piled down with reading and paperswith reading and papersthat I will be loaded with piles of books and papers.Part AText Language Points scarescarePart AText Language Pointsv.to frighten somebody e.g.The thunder scared the children.雷声使孩子们感到害怕。Some parents try to scare their children into behaving well.有些父母试图用吓唬的法子使孩子守规矩。to pay an informal visit to a person or a placee.g.Ive got to drop by the bank to get some money.我得顺便到银行去取点钱。Drop by whenever you are in the area.如果你来这地方,请到我这里来坐坐。Part AText Language Points drop by drop by overwhelmoverwhelmPart AText Language Pointsv.to defeat somebody completelye.g.The army was overwhelmed by the rebels.军队被叛乱者击垮了。He met with an accident that overwhelmed his career.他遭到一次意外事故,那毁了他一生的事业。Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Task 1Part AExercises Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.1.Whats the problem with buying textbooks?2.What made the writer feel frightened?3.Why did the writer love the first day of high school so much?4.Why does the writer think its almost impossible to join clubs or have a little social life at college?5.Whats the writer really scared of?Part AExercisesCues:cheapCues:strangersCues:old friends,gossipCues:read,write,overwhelmingCues:expectTask 2 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphsPart AExercisesParagraph 3:_,textbooksParagraph 4:_ between high school and collegeParagraph 5:_,overwhelming workParagraph 6:I dont know what to _.classesdifferences syllabusexpectPart AExercisesTask 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text A according to the explanations given below.Across1.outline or summary of a course of studies3.to frighten somebody6.thing or person that causes trouble and annoys others7.small part or bit9.a particular form of an earlier or original type10.to talk about the affairs of other peopleDown2.relating to studies at college4.an organized plan for matters to be attended to5.the act of shutting and opening eyes very quickly8.to state or show that something is true1.syllabus 2.academic3.scare 4.agenda5.blink 6.nuisance7.fraction 8.confirm8.9.version 10.gossipTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.1.The teacher tried to stop her but she disappeared in a _.2.The question is not related to any practical affair and it is very _.3.Could you move a _ closer so that I can see you clearly?4.Dont believe all the _ you hear.5.The noise was so loud that it was just a _ to the neighbors.Part AExercisesblinkacademicfractiongossipnuisanceTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.6.He hasnt found the latest _ of this software.7.You need to start from the first thing on your _.8.The local people _ off the wolves by lighting a fire.9.Please write to _ that your boss will be present at the meeting.10.English and mathematics are not on this years _.Part AExercisesversionagendascareconfirmsyllabusTask 5 Complete the sentences using derivatives(派生词)of the words in the box.Change the word forms if necessary.1.It took the freshmen a whole week to _ themselves in the new school.2.The president has won support from the _ majority of people.3.The little girl doesnt know how to _ these two sentences into one.4.Can you _ what our life would be like without electricity?5.She is the teacher whom we have been _.Part AExercisesorientateoverwhelmingcombineimagineexpectingTask 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.1.My parents are there.My teacher is there too.2.He writes his own plays.He also acts in them.3.He had read the book.He also remember what he had read.Part AExercisesNot only are my parents there,but my teacher.Not only does he write his own plays,but acts in them.Not only had he read the book,but remembered what he had read.Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.1.I dont know how to tell her the bad news.It troubles me most.2.What will I do after graduation?My father is always concerned about it.3.He passed the exam,which really surprises each of us.Part AExercisesWhat troubles me most is that I dont know how to tell her the bad news.What my father is always concerned about is what I will do after graduation.What really surprises each of us is that he passed the exam.Task 7 Translate the following sentences into English,paying attention to the highlighted parts.Part AExercises1.1.一眨眼一眨眼的功夫,他和他的女友就不的功夫,他和他的女友就不见了。见了。(in a blink)2.2.他明天在这里要见一个老朋友,他明天在这里要见一个老朋友,了了解解彼此的情况。彼此的情况。(catch up on)3.3.下周到北京旅游时,我想下周到北京旅游时,我想顺便拜顺便拜 访访一下我叔叔。一下我叔叔。(drop by)4.4.他们他们应该应该在一小时以前到达这里。在一小时以前到达这里。(be supposed to)5.5.我很难我很难设想设想到中国以外的地方去生到中国以外的地方去生活。活。(imagine)1.In a blink,he and his girl friend disappeared.2.Hell meet an old friend here tomorrow to catch up on each others news.3.I intend to drop by on my uncle when I am traveling in Beijing next week.4.They were supposed to be here an hour ago.5.I cant imagine living anywhere but China.Task 1Task 2Part BLead inPart BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following passage.College is a small(1)_ itself.In


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