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    中小学英语公开课获奖课件精选——《heroic teenager receives award》.ppt

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    中小学英语公开课获奖课件精选——《heroic teenager receives award》.ppt

    ,heroic teenager receives award,执教教师:XXX,Unit5 (Book5),Using language,ceremony bravery treat apply pressure ambulanceaward,n. 典礼; 仪式; 礼节n. 勇敢; 勇气vi. 压迫n. 救护车n.奖;奖状;奖品,Words preview,a number of put ones hands on make a differencebe honored forbe presented withrecognize thebravery of sb,若干; 许多找到区别对待; 有影响; 起作用因为受表彰被给予,被颁发,被授予表彰某人的英勇,apply pressure to the wound,使劲压住伤口,Free talk,dress a bandage around the wound,用绷带包扎伤口,towel,tea towel(杯盘布),Unit 5 First aid,Using language,Heroic Teenager Receives Award,Heroic Teenager Receives Award,The text is most probably _. A. a book review 回顾 B. a science fiction story 科幻 C. a news report D. a newspaper advertisement,C,Focus on the style,Scan(扫描) the heading(标题) and the lead(导语), and answer the following questions.Who? _What? _ Where? _ When? _Why? _,for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbor after a shocking knife attack,17-year-old teenager, John Janson,was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards,Focus on information,in Rivertown,last night,Scanning,Skimming Paragraph 4,?,He treated Annes injuries with tea towels and applied pressure to the wounds to slow the bleeding.,1. What was it that saved Ms Slades life?2. What first aid did John perform on Anne?,Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid.,Scan Para.3&4, and then put the following in the right order.,_ The attacker ran away._ Anne was attacked and started to scream._ John performed first aid on Anne._ John was studying in his house._ The ambulance arrived._ John ran outside with his father._ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds.,5,3,7,1,6,4,2,Scanning (Pair work),1. Introduction,Who were recognized at the awarding ceremony? For what?,Ten people for their bravery, John included.,Para.2,Careful reading,2. Details,(1) What did John hear when he was studying in his room?,Screaming.,Para.3,Anne Slade?,be stabbed repeatedly with a knife/be lyingbleeding very heavily,2. Details,(2) What did John do when he saw the situation?,immediately asked,Para.4,Johns father?,used to treatslowed the bleeding byuntil,John?,proud,Why did nobody perform first aid to the woman but John?,Thinking,3. Comment,From where did John receive first aid knowledge?,From the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school.,Para.6,Directors comment: _,Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms sladelife. A knowledge of make a real difference.,From the passage, we can infer that the writers attitude towards Johns action is _,positiveB. negativeC. doubtfulD. neutral(中性的),Thinking,Now read a story told by John Janson himself, and put the missing words or phrases into the blanks. One day, I was studying in my room when I heard _ . After rushing outside, my father and I discovered Anne, my neighbor was _ very heavily. As I couldnt _ any bandages, I used some tea _ and tape to _ the injuries to her hands. I _ the bleeding by _ pressure _ the wounds until the police and _ arrived .,screaming,bleeding,put my hands on,treat,stopped/slowed,to,applying,towels,ambulance,Heading: Heroic teenager receives awardLead: 17-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honored at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbor after a shocking knife attack.Introduction: 10 peoplefor, John included.Details: John was doing when Anne Slade be stabbed bleeding heavily His fatherJohn slow the bleeding by until It was Johns and thatComment: A knowledge of make a real difference.,Structure of the text,1.Which is the best meaning of the underlined phrase? John was presented with his award at a ceremony 2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?Knowing a little about first aid can be very effective.,was awarded withB. was given away,Focus on Language,= A knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.,产生差别/有影响/起重要作用,What adjectives would you use to describe Johns actions? Give at least three.,quick-thinking,helpful,fearless,confident,courageous,brave,unselfish,heroic,Focus on moral(道德),WhenWhereWhoWhatWhyHow,Focus on writing,How to write a news report?,Preview the Guided Writing on Page56 (优质课堂), and have a try to write a news report according to the writing task.,谢谢观看,请指导,


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