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    Unit 7 It s raining!I. Analysis of the unit: 1. Students are to learn to talk about the different weather and give the descriptions of what people are doing.2. Students will learn to describe what people do in various weather Students are to learn to express their likes and dislikes and give the reasons about them.II. Language target:1. By talking about the weather, students are to learn the present continuous tense:2. How is the weather? -It s raining!3. How is it going ? -It s great!4. Is Aunt Sarah there ? -Yes, she is.What s she doing ? -She s cooking.III. Ability target:To learn to communicate with each other by talking about the weather. To have the ability to make a weather forecast. To analyze the relations between the weather and our environment .IV. Emotion goal: Through the activities of talking about the weather and things around us, students show their concern for others , the environment and our society.V. Periods divisions-4periodsUnit 7 Its raining! 1st periodTeaching aims: Students are to grasp the new language items : .What are you doing? - Im watching TV. .What is he /she doing?- He/She is playing basketball. .How is the weather? - Its raining.The key points and the special difficulties;.Describe what is happening-present continuous tenseTeaching steps:Step 1 Duty report 1,Ask one student to give a duty report. 2,Ask some questions about the weather and something else. 3,Tell a story in English . Step 2 Presentation 1,Ask the students to look at what you are doing and let them answer. 2,The teacher pretends to be: reading a book eating washing the face swimming playing basketball running etc. Step 3 Look and say 1, Look at the pictures of Section A 2, Ask and answer (describe the weather and describewhat you are doing ). Do it like this: Look !How is the weather in Beijing? Its sunny. Step 4 Pairwork You are in the places in the pictures above,talk about the weather in pairs Step 5 Listening workRefer to 1b of Section A Step 6 HomeworkMake your own conversations about the weather in these five places. Unit 7 Its raining (2nd period)Teaching aims: .Describe the weather and describe what you are doing. .Learn to use the present continuous tense. Learn the following word formation:sunsunny wind-windy cloud -cloudy rain -rainy Learn the following expressions:Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty good The key points: How is the weather?-Its raining! What are you doing?Im watching TV. Teaching steps: Step 1 Duty report Whats the weather like ?-Its Step 2 Presentation How is the weather?-Its raining! Then ask: What are you doing?- Im watching TV. What is he doing? - Hes playing computer games. What is the mother doing?- She is cooking. What are they doing? - They are playing basketball. Step 3 Listen and number the pictures 1,point to the four pictures 2,play the recording the first time(students listen only). 3,listen to the recording a second time and number the pictures. Step 4 Pairwork : Ask and answer .Talk about the people in activity 2aHow is the weather?Its raining!What is he doing?Hes playing computer games.What is the mother doing?She is cooking.What are they doing?They are playing basketball.What are they doing?They are studying.Step 5 Play a game Step 6 Pairwork Make a conversation by telephone(orally in the class ) Step 7 Homework(make a conversation about the weather)Teaching aims: .Describe the weather and describe what you are doing. .Learn to use the present continuous tense. Learn the following word formation:sunsunny wind-windy cloud -cloudy rain -rainy Learn the following expressions:Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty good The key points: How is the weather?-Its raining! What are you doing?Im watching TV. Teaching steps: Step 1 Duty report Whats the weather like ?-Its Step 2 Presentation : word formation Look at the sun, its sunny today! Look at the rain, its rainy today! Sun sunny cloud cloudy Rain rainy fog foggy Snow snowy wind windy Step 3 practice 1,Look at the picture and practice the sentences. 2,look and say using the words above to practice the patterns. Step 4Lead-in 1,ask:How is the weather today? -Its How is the weather tomorrow?-It will be 2,ask and practicewindy today snowy tomorrowsunny today foggy tomorrow Step 5presentation 1,Its quite warmer now. But it will be a little hotter soon. 2,practice: rather cold even colder very sunny much sunnier Step 6 teach new patterns:Its a humid day today.-What a humid day!What a humid day ! Step 7 group workTalk about the different weather in different places. Step 8 weather forecast Step 9 reading materials.Unit 7 Its raining! (3rd period)Unit 7 Its raining!(4 th period)Teaching aims: Students are to grasp the new language items : .What are you doing? - Im watching TV. .What is he /she doing?- He/She is playing basketball. .How is the weather? - Its raining.The key points and the special difficulties;.Describe what is happening-present continuous tenseTeaching stepsStep 11a match the words with the pictures 1b pairworkStep 22a listening practice and finish the chartStep 3 pairworkStudent A is Maria and Student B is Sammake a telephone conversationStep 4 Reading practice1,ask the students what they know about Egypt.2,ask a student to read the passage 3,ask the students to work alone and check the underlined parts and the circled partsStep 5,Reading materials about the weather


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