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    1. What are the wost dysfuictioiaal parts of the global fiiaiacial system?词汇突破:1.dysfunctional功能不正常参考译文:全球金融体系最不正常的部分是什么?2. If sheer size is your yardstickj nothing beat£ America's housing market.词汇突破:yardstick衡量标准Beat比的上参考译文:如果单单以规模来衡量,没有什么比得上美国的房地产市场。3. It is the wo”W's largest asset c/ass, worth $26 trillion, more th”八stock kwarket.参考译文:它是世界上最大的资产类别,价值26万亿美元,超过美国的股票市场。4. The slab of mortgage debt lurking beneath it is the placet's biggest coiacantratioia of financial risk.词汇突破:The slab of mortgage debt大量的抵押贷款债务句子主干:The slab of mortgage debt is the planets biggest coiaceiatration of fiakxcial risk.其他成分:山Hahg beMatk it它背后潜藏的;it=Amenca kousig market 参考译文:它背后潜藏的抵押贷款债务集中了地球上最大的金融风险。(特别注意。八"八fratb八翻译为动词后,k就不用翻译了。这是关键!)昨天没有给出的句子,同一个段落!SWk" Mouse prices started tubliig M the summer of 2OO&, a ckaii reaction led to a global crisis i八2.008-09.词汇突破:tumble下跌参考译文:2006年夏天当房价在开始下跌时,一系列的连锁反应导致2008年至2009年的一场全球性危机。6. A decade,。八,the. presumption is that the mortgage -debt Monster kas bee八tawe.d.参考译文:十年以来,我们推定抵押贷款债务这个怪物已被驯服。(注意presuMpti。八被翻译为了动词!)7. In fact, vast, nationalised.j unprofitable and. undercapitalised, it regains amenace to the wor/cfs biggest economy.词汇突破:1.nationalised国有化2. unprofitable 亏损3. undercapitalized 资金不足4. menace 威胁参考译文:事实上,体量巨大,国有化、亏损和资金不足的房地产仍然威胁着世界最大经济体。(menace也被我们翻译为了动词)123句是引入4句是段落的主题句!56句是具体展开;7句是再次确认主题!The reason the dagger passes a (most uiaoticed is tkatj at first sight)the housing market kas been iiproving. Prices M America have crept back up towards tkeir all-time high. As a res川七 the proportion of kouseko/ds with mortgage debts greater 仍m the value of their property has dropped from a quarter to uiader a tenth.reason the dagger passes almost “rmoticed is that, at first sight, the kousitg market has been 沁proshg.词汇突破:l.at first sight乍一看2. passes almost uniaoticed 没有注意到确认主干:The reason is that the housing market kas bee八 iMprvving.其他成分:the dagger passes almost uiiaoticed (同位语从句)参考译文:,危险没引起注意的原因是,乍一看房地产市场已有所改善。2. Prices M Amenca have crept back up towards tkeir all-tiie high.词汇突破:l.aH-time high历史新高2.1. crept back up 爬升回参考译文:美国的房价不断攀升,重回历史高点。3.As a resultj the proportion of households with mortgage debts greater thaia tke value of their property has dropped From a quarter to under a teith.主干识别:the proportion has dropped from a quarter to uiader a tenth 其他成分:of households A/itk mortgage debts greater tkaia the value of the" property抵押债务大于房产价值的住户参考译文:因此抵押债务大于房产价值的住户比例从25%下降到低于 W%o1 .When. those investors panicked, in 2.00S, the governMent stepped in aid took over the bits of the mortgage -guarantee apparatus it did. not already control. It was a temporary solution, but political gridlock has made it permanent.2 . Since the. government Mortgage Machiine. need not make a profit or have safety buffers, we"-run. private, firms cannot compete., so 34mg banks have withdrawn, from making mortgages.l.When. those investors panicked in 2.00S, the government stepped in and. took over the bits of the mortgage -guarantee apparatus it did not already control.参考译文:当这些投资者在2008年恐慌时,政府介入和接管了自己并没有控制住的抵押担保机构。2.lt was a temporary solution, but political gridlock has wade, it perwave.vt.参考译文:这是一个临时的解决方案,但政治僵局使之永久化了。这样风险就是政府在承担,这就非常危险了。举个简单的例子,一个人本来负债工OO万,他原来拥有资产80万,资不抵债爆发危机;但是,他所持有的资产中如果有房产,房价上涨7。万,那就变成了其资产工SO万,负债工。万,此时不但资产负债表很好看,还能进一步增加负债。但是如果房价大跌,资产少了负债不少,危机又会重来。所以只能维持高房价!否则美国经济就崩盘!所幸的是:3.Since the govemkve八t mortgage, machine need not Make a profit or have safety buffers, well-run private firms cannot compete, so many banks kave withdraw八 from making Mortgages.参考译文:因为政府抵押贷款机器不需要获得利润或者安全缓冲,运营良好的私人公司无法与之竞争,所以太多的银行已经不再提供抵押贷款。如果商业银行再加杠杆,那世界经济就真的很危险了。A go/er八Ment strategy for dealing with childhood obesity, published this week, has bee八 ridiculed by health experts aid cawpaige for the fl/msiness of its prescription. A tax。八 sugary soft drinks survives from George Osborne's last budget, but a baia。八 the pro Motion of trashy food to child%八 has beeia rejected.1. A 5ovemmeiat strategy for dealing with childhood obesitg, published this week, has beeia ridiculed by health experts ad campaigners for the fl/msmess of its prescription.词汇突破:l.ridicule嘲笑2. childhood obesity 儿童肥胖3. campaigners活动人士(就是比吃瓜群众更积极的人)4. fffmsmess这个词来自flimsg不足信的;fh>vsi八ess无效,无用=彷90八ess;(都是对某项计划进行负面的评价)5. prescriptions 处方,方法主干识别:A goverwet strategy has bee八 ridiculed by laealtl experts aiad campaigners其他成分:for the fliMsicess of its pwscnptb八S状语for dealing with ckildkood obesitg, published this week,定语参考译文:这个星期发表的一份对应儿童肥胖的政府战略因为其无力的措施而受到健康专家和活动人士的嘲讽。2.A tax on sugary soft drinks survives from George Osborns last budget, but a bav。八 the prootio of trashy food to chi以小八 has been rejected.参考译文:对含糖软饮料征税的(规定)从乔治奥斯本的上一份预算中幸存,但禁止宣传儿童垃圾食品的提议被拒绝。Th/s is a case where the collective interest of the nation's kealtk overrides the rights of individual coipaies to se" whatever theg want to whomever they want. Manufacture of processed foods increasingly resemble the tobacco lobby-reluctant to adiit that tkeir product is pok。八。i八s«te八七 that consumer choice is paraout. The analogy is strengthened by neurological research suggesting the extreme coMpukio八 to keep eating sugaryj fattyj saltg food amounts to a kind, of addiction.1. Wkg there is reseihlance between processed foods and tobacco?(A) The collective interest of nations health dwarfs the rights of individual companies.(B)The Manufactures of both products insist the rights of company should be strengtkeMd.(C) Sowe research reveals that the desire to eating juiak food is a kind of addiction.(P) Neurological research suggests people are compelled to keep eating junk food.1. This is a case wMere the collective interest of the iaatios kealtla overrides the rights of individual companies to sell a/hatever they want to whomever they want.词汇突破:l.This is a case where.这个情况体现了2. override比更重要;凌驾Consideration of safety override all other concerns.参考译文:对安全的考虑高于一切。确定主干:This is a case where A overrides B.参考译文:这个情况就体现了,国家的整体健康利益超越公司向任何愿意购买的人出售任何他们想生产的产品的权利。2. Manufacturers of processed foods increasingly resemble the tobacco lobby -reluctant to adwit that tkeir product is poisonous, insistent that cok$ukver choice is paraouiat.参考译文:加工食品制造商越来越类像烟草游说势力一一不愿意承认他们的产品有毒,坚持消费者选择至关重要。3. The analogy is stre八gthe八ed by Mixrological research suggesting the extreme coipulsioi to keep eating sugaryj fattyj salty food amounts to a kind of addiction.词汇突破:amount to相当于;参考译文:这个类比为神经学的研究所加强,因为研究显示持续吃高盐高糖高脂食物的冲动相当于一种成瘾症。1. Why there is resemblance between processed foods ad tobacco?为什么加工食品和烟草之间存在相似性?这个题目定位的关键是你要理解:Resemblance和analogy的同意替换关系!(别找理由,你就是不知道!)所以定位到第三句:吸烟是一种瘾!现在研究证明,吃垃圾食品也是一种瘾;(A) The collective interest of nation's health dwarfs the rights of individual companies.(Dwarfs= overrides)这个选项定位到第一句而且替换也是正确的,但是定位错误,因为根据题干应该定位到第三句;(B)The Manufactures of both products insist tine rights of company should be strengthened.加工食品和烟草的生产者坚持认为公司权利应该被加强;(文章没有谈到这些生产者坚持认为权利应该被加强,而只是谈到应该尊重消费者的选择。)所以属于not given ;排除!(C) Sowe research reveals tkat the desire to eating juiak food is a kiiad of addiction.有研究表明吃垃圾食品的欲望是某种瘾;Pesire=compu/s(ort欲望替换冲动没有毛病!如果你一定要说这两个是有区别的,你也只能选这个最佳选项了!而且这两个替换确实是可以的!所以C是正确选项!(P) Neurological research suggests people are compelled to keep eating junk food.神经学的研究表明人们被迫持续吃垃圾食品:(仔细看一下第三句就知道,人们没有被迫吃东西;而是持续吃东西的冲动相当于一种成瘾症。)6).The sobering aspect of A也八's book is tkat we have 八。八e eke to blawe for our present coiditio except ourselves.(5O)Tke 印side is the possibilities c。八toMed i八 knowing thatis up t。“s; where before we wew experts in thearrag of /ihita力'。八s,八。w we bcconAC authorities of what is possible.The sobering aspect of Alleys book is that we have 八。one else to blaie for our present condition except ourselves.词汇突破:l.sobenhg令人警醒的参考译文:艾伦的书令人警醒的一面是,对于当下的情形,我们只能责怪我们自己。(除了自己我们不能怪任何人。)送大家一句写作例句:The soberiiag aspect of the discussion above is that we have 八。oine eke to blawe for this sorry state of affairs except ourselves.参考译文:上面的讨论令人警醒的一面是,对于这一遗憾的局面,我们只能责怪我们自己。 The upside is the possibilities coitaiied M knowing that evergthMg is up to us; where before we were experts M the array of liMitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.词汇突破:1. the upside可喜的一面2 .up to sb取决于3 . authorities 权威三个分句:1. The upside is the possibilities contained i" knowMg tkat everything is up to us直译:可喜的一面在于,可能性包含在知道一切事情都取决于我们。改译:可喜的一面在于:(我们知道)可以主宰一切事情,那么就有了很多可能性;2. where before we were experts in the array of limitations直译:以前我们是各种局限性的专家;改译:以前我们能熟练应对各种局限;3. now we become authorities of wkat is possible 直译:现在我们成为可能性的权威。改译:现在我们能完全地把握可能性。参考译文:可喜的一面在于:既然知道我们可以主宰一切事情,那么就有无限的可能。以前,我们能够熟练应对种种局限;现在,我们也能完全地把握可能。7),Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process. scientific work tends to focus。八 somc aspect of prevailing knowledge that is viewed as iiacoMplete or mcorrect. Littleaccompanies duplication aidconfirmation of A/hat is already known ad believed.1. Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process.词汇突破:paradox悖论参考译文:在这个取得信用的过程中存在着两个悖论。2. F/rst, scientific work tends to focus。八 some aspect of prevailing k八owl以ge/ that is viewed as iincoplete or incorrect.词汇突破:prevailing kiaoA/ledge主流知识参考译文:第一,科研工作通常关注于主流知识中一些被认为是不完全和不正确的方面;3. Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known ad believed.词汇突破:duplication aid confirmation 复制和确认参考译文:对于已知的知识进行复制和确认常常回报不大。8).The goal is n.ew-search, not re-search. Not surprisingly, nevv/ypublished discovery claims avd credible discoveries that appear to be import八土 aiad。八/McMg will always be opeh to challenge aiad potential modification or refutation by future researchers. Second novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief.Tke goal is 八ew-seek, not research.参考译文:研究的目标是新的“寻找”而不是重复"寻找"。Not surprisingly, iewly published discovery claims aind credible discoveries that appear to be important aiad c。八H八ci八g will always be ope八 to ckallekge ad potential modification or refiAtatioi by fixture researchers.词汇突破:ckH/e八ge质疑Modification 修改Refutation 推翻主干识别:八ew/g published discovery claims aid credible discoveries will alwaysbe ope八 to challenge ad. potential modification or refutation by future researchers其他成分:tkat appear to be important aiad conv讥cMg 定语Not surprisingly,状语参考译文:那些看起来重要且可信的新发表的发现声明以及可信的发现,总要面对将来研究者的质疑甚至是可能的修改和推翻,这一点不足为奇。Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief.参考译文:第二.新生事物本身就常常招致怀疑。最后三句:Nobd Laureate avd physiologist Albert Aeiat-Gyorgyi。八ce described discovery as “seeing A/kat everybody has see八 avd thinking what nobody has thought.”诺贝尔奖获得者,生理学家A/bert Aze八七-的。阳5曾经就把发现描述为“见人之所见,思无人所想咒®But thinking A/kat nobody else thought aiad telling others A/kat they have missed may 八。t ckaige tkeir Hews.但是想无人所想,并且告诉其他人他们的维漏未必能改变这些人的看法。©Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted avd appreciated.有时,真正的新的发现需要很多年才能被接受和认可。q).rtSo few authors have泗 e八。gk or literary gift enough to keep tkeir own end up m joumalisvx Newman, wrote J'tkat I aw tempted to define 'joumalis as fa term of contempt applied by writers wk。are not read to writers who are主干识别:ZewMtm wrote 其他成分:宾语从句:So few authors have brains。八。gk or literary gift enough to keep their own end up m joumali$kv that I aw tempted to define Joumbsm, as fa term of coatewpt applied by waiters wk。are not read, to writers wk。are1整个句子是s。mat.的结构;1. So few authors kave braids enough or literary gift enough to keep tkeir own. eiad up M joumbsm少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。2. I am tempted to define 'jounaalis as ea terwv of coiateiptBe tempted to.禁不住.忍不住.我就忍不住把"新闻媒体''定义为一个“具有鄙视色彩的术语=蔑称”3. applied by writeHS wk。are not read to wnters wk。are applied by A to BA= Wr/ters who are not read;作品无人问津的作者8= wnters wk。are (read)作品受读者欢迎的作者把2和3合在一起:我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个作品无人问津的作者用到作品受读者欢迎的作者身上的“蔑称”参考译文:纽曼这样写道:“少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。以至于我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个“作品无人问津的作者”用到”作品受读者欢迎的作者”身上的蔑称W).VJMe, polls show Britons rate “the countryside" alongside the. royal familyj Shakespeare ad the National Health Service (NHS) as what Makes them proudest of their countryy this has limited, political support.词汇突破:l.poll民调(民意调查)2. alongside .相比;和.一样(对比的作用)3. NHS英国国家医疗服务体系4. while 虽然5. Brit。八英国人6. rate,评为,认为结构识别:while polls show Britons rate. A as Bj A has limited, political support.参考译文:虽然种种民调显示英国人认为乡村和王室,莎士比亚和英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)一样,是他们国家最值得骄傲的地方,但是乡村只得到了有限的政治支持。The researchers1 argawevt stenAS from a simple observation about social iiafluence: With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah W inf reg-whose outsize presence is primarily a function of iedia, not interpersonal, iiaflueiace-eve八 the most influential members of a population simply dot iiateract with tlaat kwany others.主干识另ij: L The researched argueit steins from a simple observation about social mftuence:研究者的观点源自于对社会影响的简单观察:2. eve八 the most iiflueiatial members of a population simplg doi't interact with that Many others即使是一个人群中最有影响力的成员也不会与那么多的人进行互动其他成分:VJitk the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah W inf reg 状语-whose outsize presence is primarily a functron of wedia八。七 interpersonalj iiaflueiace定语从句做插入语奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响,而不是人际关系的影响参考译文:研究者的观点源自于对社会影响的简单观察:除了个别像奥普拉温弗瑞这样的名人,即使是一个人群中最有影响力的成员也不会与那么多的人进行互动。而奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响,而不是人际关系的影响。Consumers passionate about a product iay create "eanaed”vedia by wiUMglg pKOMotMg it to fHeeds, avd a cokvxpatay may leverage “owned" yvedia by se八ding e-kvail alerts about products avd sales to customers registered A/ith its Web site.词汇突破:l.passioate热衷于2.1. leverage 利用3. alert 通知主干识别:Consumers may create,"earheW" wediaA company may leverage “ow八ed" Media 其他成分:passionate about a product热衷于某一产品定语 by wiHMglg pgMoti八g it to friends 状语 by seindiing e-iail Herts about products atd sales to customersregistered with its Web site 状语可以通过发送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和消费信息参考译文:热衷于某一产品的消费者,可以通过自愿推荐给朋友的方式,创建免费口碑媒体。企业可以通过发送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和销售信息。Within the complex social structure of the scientific commun/ty> researchers vake discoveries; editors aiad reviewers act as gatekeepers by covtv'ollig the publication process;0tAer scientists use the new finding to suit the" own. purposes; avd finallyj the public (includi八g other scientists) receives the new discovery aiad possibly accoMpa八gMg teckiaology.主干识别:1.researchers kvxake discoveries;2. editor avd. rewewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process3. otMer scieiatits use the new finding to suit (满足) their own purposes;4. aiad fkallg, the public (iccludi八g other scientists) receives the new discovery aiad possibly accoipaiyiiag (随之而来的)technology.其他成分: Within the complex social structure of the scientific covvuiity 状语参考译文:在科学界的复杂社会结构中,研究者做出发现;编辑和评审者


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