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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A(1a-2d)同步练习.doc

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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A(1a-2d)同步练习.doc

    1UnitUnit 4 4 WheresWheres mymy schoolbagschoolbagSection A (1a2d).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1I _ (认为) it is on the sofa.2Where are my books?They're _ (在下) the desk.3Those are Li Lei's and Li Ming's _ (椅子)4Where are his _ (钥匙)? 5It's _ (他们的) room.6Look at my _(父母的) room. It's very clean.7Mary's dictionary is on that _ (书桌)8Your hat is on your _ (头).用方框中所给的介词填空under, of, in, about, at1. What's this _ English?2. Mimi is the name _ my cat.3. Hi, I'm Cindy. What _ you?4. E­mail me_ 52486sina.com5. Where is my ball, Dad?Is it _ your bed?.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1Where are my _ (book)?2They are in your schoolbag.2Where are their _ (pencil box)?They are on the sofa.3Here are some _ (key)4There are two _ (library) in our school.5There are some _ (watch) in the lost and found box.6I have two _(dictionary) at school.7Two _ (photo) are on the wall.8There are seven _ (day) in a week.9My _ (parent) are teachers.10Many(许多) _ (family) watch TV at home.根据汉语提示完成句子1Where's the schoolbag?Is it _(在桌子下面)?No, it isn't. It is on the table.2Where are the books?Are they on the sofa?No, they aren't.They are _ (在床上)3Where are the keys?Are they_ (在你的书包里)?No. They are on the sofa.4_ (快点), Mike! We are late(迟的)5_ (我认为) his book is _ (在书柜里).单项填空( )1.Where are your books?3_ on the sofa.AIt's BTheyCThey're DIt( )2.Are those maps on the sofa?_ANo, they aren'tBNo, it isn'tCYes, those are DYes, it is( )3.Where _ his bags and where _ your eraser?Ais; are Bare; areCis; is Dare; is( )4.Where are her_?_ are on the table.Akey; It Bkeys; TheyCkeys; It Dkey; They( )5.Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No, it's my _He left it there just now.Abrother Bbrother'sCbrothers' Dbrothers ( )6._, Jack! Or we'll be late.ACome in BComeCCome on DGo( )7.Where is the map?4It's _ my _ room.Aon; parent's Bin; parent'sCon; parents' Din; parents'( )8.Where_ my pencil?_ on the table.Ais; It's Bare; It'sCare; They're Dis; They're.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1The computer is on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)_ the computer _ the desk?2His keys are in_the_bag(对画线部分提问)_ _ his keys?3His hat is on his head.(改为复数句)Their hats _ on _ _4I think the ruler is hers.(改为否定句)I_ think the ruler _ hers.5Is it in your bag?(作否定回答)_, it _.连词成句1is, game, where, my, computer_?2the, schoolbag, on, my, is, table_.3Jim's, under, is, ball, chair, the5_?4are, books, where, the_?5keys, the, are, sofa, the, on_?.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文This is Alan's bedroom. It's very nice. There are 1._ pictures on the wall. There is a 2._ of keys and a 3._ on the desk. His schoolbag is on the 4._. His baseball is 5._ the bed. 6._ are his 7._? Oh, 8._ are in the desk. .根据图片提示完成对话,每空一词1A: _ is the cat?B: It's _ the computer.2A: _ is the bag?B: It's_ the bed.63A: Where is my baseball?B: It's _ the chair.4A: Where are my dictionaries?B: They are _ the desk.5A: Where is your pencil box?B: It's _ the schoolbag.任务型阅读Look at Jim's room. It's a nice room. Some pictures are on the wall(墙). A desk and a chair are in his room. There is a sofa and a bookcase, too. The desk is between(在之间) the bed and the bookcase. His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. There are some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil box. Jim's sofa is near(在附近) the bookcase. 他的棒球在床下面。 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1What's on the wall?7_2Where is Jim's pencil box?_3How's Jim's room?_4把画线句子翻译成英语。_( )5.The passage(文章) is about _AJim's roomBJim's deskCJim's sofaDJim's bookcase8详解详析详解详析SectionSection A A (1a1a2d2d).1.think 2.under 3.chairs 4.keys5their 6.parents' 7.desk 8.head.1. in 2. of 3. about 4. at 5. under.1.books 2.pencil boxes 3.keys4libraries 5.watches 6.dictionaries 7.photos 8.days 9.parents10families.1.under the table 2.on the bed3in your schoolbag 4.Come on5. I think; in the bookcase.1.C 问句的主语为复数名词,所以回答时主语应用代词 they,be 动词用 are。2A3D 第一个问句中 bags 是复数名词,be 动词用 are;第二个问句中的 eraser 是单数名词,be 动词用 is。4B5B 考查名词所有格。句意:“书桌下面的书包是你的吗?” “不,它是我哥哥的。他刚才把它落在那里了。 ” brother's 为单数名词的所有格;brothers'为复数名词的所有格。由“He”可知选 B。6C 7.D 8.A.1.Is; on 2.Where are3are; their heads4don't; is 5No; isn't.1.Where is my computer game92My schoolbag is on the table/The schoolbag is on my table3Is Jim's ball under the chair4Where are the books5Are the keys on the sofa.1.some 2.set 3.dictionary 4.chair5under 6.Where 7.books 8.they.1.Where; on 2.Where; on 3.under4on 5.in.1.Some pictures.2It's on the desk.3It's nice.4His baseball is under the bed.5A 主旨大意题。阅读全文可知,本文是对 Jim 房间的描述,故选 A。


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