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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends Lesson 3 课时分层训练.doc

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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends Lesson 3 课时分层训练.doc

    1UnitUnit 1 1 SchoolSchool andand FriendsFriendsLesson 3 Welcome to Our School课时分层训练(三)Lesson 3.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Let me_(带路) you the way.2Mary has science classes in the _(实验室)3The boys play sports and have _(有趣的事) on the playground.4Our _(教室) is clean(干净的)5What's that, Tom?It's an _(办公室).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空science classes, have fun, showaround,welcome to, play sports1The children _ playing games.2Let me_ you _ my new school.3The students have _ in the lab.4Where do the children _?On the playground.5This is my house._ my home.2.单项填空( )1.This is _ office. Aa Ban Cthe D/( )2.We play sports _ have fun there after class.Aor Band Cthen Dso( )3.We borrow(借) books from the _Aclassroom BlabCoffice Dlibrary( )4.What's that?_AIt's a lab BIt a lab CThis is a lab DThis is lab( )5.Teachers_ their lessons in the office. Aplay Bhave Cplan Dshow( )6._ do we have PE. classes?On the playground.AWhat BWhere CWho DHow( )7.They_ me around the factory(工厂)Ashow Bwelcome Cplan Dhave( )8.We have four_ in the morning.Alessons BclassroomsCoffices Dlabs( )9.This is Rose. _ is a new student in our class.3AHe BSheCHis DHer( )10.Welcome to our classroom._AYou're welcome. BThank you.COK! DGoodbye.连词成句1me, let, show, school, around, our, you_.2student, is, visiting, a, he_?3in, what, you, class, are_?4classroom, we, in, have, lessons, the_.5sports, Jack, wants, play, to_.任务型阅读I am Jack. I come to Li Ming's school. He shows me around his school. He says, “This is my classroom. My classmates and I have lessons here. This is an office. Our_teachers_plan_their_lessons_here. That is the playground. We play sports and have fun there. That is the library. We get books there. Our lab is over there. We have our science classes there.”1 题完成句子;2 题单项填空;3 题简略回答问题;4 题将文中画线句子译成汉语;5题找出短文的主题句。41Jack comes to _ school.2They get books from the_( )Aoffice BlibraryClab Dplayground 3Where do Li Ming and his classmates have science classes?_4_5_5课时滚动训练Lessons 13.英汉互译1他叫什么名字?_2Welcome to our school._3她是你的同班同学吗?_4Let me show you around._5这是我们的办公室。_.根据汉语提示完成短文This year we go to a new school. I am in Class 1._(四)My friend Jay is in Class One. I meet my new 2._(同班同学) in the new class. There are thirty 3._(学生) in our class. Two of them are from 4._(加拿大)Mrs. William is our 5._ _(指导老师)She is very kind. We have 6._(课) in our big 7._(教室)We have a 8._(实验室)We have science classes there. We have a big playground. We often 9._ _(玩得开心) on the playground. We have a big library. We can 10._ _(借书) there. I like books and I like the library. I like the new school, too.完形填空Hello! My _1_ is Liu Mei. Nice to _2_ you. I_3_ a girl. I _4_ a good pen friend._5_ is a boy. He _6_ in Canada._7_ name is Frank. He is 13.Li Mei _8_ my good friend,too. I often play soccer _9_ her. I like my two good _10_6( )1.A.name Bcat Cpen Dnose( )2.A.tell Bmeet Cgo Dshow( )3.A.am Bis Care D/( )4.A.has Bam Chave Dlet( )5.A.She BHe CI DYou( )6.A.are Blike Cis Dhas( )7.A.Her BMy CYour DHis( )8.A.are Bam Cis Dbe ( )9.A.at Bof Cfor Dwith( )10.A.boys BgirlsCfriend Dfriends .阅读理解新学期开始了,Danny 来到了一个新学校。让我们一起去了解一下有关新学校的情况吧。This is my classroom. The woman is my English teacher,Mrs. Black. She is from Canada. There are some desks and chairs in the classroom. And there are some boys and girls, too.This is our playground. The students often play sports here. Look!They are having fun.This is an office. Our teachers plan their lessons here. Who's the woman over there?She is Miss Jane, our homeroom teacher.( )1.Where is Danny's English teacher from?AChina.7BCanada.CAmerica(美国)DEngland(英格兰)( )2.Where do the students often play sports?AIn the classroom.BOn the playground.CIn the lab.DIn the office.( )3.Danny's teachers plan their lessons in the _Aclassroom BlabClibrary Doffice( )4.Miss Jane is a(n) _ teacher.AEnglish BChineseChomeroom Dscience( )5.How many places are mentioned(提到) in the passage?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.8详解详析详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.show 2.lab 3.fun 4.classroom5office.1.have fun2show; around3science classes4play sports5Welcome to 课后巩固提升.1.B 2.B3D borrow books 意为“借书” ,借书的地点应为“图书馆” ,故选 D。4A5C 句意:老师在办公室备课。plan their lessons 意为“备课” 。故选 C。6B 答语“On the playground.”表示地点,故用 where 提问。7A 8.A9B 句意:这是 Rose, 她是我们班的一名新生。Rose 是女孩,所以人称代词用she。故答案为 B。10B.1.Let me show you around our school2Is he a visiting student3What class are you in94We have lessons in the classroom5Jack wants to play sports.1.Li Ming's2B3In the lab.4我们的老师在这里备课。5He (Li Ming) shows me around his school.课时滚动训练Lessons 13.1.What is his name/What's his name?2欢迎来到我们学校。3Is she your classmate?4让我带你参观一下。5This is our office.1.Four 2.classmates 3.students4Canada 5.homeroom teacher6lessons 7.classroom 8.lab9have fun 10.get books .1.A 由“Liu Mei”可知,我的“名字”是刘梅。2B3A 主语 I 为第一称单数,故 be 动词用 am。4C 句意:我有一个好笔友。5B 由“a boy”可知主语用 he。6C 因主语 he 是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,排除 A 项和 B 项;再根据句意可知选 C。7D Frank 是男孩的名字,故用 his。108C Liu Mei 是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用 is。9D with sb.意为“和某人一起” 。10D .1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C5B 短文中共提到了 my classroom, our playground 和 an office 三个地方,故答案为 B。


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