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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go(Lessons 31-33)阶段能力训练 (新版)冀教版.doc

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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go(Lessons 31-33)阶段能力训练 (新版)冀教版.doc

    1UnitUnit 6 6 LetsLets GoGo阶段能力训练阶段能力训练(Lessons(Lessons 313133)33) . 完形填空 Animals are our friends. We should(应该) be _1_ to them. I often go to the_2_ to see them.There_3_ many different kinds of animals there. We shouldn't give them_4_. Because we don't know whether(是否) they are _5_ or not. And we don't know what they should eat, either(也)We just _6_ them quietly. We can also try to_7_ more about them. I think they are_8_ at the zoo.They should live_9_ the forest. That is their home. Am I _10_?( )1.A.bad Bkind Cquiet Dready ( )2.A.forest Bvillage Czoo Dpark ( )3.A.is Bare Chave Dhas ( )4.A.apples Bbananas Cpears Dfood ( )5.A.hungry Bbig Csmall Dcute ( )6.A.rest Bplay Chear Dwatch ( )7.A.learn Bbuy Ccarry Dhave ( )8.A.happy Bgood Cangry Dlonely ( )9.A.in Bon Cwith Dfor ( )10.A.quiet Bright Chappy Dbad .阅读理解Welcome to the zoo! OpeningOpening(开放) timetime: Monday(周一) to Friday(周五) 10:00 am.6:00 pm.Saturday to Sunday 9:00 am.8:00 pm. TicketsTickets(门票) Adults(成人):50 yuan Aged 418:30 yuanUnder 4: Free ShowsShows 11:30 am. Monkey Show 11:30 am. Panda Show23:00 pm. Lion Show( )1.What time does the zoo close(关闭) on Sundays? AAt 10:00 am. BAt 6:00 pm. CAt 9:00 am. DAt 8:00 pm.( )2.How many days a week does the zoo open? A2. B5. C6. D7.( )3.What show can people see in the afternoon? AMonkey Show. BPanda Show. CLion Show. DTiger Show. ( )4.The Browns have two kids:10­year­old Frank and 3­year­old Jenny. How much are the tickets if(如果) they all go to the zoo? A100 yuan. B130 yuan. C160 yuan. D200 yuan.( )5.Which of the following is NOT true? AThe zoo opens at nine o'clock on Mondays. BThe ticket for an adult is 50 yuan. CKids under 4 years old don't have to pay(付费) to go to the zoo. DYou can see three shows a day in the zoo. . 任务型阅读One day, a lady goes back home by taxi. When the taxi driver drives near her house, she tells the driver to stop, and says, “OK, here, here is good.” Then she asks the driver, “How much is it?” And the driver answers, “Ten dollars.” Then, after searching(搜寻) in her purse for a while, she says, “Can_you_please_go_back_500_metres? I have only seven dollars with me!” 12 题完成句子;34 题简略回答问题;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。 1One day, a lady goes home _ 2When the taxi is _ her house, she tells the driver to stop. 3How much should the lady pay the taxi driver?_ 4Does the woman have enough money?_ 5_3教师详解详析教师详解详析.1.B 2.C 3B 主语是“many different kinds of animals” ,所以 be 动词用 are。 4D 5.A 6D “观看”动物应该用 watch。 7A 8.D 9A in the forest 意为“在森林里” 。 10B .1.D 细节理解题。由“Saturday to Sunday 9:00 am.8:00p.m.”可知,关 闭的时间是晚上八点。 2D 细节理解题。由第一部分的 opening time 可知,一周七天都开放。 3C 细节理解题。由 “3:00 pm. Lion Show”可知答案为 C。 4B 推理判断题。成人门票为 50 元; 418 岁为 30 元;四岁以下免费;所以总费 用为:5050300130, 答案为 B。 5A . 1.by taxi 2.near 3.Ten/10 dollars. 4No, she doesn't. 5你能往回开 500 米吗?


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