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    2019期七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Now and Then Lesson 14 My First Day同步练习.doc

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    2019期七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Now and Then Lesson 14 My First Day同步练习.doc

    1UnitUnit 5 5 NowNow AndAnd ThenThenLessonLesson 1414 MyMy FirstFirst DayDay同步练习同步练习 1. I always become n_ and can't say anything when I meet some foreigners.2. There are many d_ between spoken English and written English.3. Boys and girls, please pay a_ to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.4. Good b_ is half done, so I should work hard in the new school.5. Little Tom was very happy because he got a high g_ in the exam.6. Don't talk so l_. You should keep quiet in the library.7. We are all p_(感到骄傲的) of Li Na. She won again.1. 那个公园什么样子?was the park ?2. 他很容易地完成了作业。(词数不限)He .3 -上周末你做什么了?- 我去野营了。- you last weekend? 单词拼写单词拼写 翻译翻译2- I .4. 因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。(词数不限)I believe more and more people will smoking because it's not allowed in public.5 约翰每天花费一个小时做作业。John an hour his homework every day.1.- When_ your father at work?- The day before yesterday.A. isB. does C. didD. was2.Why_ late for school?A. were you B. do youC. don't youD. you were3.London _the 2012 Olympic Games.A. hold B. holdsC. is holdingD. held4.- Did your father work in America in 2000?- _ . He worked in Australia.A. No, he doesn'tB. Yes, he doesC. No, he didn'tD. Yes, he did5.What _she_ for breakfast?A. did; did B. do; hadC. did; haveD. do; has 单选题单选题36.There _lots of people at the restaurant when I got there.A. isB. wasC. areD. were7.- Can she go out on school nights?- No, she _. And I can't, .A. doesn't; too B. doesn't; eitherC. can't; tooD. can't; either8.Let me_ Tony and Daming_ you.A. introduce; toB. to introduce; forC. introduce; forD. to introduce; to9.We felt _ when Liu Xiang won the first prize again in the race.A. braveB. proudC. successfulD. worried10._, we should peel three bananas to make a milk shake.A. At first B. At lastC. FinallyD. In the endAt noon, it was very hot because the sun was very strong. Johnny was too tired to 1 . There were no trees near the road, 2 he had a rest under a big rock(岩石). After he 3 some water, Johnny took off his shirt. He lay down on the ground and fell 4 at once.He was so tired 5 he did not wake up until the evening. He was going to jump up. Suddenly he 6 something moving near his feet. He looked down and saw a long black snake.Johnny was so 7 that he did not dare to move. The 8 began to crawl(爬) beside him. It crawled on and on until it disappeared under the rocks. Johnny jumped up 9 and nervously, picked up his 10 and ran off down the road. 完型填空完型填空41.A. take B. come C. make D. walk2.A. soB. butC. andD. or3.A. took B. made C. drankD. kept4.A. sleeping B. asleepC. sleptD. sleep5.A. what B. that C. whyD. which6.A. knew B. understoodC. studiedD. felt7.A. excitedB. tiredC. frightenedD. happy8.A. snakeB. catC. monkeyD. mouse9.A. quicklyB. quickC. angryD. angrily10. A. handbagB. hatC. shirtD. shoesBob likes fish very much. He buys some fish and takes it home. His wife sees the fish. She says to herself, “Good! Now I can have the fish with my friends. They like to eat fish very much.” Then she does so.Bob comes home in the evening. He cannot find the fish. His wife says, “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Bob some bread for supper. Bob is very angry(生气的). He puts the cat on a scale and says to this wife, “My cat is one kilo(公斤) and the fish is one kilo, too. The cat is here. But where is my fish?”1. Bob's wife tells Bob .A. she eats the fishB. the cat eats the fishC. her friends eat the fishD. she doesn't know where the fish is2. The meaning(意思) of the word “scale” in this passage is in Chinese. 阅读理解阅读理解5A. 柜台B. 秤C. 平台D. 餐馆3. Who eats the fish?A. Only Bob's wifeB. The catC. Bob's wife and her friendsD. We don't know参考答案参考答案1. nervous2. differences3. attention4. beginning5. grade6. loudly7. proud1. What; like2. easily finished his homework/finished his homework easily3. What did, do, went camping4. give up5. spends doing/ on 单词拼写单词拼写 翻译翻译61. D 2. A 3. D4. C5. C6. D7. D8. C 9. D10. D1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B5. B 单选题单选题 完型填空完型填空76. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C 1. B2. B3. C 阅读理解阅读理解


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