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    1UnitUnit 4 4 WhatsWhats thethe bestbest moviemovie theater?theater? ( (作业作业) )一、根据单词提示或首字母提示填空一、根据单词提示或首字母提示填空1.This radio station has the(bad) music in the city.2.Who is the best(perform) of the year?3.All the children know that the(good) clothes store is in town.4.Lucy sings(loud) than Tom.5.Which sofa do you want, Sir?I want to buy this one because you can sit c .6.There are too many books in the store. I dont know which one to c .7.Did you tell him about that case?He worked so cthat he didnt hear what I said.8.Please dont eat the vegetables because they are not f .9.Music plays an important rin my life. It can make me relaxed. 10.The inventors (发明家) are usually very c(有创造力 的).二、单项选择二、单项选择()11. He isenough to carry the heavy box.A.strongerB. much strongerC. strongD. the strongest ()12. When winter comes, days get .A. long and longB. short and shortC. longer and longerD. shorter and shorter ()13. Who is , Tom, Jim or Jack?A. the most outgoingB. most heavyC. most hard-workingD. thinnest ()14. Lilys book isnicer than yours.A. veryB. quiteC. muchD. too()15. The coffee is good.Thats right. I think it tastes among all the drinks.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best2()16. Which isseason in Beijing? I think its autumn.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best 三、完成句子三、完成句子 17.How do you like fast food? (改为同义句)18.为了让孩子们开心,他编了一个有意思的故事。To make the kids happy, he . 19.经过长期的努力,最终她的梦想实现了。after the long-term efforts. 20.中国在全球环境问题(the global environment problems)上应该起着至关重要的作用。(汉译英). 21.Honey, shall we eat outside or at home today? (英译汉)Thats up to you.四、根据首字母提示填词四、根据首字母提示填词What do students think of fast food restaurants in our city? We did a22.sof the students in our school last week. And this is what we 23. l . Most of the students think all fast food restaurants are good, but the KFC is the 24. bin our city. It has the most creative food and the best 25. s . However, McDonalds is the cheapest 26. ait has the funniest pictures.It also 27. pthe most interesting music. The most 28.prestaurant is the Pizza Hut. It has the most 29. dfood and the 30. f(友好的) service.五五、阅阅读读文文章章,判判断断下下列列说说法法是是否否正正确确,正正确确的的打打“”,错错误误的的请请在在横横线线上上改改正正A movie ticket at Town Cinema is $12.00. It is $10.50 at Screen City, and $10.00 at Movie World.Screen City is always very crowded. Many people go to Movie World, too. But you can always get a ticket at Town Cinema.The seats at Movie World are very comfortable. The seats at Screen City are a little hard. The Town Cinema seats are very uncomfortable.331.Movie World is the most expensive. ()32.Screen City has the cheapest tickets. ()33.Town Cinema is more popular than Screen City. ()34.Movie World is the most popular. ()35.Town Cinema has the most comfortable seats. ()4【参考答案参考答案】一、1.worst2.performer3.best4.loude r5.comfortably 9.role6.choose 10.creative7.carefully8.fresh二、11-16 CDACDD三、17.What do you think of fast food? 18.made/makes up an interesting story 19.Her dream came/comes true finally20.China should play a key role in the global environment problems. 21.亲爱的,我们今天是在外面吃还是在家里吃? 由你来定。四、22.survey23.learnt/learned24.best25.service26.and27.plays28.popular29.deliciou s30.friendliest 五、31. ×Town Cinema is the most expensive./ Movie World is the cheapest.32. ×Movie World has the cheapest tickets.33. ×Screen City is more popular than Town Cinema.34. ×Screen City is the most popular.35. × Movie World has the most comfortable seats. / Town Cinema has the most uncomfortable seats.


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