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    2019九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future主题写作十练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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    2019九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future主题写作十练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

    1单元主题写作十单元主题写作十 本单元的话题为讨论“未来”和“给予祝福” 。初中生活马上要结束了,面对即将过去 的初中生涯,面对朝夕相处的同窗好友,面对辛勤引导自己的良师,学生们心里一定有很 多感慨;面对自己的未来,一定也有很多愿望和梦想。本单元要学会用英语表达出自己对 初中生活的回顾和对将来的展望。初中三年的校园生活精彩纷呈。在老师、同学和家长的帮助下,通过你的努力,你在 学习、生活、文体活动、与人相处等方面,一定学到很多,取得了进步。请根据所给题目, 用英语写一篇不少于 60 词的短文。I Have Learned a Lot in Junior High School _ _ _ _ _重点短语 1梦想_ 2期盼_ 3从毕业_ 4代表_25让某人想起某事_ 常用句子 1How time flies! 2I will never forget the days that we spent together! 3Wish all of us a bright future! 4I will express my deep gratitude to my teachers, my classmates and my friends. 5Though we are going to part, our friendship will always remain. 6Be sure to always stay in touch! 高分模板I Have Learned a Lot in Junior High School My three­year life in junior high school is interesting and colourful. I've learned a lot from it. First of all, I've learned to be a good person. I can tell what's right and what's wrong. Secondly, I've developed good learning habits and made great progress in studies. Thirdly, I've learned to get on well with others and I've made many friends. We often help each other and learn from each other. All in all, I've learned more than I can say. I'll value it forever. 名师点评 文章开始使用“interesting and colourful” ,表明了初中生活的丰富多彩。 正文使用顺序词及短语 first of all, secondly, thirdly,使文章层次清晰。 文章采用“总分总”进行表述,结构鲜明。临近毕业,请你以 Jim 的口吻写封信给家长,简要汇报三年来初中生活的收获以及存 在的问题。收获1.学到很多知识,提高学习技能 2学会做人:在校;在家;遇到困难时存在问题在方面感到有压力(feel stressed in)(至少举两个例子)目前想法1.感谢 2.打算要求:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。 2必须包括表格中信息,并适当发挥。 390 词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。 Dear Dad & Mum,I will leave junior school and meet a new challenge of my life. Now I would like to tell you what I have learnt in the past three years. _3_ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely,Jim4详解详析详解详析 单元主题写作十 【素材积累】 1dream of 2.look forward to 3graduate from 4.on behalf of 5make sb. think of sth./remind sb. of sth. 【小试身手】 OneOne possiblepossible versionversion: Dear Dad & Mum,I will leave junior school and meet a new challenge of my life. Now I would like to tell you what I have learnt in the past three years. I have learned a lot of knowledge from the books and I have improved my study skills. At school I can also get along with my teachers and classmates. We learn from each other and help each other, too. At home I can do some housework so that you can have more time to rest. On my way to school, I can obey the traffic rules. I can help old men cross the road. When I meet difficulties, I can talk to my friends, teachers or you about it. Now I feel stressed in my study. I can't get enough sleep. I have too much homework to do every day and have no time for my hobbies. I want to thank you for taking good care of me and thank my teachers and friends for their help. I will plan my time well to study better and sleep well and make myself healthy. Yours sincerely, Jim


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