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    1UnitUnit 1 1 HowHow cancan wewe becomebecome goodgood learners?learners?第二课时 SectionSection A A(3a3a3b3b) 班级: 学生: 分数: 0101 基础过关.根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1 1The (表情) on his face shows that he is angry with me. 2 2Could you tell me your (秘诀) for a long happy life? 3 3Bob improves his English by doing (语法)exercises. 4 4It is well known that Columbus (发现)America in 1492. 5 5Mike doesn't know the (意思) of the new word.Can you tell him? .用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 express,pronunciation,call,understand,quick 6 6The girl Annie is my pen pal. 7 7My teacher spoke so that I couldn't follow her. 8 8We really need your help and 9 9We sent him some flowers as an of thanks. 1010She is the student who best in the class. .单项填空。 ( )11.11.How can I improve my English listening,Tonny?I think you can learn it well _ watching some movies again and again. Ain Bfor Cby Don( )12.12.I find _ necessary to learn about the customs of a country before you go there. Athat Bthis Cit Done ( )13.13.(襄阳中考)What's your _ to English learning,Lin Tao?I think watching English movies is helpful. Aplace Bage Ctime Dsecret ( )14.14.(青岛中考)You can _ the word in the dictionary if you don't know it. Agive away Bcut off Ctake after Dlook up( )15.15.I could tell he was surprised from the_on his face. Afeeling Bjoy Csilence Dexpression( )16.16.Our English teacher speaks _ quickly _ I can't understand her in the class. Asothat Bsuchthat Ctooto Dasas ( )17.17.Gilbert _electricity,and Edison _the electric light bulb. Adiscovered;discovered Bdiscovered;invented Cinvented;invented Dinvented;discovered ( )18.8.(青岛中考)_ we work at English,the better grades we will get. AHarder BThe hardest CHardest DThe harder( )19.9.You can't learn English well _ you study hard on it. OK,I will study hard.2Auntil Bunless Ceven though Dso that ( )20.0.(孝感中考)What's the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?Let me _ the words in the new dictionary. Alook at Blook for Clook after Dlook up02 能力提升.完形填空。 How long will it take to learn a new language?One year,two years or ten years?According to a _21_,Chris Lonsdale,you don't need to spend such a long time._22_,all you need is just six months.Is that _23_?Believe it or not,the scientist himself has used his special ways to learn more than five languages,each in about half a _24_! Here are the ways for language learners. Listen a lotit doesn't matter if you _25_ or not. Focus on(注意) getting the meaning first.Body language and facial expressions can _26_Get creative and use what you've learned. Focus on the most commonly used words,and use them to learn _27_ words.Get a language partner to help you. Copy the facewatch _28_ how people's mouth moves when they are speaking. Connect words with pictures in your _29_ Will these ways be useful?If you keep _30_ them for about six months,I'm sure you will be surprised by the results! ( )21. .A.doctor Bwriter Cteacher Dscientist ( )22. .A.Unluckily BSuddenly CActually DNaturally ( )23.23.A.true Bwrong Cfunny Dpopular ( )24.24.A.month Byear Cweek Dday ( )25.25.A.know Bunderstand Cthink Dfind ( )26.26.A.hate Bleave Cstop Dhelp ( )27.27.A.fewer Bbetter Cmore Dworse ( )28.28.A.slowly Bcarefully Chappily Dquickly ( )29.29.A.mind Binterest Cchoice Ddream ( )30. .A.remembering Bteaching Cusing Dreading检批:


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