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    2019九年级英语全册 限时组合专练(一)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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    2019九年级英语全册 限时组合专练(一)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

    1限时组合专练限时组合专练( (一一) ).2017·江西短文填空(6 分钟) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个词限用一次。without, protect, goal, harmful, make, warn, quick, nervous, when, danger When people hear the word “stress” , they usually think of something bad. However, stress can have several benefits(益处) for the body and mind. To begin with, people may feel stressed 1._ there is something important to do. For example, some students are stressed before a big test. The stress might make them feel 2._, but it also makes them focused. This type of stress can help people work efficiently(高效地) to meet their 3._.Another way stress benefits us is by keeping us healthy. Scientists who study stress learnt a little stress can 4._ the immune system(免疫系统) stronger. When your body learns to respond(反应) to some stress, it's able to 5._ you better from illness. The final way that stress benefits us is by helping us respond to 6._. If you see a car coming around the corner too fast, you might experience stress. This stress sends a message 7._ your brain of danger, allowing your body to respond 8._. You may not be able to jump out of the car's way soon enough 9._ the stress. Of course, too much stress is 10._ to our bodies and minds. But the right amount of stress makes us more efficient, healthier and safer. .阅读理解(12 分钟)A A Sharks frighten most of us, but Daniel Weaver, a shark scientist, swims with them for a living! We asked him some questions about this unusual job. SoSo Daniel,Daniel, what'swhat's itit likelike toto bebe a a sharkshark scientist?scientist? Well, it's a great job. I often travel to faraway places like South Africa and Fiji to study sharks. On the other hand, a shark scientist sometimes does boring desk work, such as writing reports. Also, shark scientists don't usually get paid a lot. WhatWhat qualitiesqualities(品质) dodo youyou needneed toto becomebecome a a sharkshark scientist?scientist?Shark scientists need to be wise and strong. They enjoy working outdoors and they have to be cool and patient. They also have to be quite brave! SoSo dodo youyou thinkthink it'sit's a a dangerousdangerous job?job? Well, sharks have up to 15 rows of sharp teeth. However, sharks hardly attack(攻击) humans. There are over 350 kinds of sharks in the world and only about 10 kinds of them are dangerous to us. In fact, dogs kill more people every year than sharks! Humans kill over 12 million sharks a year for food and sport! HowHow dodo youyou becomebecome a a sharkshark scientist?scientist? A shark scientist usually studies marine_science or zoology at university. It's also good to get some work experience in an aquarium. In my opinion, I 2have the best job in the world! ( )1. _ questions were asked about Daniel's unusual job. AOne BTwo CThree DFour( )2.The underlined phrase and word “marine science” and “zoology” must be two _ at university. Asubjects Bbooks Cscientists Dprizes ( )3.From the passage we know that _ Asharks are likely to attack humans Bdogs are as dangerous as sharks to humans Csharks are not dangerous to humans at all Dhumans do more harm to sharks than sharks do to humansB B Different weather makes people feel different. It has an effect on health, intelligence(智力) and feelings.In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March. The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists, the IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse grades in exams in the hot months of the year (July and August)The weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have hard time in hot summer. At about 18, people feel more comfortable. Are you feeling sad, tired, or unhappy today? It may be the weather's problem. ( )1.Besides feelings, how many sides does this passage mention about weather's influence on people? AFive. BFour. CThree. DTwo.( )2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 3? AHealth. BWind. CIQ. DWeather.( )3. What's the main idea of this passage? ADifferent changes of weather. BAt about 18, people feel more comfortable. CWeather influences students' intelligence.3DWeather influences people's health, intelligence and feelings.( )4.Why do students in many schools in the United States usually get worse grades in exams in July and August? ABecause a very strong wind comes. BBecause the weather is very hot. CBecause they don't do well in their studies. DBecause they have a low IQ. ( )5.In which part of the newspaper can you probably read this passage? AStory. BNews. CDiscovery. DAdvertisement. .2018·临沂任务型阅读(7 分钟)People already know a lot about animals. However, there are still some things about animals that may surprise you. Here are some facts about animals you probably didn't know. Cows do have best friends and feel stressed when they are separated. Scientists have found that cows are very social animals and a cow always makes friends with other cows. When a cow is with its friends, it feels relaxed, compared with when it is alone. During the breeding season, a male penguin(企鹅) will offer a small stone to a female penguin as a gift. If she takes it, they will become partners. When the female penguin lays an egg, she and her partner may carry it on their feet, because some penguins don't build nests(鸟巢). Crocodiles(鳄鱼) swallow(吞) stones. Croco­diles always swallow their food instead of eating it like other animals. They swallow stones which break the food into very small pieces in their stomachs. These stones may stay in their stomachs all their lives. Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness. Scientists once found a pregnant(怀孕的) elephant in Africa who ate a kind of plant which was not part of her normal food. Four days later, she gave birth to a baby elephant. The same plant was used by the local pregnant women. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.A cow hates making friends with other cows. ( )2.All the male penguins will build nests if the female penguins lay eggs. ( )3.Crocodiles swallow stones to help with digestion(消化)( )4.Elephants eat plants only when they are hungry. ( )5.The passage mainly tells us some surprising facts about animals. .2017·河南书面表达(8 分钟) 我们每天都要做很多事情,有些还很棘手。请以“I did it!”为题并根据要点和要 求,用英语写一篇短文,描述一件你完成的棘手事情。 1要点: (1)你做了什么事情; (2)你是如何做那件事情的; (3)你做完那件事情后的感受。42要求: (1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; (2)词数 80 左右。I did it! _ _5详解详析详解详析.1.when 2.nervous 3.goals 4.make 5protect 6.danger 7.to warn 8quickly 9.without 10.harmful.A A 13 DAD B B 15 DCDBC .15 FFTFT .OneOne possiblepossible version:version: I did it! How nervous I was when I was told to give a speech! It was my first speech and I didn't know what to do. My teacher encouraged me and gave me some useful advice. After I chose a topic I liked best, I watched videos about how to be a good speaker and I learnt a lot of skills. Then I practiced and practiced. Finally, the big day came. I did it! Everyone loved my speech. I was so proud of myself.


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