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    2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 语法专项突破篇 1基础语法(十一)简单句练习.doc

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    2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 语法专项突破篇 1基础语法(十一)简单句练习.doc

    1( (十一十一) )简单句简单句单项填空。 (B)1.1. _ nice day it is!Let's go and fly a kite. AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a (C)2.2.Did you use to have long hair or short hair,Tina? _ AYes,I did BNo,I didn't CShort hair DCurly hair (D)3.3._ T­shirt do you like better,the red one or the blue one?I prefer the red one. AHow much BHow many CWhose DWhich (A)4.4.Lily,_ do you study for a math test?By asking my math teacher for help. Ahow Bwho Cwhy Dwhat(C)5.5._ pencil is this? I think it is Jane's.I saw her use it just now. AWhat BWho CWhose DWhich(D)6.6._ is the girl in red? I'm not sure.Maybe a waitress. AWhen BHow CWhere DWhat(C)7.7._ do you clean your room? Every day. AHow long BHow many CHow often DHow soon(B)8.8._ is it from your home to the school? It's about 2 kilometers. AHow long BHow far CHow soon DHow often(B)9.9._ do you spend on your homework every day? Three hours. AHow often BHow long CHow many DHow much(D)10.10._ bananas do we need to make fruit salad? Let me thinkWe need three bananas. AHow soon BHow often CHow much DHow many(A)11.11.Taking pictures _ very interesting.I often go to the park to take photos in my spare time.2Ais Bare Cto be Dbe(C)12.12._ dangerous it is to ride on a busy road!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a (A)13.13._ kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nice place to live in. ABe BBeing CTo be DBeen(A)14.14.Is there any outdoor learning in your school? _We learn outdoors once or twice every month. AYes,there is BNo,there isn't CYes,it is DNo,it isn't (D)15.15.There will be a volleyball match in our school, _? Abe there Bis there Cwill there Dwon't there (A)16.16.There are always many volunteers in great events, _?Yes.Many hands make light work! Aaren't there Bare there Caren't they Dare they (D)17.17._ carefully,please!Look at the road sign.There is a school ahead. ADrove BTo drive CDriving DDrive (A)18.18._ the TV,Jim.I'd like to watch the evening news. OK,Dad. ATurn on BTurns on CTurning on DTo turn on(C)19.19._ eat too much junk food.It's bad for your health. ADo BNot CDon't DDoesn't (D)20.20.Don't you see the sign_?Sorry.I will find another place to park. ANot park BNot parking CNo park DNo parking(D)21.21._ today! Yes.Shall we have a picnic in the open air? AWhat fine weather is BHow fine weather it is CWhat a fine weather it is DHow fine the weather is(D)22.22.My mom works as a teacher and she likes her students very much. _ great job it is!You know,being a teacher is my dream. AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a3(C)2 23.3. _ useful book!It tells us how to be an honest person. AWhat an BHow CWhat a DHow a (A)24.24.Listen!Someone is playing the piano. Wow! _ beautiful music!I like it very much. AWhat BHow a CWhat a DHow(C)25.25._ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer! AWhat BWhat an CHow DHow an (B)26.26._ sunshine!Shall we go out for a walk in the park? AWhat a beautiful BWhat beautiful CHow a beautiful DHow beautiful(C)27.27._ cross the road before the traffic lights turn green. ANot BWon't CDon't DDoesn't (A)28.28._ more,and you'll improve your spoken English. APractice BPractices CPracticing DTo practice (D)29.29.Susie,_ afraid of speaking in front of others.You are the best. Adon't Bnot Cnot be Ddon't be(D)30.30.Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. _ ANo,I won't BI know that CIt doesn't matter DOK,I will(D)31.31._ me back my money, _ I'll ring the police. AGiving;or BGive;and CTo give;and DGive;or (B)32.32.Your mother is very busy.She hardly does morning exercises,_? Aisn't she Bdoes she Cdoesn't she Dis she(B)33.33.I'm reading a newspaper _ Mr.Zhang is writing a letter. Aso Bwhile Cwhen Dor(D)34.34.What beautiful flowers! Yes, _. Athey look terrible Bit tastes delicious Cit feels nice Dthey smell good(B)35.35._ sad news it is! We must try our best to help them out of trouble. AWhat a BWhat 4CHow a DHow(D)36.36._ people do housework _ twenty years? No,I don't think so. ADo;in BAre;after CWill;for DWill;in(C)37.37._ are you leaving for Shanghai? Next week. AWhat BWhy CWhen DWhere(A)38.38._ did you go just now? I went to the office to ask Mr.Li for some questions. AWhere BHow CWhy DWhen(B)39.39._ did you get there? By plane. AWhat BHow CWhere DWhen (C)40.40.It's Father's Day today,_?Yes.Let's buy a gift for Dad. Aisn't he Bdoesn't it Cisn't it Ddoesn't he(A)41.41._ does your sister play badminton after school? Every Tuesday and Thursday. AHow often BHow soon CHow long DHow far(D)42.42._ does the dictionary cost? About 20 dollars. AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow much


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