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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Theme parks达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Theme parks达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

    1ThemeTheme parksparks李仕才*阅读理解。阅读理解。Best friends may be priceless but the cost of keeping the relationship alive is 23,870.According to a study,a BFF(Best Friend Forever)does not come cheap with devoted pals blowing4,679 on birthday presents alone over a lifetime.And while it costs nothing to be a shoulder to cry on,big­hearted Britons go the extra mile and spend 168 on pick­me­ups(提神物品)to get their mate through a rocky patch(艰难时刻)like the breakup of a relationship.There's a further 242 spent on presents to show how much they mean from gifts bought on holiday to treats for no reason.And distance does not break up a close friendship as BFFs spend a whopping(巨大的)18, 000 on travel to see each other despite being miles apart because of university,jobs and marriage.The study by cashback site TopCashBack found on average BFFs who wed can expect431 spent on them and a further 283 on gifts when they have children.And they can rely on their pals to help out when they move house as they will obtain 127 worth of housewarming presents and takeaways as well as putting in a shift with the packing and unpacking.The survey based on a friendship lasting 40 years found more than eight in ten adults with a BFF felt their friendships were worth every penny.TopCashBack spokesperson Natasha Smith said, “Those friendships which stand the test of time are often the most important in our lives.However,they come at a cost.From train tickets once a month to flights and a new dress for a wedding on the Italian coast,the price paid for having a best mate can soon add up.But when we asked people to compare their friendship with the monetary investment,only 14% thought their friendship was equal to their investment with the vast majority thinking it was worth more.”1What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean?AAmbitious. BGenerous.CTroublesome. DEnergetic.2To keep the relationship,where do BFFs spend most money?ABuying birthday presents.BCheering up a friend in low spirits.2CPaying for holiday gifts and other treats.DGoing a particular distance to visit friends.3What is Natasha's understanding of BFF friendship?AIt's costly and unaffordable.BIt's expensive but worthwhile.CIt's rewarding but hard to keep.DIt's changeable but worth possessing.4How is the passage developed?ABy listing figures. BBy giving examples.CBy analyzing causes. DBy making comparisons.【解题导语】最好的朋友也许是无价的,但维持一段友谊却是高价的。那么你知道维持一段友谊需要多少钱吗?一项研究给出了答案。【难句分析】And while it costs nothing to be a shoulder to cry on,big­hearted Britons go the extra mile and spend 168 on pick­me­ups(提神物品)to get their mate through a rocky patch(艰难时刻)like the breakup of a relationship.分析:本句为复合句。while it costs nothing to be a shoulder to cry on 为让步状语从句。主句为 big­hearted Britons go the extra mile.relationship。译文:虽然在朋友哭泣时成为朋友的依靠不需要花费什么,但是慷慨大方的英国人会为朋友付出更多,他们会花 168 英镑来为朋友买能令人振作的物品,助其度过诸如关系破裂等困难时期。1B 考查词义猜测。画线部分后的“go the extra mile and spend 168 on pick­me­ups(提神物品)to get their mate through a rocky patch(艰难时刻)like the breakup of a relationship”就是对它的进一步说明。此处指虽然在朋友哭泣时成为朋友的依靠并不需要花费什么,但是英国人会为朋友付出更多,他们会花 168 英镑来为朋友买令人振作的物品,助其度过诸如关系破裂等困难时期。画线部分的意思应该是“慷慨的” ,故选 B。2D 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“blowing 4, 679 on birthday presents”“spend 168 on pick­me­ups(提神物品)”以及第三段中的“242 spent on presents.from gifts bought on holiday to treats.” “spend a whopping(巨大的)18, 000 on travel to see each other”可知,为了维持一段友谊,花在旅途中的费用是最多的,所以选 D。33B 考查观点态度。根据最后一段中的“Those friendships which stand the test of time are often the most important in our lives.However,they come at a cost”可知, Natasha 认为,经受得起时间考验的友谊通常是我们人生中最重要的东西,但那是要付出成本的。也就是说与一生的挚友的友谊很贵但很值得。所以选 B。4A 考查写作手法。根据文中的“23,870” “4,679” “168” “242”“18,000”等数据可知,本文作者是通过列数据的方法来行文的,故选 A。*语法填空。There is a tradition in my school that when the College Entrance Examination is less than a month away, students in the _1_(low) grades, from Senior 1 to Senior 2, all gather together on the ground in front of the teaching building and cheer on the Senior 3 students who are standing upstairs. It wasn't until I _2_(person) took part in the activity that I understood the real _3_(mean) of it.I was in Senior 2 at the time. _4_that special night, all the Senior 3 students stood in the corridors (走廊) and looked down at the younger students below. _5_(vary) cheers started to resound throughout the school, wave after wave. “Believe in yourself! You deserve to win!”_6_(see) everyone's smiling faces around me, I thought of _7_famous quote from the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau: What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.Soon it will be my turn to _8_(bless) in this way,_9_also means I will have to say goodbye to my school. Sad as it will be, being cheered on by so many students will still be one of the brightest _10_(time) of my life.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己学校为即将参加高考的高三学生加油鼓励的独特传统。作者认为这种祝福方式让他倍受鼓舞,且当时的场景成为他记忆中最为闪亮的时刻之一。1lower 考查形容词比较级。此处暗含了对比。对于高三的学生来说,高一和高二的学生就是较低年级的学生,所以要用比较级,故填 lower。2personally 考查词性转换。设空处修饰动词短语 took part in,应用副词,故填 personally。43meaning 考查词性转换。设空处作 understood 的宾语,应用名词形式,故填meaning。4On 考查介词。此处表述:在那个特殊的晚上。在具体的某一天晚上要用介词on,句首单词注意首字母大写,故填 On。5Various 考查词性转换。此处应用形容词作定语修饰名词 cheers,故填 Various “各种各样的” 。6Seeing 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,动词 see 和其逻辑主语 I 之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词作状语,故填 Seeing。7a 考查冠词。quote 是可数名词,意为“引语;引文” ,而且此处表示泛指概念,故填不定冠词 a。8be blessed 考查非谓语动词。此处表述很快就轮到“我”收到这种方式的祝福。It is one's turn to do sth.为固定句型,意为“轮到某人去做某事” ,根据句意可知,此句中“我”和 bless 之间是被动关系,应用不定式的被动形式,故填 be blessed。9which 考查定语从句的引导词。两个句子中没有连词,该空指代前面一句话的内容,而且在从句中作主语,所以此处应用 which 引导非限制性定语从句,故填 which。10times 考查名词的复数。当作“时光;岁月”讲时,time 为可数名词;“one ofthe形容词最高级可数名词复数”意为“最的之一” 。故填 times。*完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。A Letter to My DadFour years ago we found out about the cancer growing inside you.You told me the news that it had already spread and that you didn't know how long you had _1_.I was still at university.A parent dying was something that happened to _2_ peoplepeople older than me.I spent the first few months in_3_.For the first time I felt_4_.I wished I could just _5_ you and take the cancer out.But there was nothing I could do.We've been_6_.You reacted well to treatment and you're still here,though we don't know for how much _7_.I've always wanted to say that I love you,and that I'm_8_ for everything you've given me.But I can't.It feels like it is this unwritten_9_ in our father­son relationship that_10_ it.You're a man conservative and guarded 5with your _11_.You keep them to yourself and _12_ others to do the same.But I know you _13_.I've seen your proud looks when I've told you about my _14_ at work and school over the years.I've seen your_15_ when things haven't gone well.I remember all the offers of help.I wish we could talk about what we _16_ to each other.I wish you could tell me you're _17_ and I could tell you I love you.I wish these _18_ concepts of masculinity(男子气概)weren't so deeply _19_ in both of us.Maybe we will still see our way to that _20_ before you go.But whatever the case,I just need to say itI love you,and thank you.1A.waited BleftCsuffered Dstayed2A.any BfewCother Dall3A.doubt BangerCvain Dshock4A.powerless BnervousClost Dbored5A.reach into Bturn toCstand by Dlook into6A.confused BluckyCactive Dhopeless7A.better BdeeperClonger Dfurther8A.eager BgratefulCregretful Ddesperate9A.letter BwordCidea Drule10A.prevents BchangesCdestroys Dtransforms11A.illnesses BfeelingsCbelongings Dopinions12A.require BexpectCallow Dpersuade13A.lie Bunderstand6Ccare Dfear14A.achievements BdifficultiesCgoals Dexperiences15A.power BangerCcuriosity Dconcern16A.have BgiveCleave Dmean17A.conservative BbraveCproud Dhelpful18A.absurd BimportantCuseful Dpopular19A.lost BtrappedCrooted Dcovered20A.situation BsolutionCachievement Dconversation【解题导语】你以为你对他的爱很深沉,这是你了解的;你不了解的是,他对你的爱比你的深沉一万倍。对父母的爱,要怎么才说得出口?别太晚。如果没有勇气当面表达,就写封信来告诉他。1B 四年前作者发现父亲身患癌症,癌细胞已经扩散,因此,此处指不知道还能活多久。how long you had left 是“你还剩下多长时间”的意思,left 用作后置定语。故选 B 项。2C 根据该空后的 people older than me 可判断,作者以为父(母)亲垂死这件事只会发生在比他年龄更大的人身上。故选 C 项。3D in doubt 意为“怀疑” ;in anger 意为“生气地” ;in vain 意为“徒劳无益地”;in shock 意为“震惊地;吃惊地” 。听到父亲患癌这件事,作者当然是长时间地感到震惊。故选 D 项。刷有所得·方法:做完形填空题时,有些题要注意该空前后的介词、副词等。有时需要分别把选项与前后的介词、副词相搭配,再判断它们搭配后哪个短语的意思更符合上下文的逻辑。4A 根据下文 But there was nothing I could do.可知,作者什么都做不了,由此可推测,此处指作者感到无能为力。powerless 意为“无能为力的” ;nervous 意为“紧张不安的;焦虑的” ;lost 意为“迷路的;不知所措的” ;bored 意为“厌烦的;烦闷的” 。根据语境可知选 A 项。5A 根据下文 and take the cancer out 可知,此处指作者希望可以进入父亲的身7体拿走癌细胞。reach into 意为“伸进;伸入” ;turn to 意为“转向;求助于” ;stand by 意为“袖手旁观;支持” ;look into 意为“调查” 。故选 A 项。6B 根据该空后面的 You reacted well to treatment and you're still here 可知,作者的父亲对治疗反应很好并且依然还活着,所以作者一家感觉是幸运的(lucky)。故选 B 项。confused 意为“困惑的;混乱的” ;active 意为“积极的” ;hopeless 意为“没有希望的” 。7C 父亲的治疗效果很好, “我们”很幸运,虽然不知道父亲还能坚持多久,但是他还活着。better 意为“更好” ;deeper 意为“更深” ;longer 意为“更长久” ;further 意为“更远” 。故选 C 项。8B 根据设空后的 everything you've given me 可知,作者在此表达对父亲的感激之情。eager 意为“渴望的;热切的” ;grateful 意为“感激的” ;regretful 意为“遗憾的;后悔的” ;desperate 意为“绝望的” 。故选 B 项。9D 句意为:好像在我们的父子关系上就是这不成文的规则阻止了这句话被说出口。unwritten rule 意为“不成文的规则” ,符合语境。故选 D 项。10A 根据下文的 You're a man conservative 和 You keep them to yourself 可知,父亲很保守,所以这一不成文的规则阻止了父爱的表达。prevent 意为“阻止;防止” ;change 意为“改变” ;destroy 意为“破坏;摧毁” ;transform 意为“使改观;使转化” 。故选 A 项。11B guarded 意为“谨慎的” ,结合下文的 You keep them to yourself 可知,此处指父亲是一个保守的、对情感(feelings)谨慎的人。conservative and guarded with your feelings 作后置定语,修饰前面的 a man。故选 B 项。illness 意为“疾病” ;belongings 意为“所有物” ;opinion 意为“观点” 。12B 根据前文对父亲的描述 conservative, guarded with your _可知,父亲收敛自己的感情,希望别人也这样做。require 意为“要求” ;expect 意为“期望;盼望” ;allow 意为“允许” ;persuade 意为“劝说;说服” 。故选 B 项。13C 根据下文的 I've seen your proud looks 可知,父亲是很在意儿子的。lie意为“撒谎” ;understand 意为“理解” ;care 意为“在意;在乎” ;fear 意为“害怕” 。故选 C 项。14A 根据前面的 your proud looks 可知,父亲自豪的应该是作者取得的成就(achievements)。故选 A 项。difficulty 意为“困难” ;goal 意为“目标” ;experience意为“经历” 。15D 根据设空后的 when things haven't gone well 及 I remember all the offers of help.可知,当事情进展不顺利时,父亲会主动提供帮助,因此可知,父亲是关心儿子的。power 意为“力量;权力” ;anger 意为“愤怒;生气” ;curiosity 意为“好奇8心” ;concern 意为“担心;忧虑” 。故选 D 项。16D 结合下文 I wish you could tell me you're _ and I could tell you I love you.可知,作者希望父亲能够告诉他父亲是如何想的,作者也能告诉父亲作者爱他。由此可推测,此处指作者希望能够与父亲谈论他们对彼此意味着(mean)什么。故选D 项。17C 根据上文的 your proud looks 可知,此处指作者希望父亲能够告诉他父亲为他而自豪。conservative 意为“守旧的;保守的” ;brave 意为“勇敢的” ;proud 意为“骄傲的;自豪的” ;helpful 意为“有帮助的” 。故选 C 项。18A 根据上一题解析及空后的 masculinity 可知,此处指作者希望这些荒谬的大男子观念不会在他和父亲的心中根深蒂固。absurd 意为“荒唐的;可笑的” ,符合语境。故选 A 项。important 意为“重要的” ;useful 意为“有用的” ;popular 意为“流行的” 。19C 根据语境可知,此处指作者希望这样的大男子观念不要根深蒂固。lost in 意为“迷失在” ;trapped in 意为“陷入” ;rooted in 意为“植根于;深植于” ;covered in 意为“被覆盖”故选 C 项。20D 根据上文的 talk about 可知,此处指作者与父亲的谈话(conversation)。故选 D 项。*短文改错。Recent years have seen a tendency in China that tour is growing faster. According to a recently survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents traveled regularly. More people will join in the army of travelers in the future.Facing this tendency, we can't help explore some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place,as the further development of reform and opening up, Chinese people's living standards have been greatly improved, and therefore, most of whom can afford to travel around. What's more, it is believed that people now take more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a lifestyle. In additions, tourism facilities are becoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, but many scenic spots are available now.答案:Recent years have seen a tendency in China that is growing faster. tourtourismAccording to a survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents recentlyrecent9regularly. More people will join the army of travelers in the traveledtravelfuture.Facing this tendency, we can't help some underlying factors exploreexploringthat are responsible. In the very first place, the further development aswithof reform and opening up, Chinese people's living standards have been greatly improved,and therefore, most of can afford to travel around. What's whomthemmore, it is believed that people now take more positive attitude to atourism, and regard it as a lifestyle. In , tourism facilities are additionsadditionbecoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, butandmany scenic spots are available now.难项分析:第一处:tourtourism 考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指中国的旅游业,应用tourism,而 tour 一般指一次具体的观光旅游。故将 tour 改为 tourism。第七处:whomthem 考查代词。此句中 and 连接并列分句,因而其后不可以接定语从句;后一分句缺少主语,of 后的代词指代上文提到的 Chinese people,故将 whom 改为them 作介词 of 的宾语。第十处:butand 考查连词。transportation develops fast 与 many scenic spots are available 之间为并列与递进的关系,而不是转折关系,故用连词 and 连接。*


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