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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 写作话题 7 旅游与交通 新人教版.doc

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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 写作话题 7 旅游与交通 新人教版.doc

    1写作话题七写作话题七 旅游与交通旅游与交通旅游与交通类话题常涉及旅游经历及其感想、旅游规划、旅游度假方式、交通安全和城市交通状况的评论等,常以记叙文为主,涉及书信、日记或新闻报道类文体。话题词汇理解1destination n目的地;终点2departure n离开;启程3souvenir n纪念品4insurance n保险5reception n接待6accommodation n住宿7transport v运输8secure adj.安心的9accelerate v加速10restrict speed 限速11make a reservation 预订12improve traffic safety awareness提高交通安全意识话题词汇识记1arrangement n安排;布置2luggage/baggage n行李3traveller/tourist n旅行者4scenery/view n风景5book/reserve v预订6unforgettable adj.难忘的7attractive adj.迷人的8distance n距离9direction n方向10convenient adj.方便的;近便的11historical adj.历史的12beyond description 无法描述;难以形容的13broaden one's horizons 拓宽视野14get close to nature 接近大自然15tourist attraction/place of interest旅游景点;名胜216obey/observe traffic rules遵守交通规则17set off/set out 出发18be deeply impressed by .对印象深刻话题满分好句1Through this trip, I realized the importance of showingshowing respectrespect forfor local customs and culture.通过这次旅行,我意识到尊重当地习俗和文化的重要性。 2I think itit isis a a wisewise choicechoice toto traveltravel during winter as the air fare is cheaper.我觉得冬天旅行是个明智的选择,因为飞机票更便宜。 3It'sIt's highlyhighly recommendedrecommended thatthat you visit the park on your own instead of with a tourist group as it's much more fun to walk around and explore the place by yourself.强烈建议你自行参观这个公园而不要跟团旅行,因为一个人四处走走,自己探索要有趣得多。 4Bike-sharing makesmakes itit veryvery convenientconvenient forfor peoplepeople toto getget aroundaround in the city.共享单车方便人们在城市四处游玩。5Sichuan is notnot onlyonly the birthplace of Ba-Shu culture, butbut alsoalso has many places of interest, wherewhere you can enjoy yourself to the full degree.四川不仅是巴蜀文化的发源地而且景点众多,在四川你可以尽情游玩。6The Forbidden City bearsbears witnesswitness toto the long history of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and tourists can enjoyenjoy a a magnificentmagnificent viewview ofof the palaces there.紫禁城见证了明、清两个朝代的悠久历史,在这里游客可以欣赏宏伟的宫殿。好句补充 1We will go on an environmentally friendly vacation, whichwhich callscalls onon everyoneeveryone toto onlyonly buybuy greengreen souvenirssouvenirs andand throwingthrowing trashtrash intointo binsbins whenwhen travelingtraveling.我们此次度假是环保的,会呼吁大家在旅行时购买环保纪念品,将垃圾投入垃圾桶。 2Hangzhou, richrich inin beautiful scenery and brilliant culture, has been a great inspiration to artists and poets.杭州拥有优美的风景和灿烂的文化,一直以来是艺术家和诗人的灵感源泉。33After lunch, we will visit the famous Tian'anmen Square, which will be thethe highlighthighlight ofof the whole trip.午饭后,我们会参观著名的天安门广场,这是此次旅行的亮点。 4A walk around this city is a a feastfeast forfor thethe eyeseyes a lively mix of old culture and the excitement of an international tourist area.这个城市的风景让人赏心悦目这个城市生动地融合了古代文化和国际旅游区的刺激。 话题满分佳作(2018·邢台质检)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Leslie 打算到中国成都大熊猫繁育研究基地(Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)参观,请你写封信,给他一些建议。内容包括:1出行方式;2出游季节;3其他注意事项。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。佳作必背Dear Leslie,I'm more than glad to receive your letter where you said you would pay a visit to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China and asked me for advice. The following are my suggestions:To begin with, it is convenient for you to travel both by airplane and by high-speed train because it is very easy to get to the base from the nearby airport and station. In addition, it is a good idea that you take a tour in fall, when you may have a chance to watch newly-born baby pandas. LastLast butbut notnot least,least, dodo rememberremember toto wearwear walkingwalking shoesshoes becausebecause thethe basebase isis largelarge beyondbeyond youryour expectation.expectation.Hope you will have a good time in China. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua句式仿写根据加黑体句式仿写确实存在一些问题,包括随意停车,或非法停车。4There do exist some problems, including parking at random or illegal parking.


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