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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练17 Unit 2 Working the land4.doc

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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练17 Unit 2 Working the land4.doc

    1题组提分练题组提分练 1717 UnitUnit 2 2 WorkingWorking thethe landland 限时 35 分钟 加黑体小题训练推理判断题之观点态度题阅读理解 A A (2018·天津红桥区模拟) 体裁:应用文 话题:旅游与交通 难度:Some adventure travel types may laugh at the idea of getting on a cruise ship, thinking of it as being too usual. They should get over that. There are places in the world that are best seen and experienced on water, including new destinations. Check out our picks for the 4 best cruises.AntarcticaAntarctica andand thethe SouthSouth ShetlandShetland IslandsIslandsIcebergs, glaciers (冰川), whales, penguins and elephant seals are the big attractions to the “Great White Continent”. In this destination list, you'll dress a heavy jacket for tours exploring the cold, bare landscape, blue­lighted icebergs and other sights. Upscale French line Ponant Cruises' 264­passenger ships cruise the region late November through January.TheThe GalapagosGalapagosNature rules over these islands, about 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔), and local creatures are surprisingly unafraid of humans. You may find yourself stepping over sea lions to cross a beach, eye­to­eye with a blue­footed bird, diving with young sea lions and getting very close to a curious iguana (鬣蜥). The 92­passenger Celebrity Xpedition cruises the islands year­round.AlaskaAlaskaSeeing a glacier break brings high drama. On small ship line Alaskan Dream Cruises you'll also communicate with bald eagles and seals as you quietly paddle in a remote bay. Travel routes avoid the tourist spots in favor of a Southeast Alaska wild experienceyou're more likely to see a leaping whale than a jewelry store. The line's ships carry fewer than 60 passengers on spring and summer cruises.TheThe ArcticArcticCome for the polar bears that rule the North Pole, but stay for the 2astonishing event of the Midnight Sun, plus the sights of glaciers, icebergs and surprising areas of wildflowers. Keep your telescope balanced to spot elephant seals, white whales, bearded seals, rare birds and arctic deer in an extremely beautiful landscape. Hurtigruten's 328­passenger polar discovery ship MS Fram sails her June to August.【语篇解读】 本文介绍了四个最有趣的游轮之旅。1ComparingComparing withwith otherother adventureadventure traveltravel types,types, thethe authorauthor thinksthinks havinghaving a a cruisecruise isis _. .A. ordinary B. riskyC. traditional D. interesting答案与解析 D 观点态度题。根据第一段第二句“他们应该停止这种想法”结合选项可知作者认为“坐游轮是有趣的” 。2In October, which of the following cruises can offer you a water experience?A. The Arctic.B. The Galapagos.C. Alaska.D. Antarctica and the South Shetland Islands.答案与解析 B 细节推断题。根据题干关键词 October 定位文章的 4 个游轮之旅的时间,可判断出 the Arctic 是 6 月8 月;Alaska 是春天和夏天;Antarctica and the South Shetland Islands 是 11 月晚期到 1 月份;而 The Galapagos 是全年,故选项 B 正确。3What can we learn from the text?A. The Antarctica cruise line runs at least four months a year.B. Passengers can take a beach walk in a Galapagos cruise.C. Tourists can shop jewelries on Alaskan Dream Cruise line.D. The Arctic cruise is the only line for polar sights.答案与解析 B 推理判断题。根据第三段对 The Galapagos 游轮之旅的介绍可知游客可以在海滩近距离接触各种海洋生物,故游客可以在沙滩漫步。4In Alaska, travel routes do NOT pass through _.A. tourist spots B. wild sightsC. remote bays D. beautiful beaches答案与解析 A 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句中的 avoid the tourist spots 可知选项 A 正确。3词汇微存 think of.as.把看作;surprisingly adv.令人吃惊地;出乎意料的阅读理解 B B (原创) 体裁:记叙文 话题:社会 难度:“Panda fever” is in the air in Japan, as Tokyo's Ueno Zoo begana limited public exhibitiontwo and a half hours each dayof its six­month­old giant panda cub, Xiang Xiang, on Dec. 19.Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike was all smiles after coming out of the zoo's panda house, telling reporters that the baby panda was “just adorable”. “She climbed a tree and even showed us her cute little back, ” Koike said. “I was very anxious to see how she would climb down.” Xiang Xiang's parents, Shin Shin and Ri Ri, arrived from China in February 2011 and were introduced to the public soon after the following month's devastating earthquake and tsunami, offering a piece of good news for an anguished (极度痛苦的) nation. Xiang Xiang is the first cub to be born in the Ueno Zoo in five years. For decades, the animal has never failed in its duty as China's ambassador of friendship and has won the hearts of thousands of people worldwide.(说明熊猫的作用)Panda diplomacy started in 1957, when a giant panda named Ping Ping was sent to the former Soviet Union as a national gift. But the animals didn't draw worldwide attention until 1972, when thenPremier Zhou Enlai announced that China would give two pandas, Lin Lin and Xing Xing, to the US during thenUS President Richard Nixon's ice­breaking visit to China. On April 20, 1972, over 8,000 people waited in the rain for Lin Lin and Xing Xing's arrival at the National Zoo in Washington, DC. The zoo received over one million visitors in the first month after the pandas arrived.(回顾熊猫外交政策)A series of pandas were sent to Japan, France, Germany and the UK, respectively, in the years that followed. As of today, China has built long­term “panda relations” with 14 countries, with 48 giant pandas now living abroad. Nearly 60 years later, the fever for these Chinese duties has not cooled. And they'll keep bringing joy and happiness to people across the world.(说明益处,暗示作者态度)4【语篇解读】 “香香”初亮相,在日本掀起 “熊猫热” 。5According to the passage, which of the pandas was sent to Japan?A. Xing Xing. B. Ping Ping.C. Xiang Xiang. D. Shin Shin.答案与解析 D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Xiang Xiang's parents, Shin Shin and Ri Ri, arrived from China in February 2011”可知,熊猫 Shin Shin 是被送给日本的大熊猫。6According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Pandas have drawn global attention since 1957.B. No pandas have been sent to Russia so far.C. Pandas relieved the Japanese's suffering in 2011.D. The United States is the first nation to receive pandas.答案与解析 C 正误判断题。根据第三段中的“offering a piece of good news for an anguished (极度痛苦的) nation”可知,香香的父母给苦难中的日本减轻了痛苦。7WhatWhat isis thethe author'sauthor's attitudeattitude towardstowards thethe feverfever forfor panda?panda?A. Indifferent. B. Opposed.C. Positive. D. Uncertain.答案与解析 C 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“希望他们继续给全世界的人们带来欢乐”可知,作者对熊猫热持有积极肯定的态度。8Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?A. Japan Swept by “Panda Fever”B. Panda RelationshipC. China's AmbassadorD. A National Gift答案与解析 A 标题归纳题。根据第一段中的“Panda fever is in the air in Japan”可知,日本因为香香在日本的初次亮相,而掀起了熊猫热,故选项 A 作为标题合适。阅读理解 C C (2018·福建百校联考) 体裁:说明文 话题:文学与艺术 难度:Welcome to Glass of Venice, the number one importer and retailer of authentic Murano Glass in the US and one of the top names among Murano Glass retailers worldwide. We work directly with artisans (工匠) from Murano, Italy 5to bring you the unique centuries­old art rooted in tradition and skill. Every item is handcrafted with passion using ancient techniques that made Murano glassmakers world­famous since the 8th century. Now you needn't make a trip to Murano to own an authentic piece of art as beautiful as Venice itself.At the time of mass­produced products that carry no special meaning, Murano Glass gives you an opportunity to express your individuality. Every piece is unique.Murano Glass is 100% handcrafted in Venice. Be a part of the centuries­old Venetian tradition!A piece of the artisan's heart and soul is captured in every Murano Glass creation. Crafting Murano Glass jewelry, vases, sculptures and other functional and decorative pieces is a complicated process from silica, minerals, water, and fire. Venetian artisans create master­pieces. The techniques they use are centuries old, and artisans have been trained for many years in their fathers' and grandfathers' workshops before they can attain a revered status of the true master of the craft.Murano Glass masters are not just artisans; they are artists. Ever since Murano glass­makers guild (公会) was established on this Venetian island in 1291, they have been innovating, seeking new methods of creating glass, and pushing forward to express new philosophies andartistic visions through glass. This made Murano Glass get its own art form, and it has been recognized at international expositions and top art museums and galleries worldwide. Today the famous glass masters working on Murano Island are first and foremost artists, and Glass of Venice is proud to offer artistic masterpieces from top Murano Glass workshops.(注意褒义词暗示的态度:积极、肯定、赞美。作者的态度往往隐含在字里行间,或流露于修饰的词语之中,因此要注意利用具有褒义或贬义的、带有感情色彩的词来确定作者的感情、态度等)【语篇解读】 文章介绍了意大利手工制造业穆拉诺玻璃。9What can be inferred about Murano Glass?A. It is made by using modern machines.6B. Every piece is made in the US.C. Every piece has a special style.D. It was designed in the 8th century.答案与解析 C 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知每一块穆拉诺玻璃都是独特的,故选项 C 正确。10The underlined word “revered” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “_” A. considerate B. relievedC. complex D. respected答案与解析 D 词义猜测题。画线词前一句说明这些手工艺人在父辈和祖辈的作坊经过多年的培训才能取得该手工业大师的受人尊重的地位。故选项 D 正确。11What were Murano Glass masters devoted to doing according to the text?A. Exploring ways to develop the creation of glass.B. Exporting Murano Glass to many foreign countries.C. Building art museums to show the beauty of Murano Glass.D. Creating a special art form to express their philosophies of life.答案与解析 D 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句可知艺术家们正在通过玻璃表达全新的哲学和艺术观点。故选项 D 正确。12WhatWhat isis thethe author'sauthor's attitudeattitude toto MuranoMurano GlassGlass masters'masters' works?works?A. Critical. B. Admirable.C. Cautious. D. Aggressive.答案与解析 B 观点态度题。作者在最后一段介绍穆拉诺玻璃作品的过程中,利用了masterpieces、artistic、famous 等褒义的词,故作者对穆拉诺玻璃大师们的作品是持赞赏态度的,故选项 B 正确。critical “批评的” ; admirable“羡慕的;赞赏的” ; cautious “谨慎的” ; aggressive “有敌意的” 。词汇微存 authentic adj.真正的; individuality n个性阅读技巧 8 褒贬措辞定态度观点态度题观点态度题考查学生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物的语气,性格等或作者或文中人物的态度、观点等方面的理解。常见题干有:What's the author's attitude to .?如阅读理解第 12 小题。解题有 2 个技巧:应精确理解四个选项的含义;不要掺杂自己的观点。做作者态度题时特别注意:首先要看清楚是谁对谁的态度;注意文章所用的词汇的褒贬。当作者的态度没有明确提出时,要学会根据作者所使用的词语的褒贬性进行判断。常见的与“态度”有关的形容词7表示支持或肯定approving 造成的;同意的;positive 积极乐观的;supportive 支持的;optimistic 乐观的;concened 关切的;favorable 赞同的;sympathetic 同情的;appreciative 欣赏的表示中立uncaring 冷漠的;indifferent 不感兴趣;漠不关心;uninterested 不感兴趣的;objective 客观的;cautious 谨慎的;neutral 中立的;unconcemed 不关心的;uncertain 不确定的;ambiguous 模棱两可的表示反对或否定critical 批评的;negative 否定的;消极的;doubtful 怀疑的;suspicious 怀疑的;worried 担忧的;pessimistic 悲观的;depressed 沮丧的;disappointed 失望的;ironic 讽刺的;disapproving 不赞成的;gloomy 前景黯淡的;悲观的阅读七选五 (2018·荆州质检) 体裁:说明文 话题:历史与地理 难度:In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, that is, early in the 15th century, China was an advanced country in the world, with a booming economy and prosperous culture. _1_ Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He was ordered seven times to make voyages to these countries, known as “Zheng He's voyages to the west seas” (以数字说明第一次航海情况)In 1405, a huge fleet of more than 300 ships manned by over 27,800 men set sail from Liujia Harbor near Suzhou on a distant voyage under the command of Zheng He. _2_ The fleet sailed along China's coast to Champa close to Vietnam and after crossing the South China Sea, visited Java, Sumatra and reached Sri Lanka finally. On the way back, it sailed _3_In all, he had made calls at over 30 countries and territories. _4_ No matter what country he visited, he called on the ruler of the land, presenting to him valuable gifts to express China's sincere desire to develop friendly relations. _5_ The voyages by Zheng He strengthened the friendly relations between China 8and other countries in Asia and Africa and led to cultural and economic exchange between them. Therefore, his expeditions could rightfully be called “one of the greatest achievements in mankind's history of navigation” A. Zheng served as commander of the fleet.B. The response of the rulers was very generous.C. On board the ships were large quantities of goods.D. The Great Ming Empire launched a series of marine activities.E. On each voyage, Zheng He acted as the representative of the Ming court.F. All this had taken place about half a century before Columbus' voyage to America.G. Zheng He's second and third voyages taken shortly after, followed the same route.答案与解析 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了郑和下西洋的历史。1D 空后介绍的是郑和 14051433 年间七次下西洋的事实,故选项 D“大明王朝进行了一系列的海事活动”符合语境。2C 该段介绍 1405 年的航行情况,故设空处应说明的是船上装载的货物,故选项 C符合语境。3G 设空前一句介绍的是郑和航海的路线,故选项 G“郑和第二次和第三次航海都是这同一条路线”符合语境。4E 空前一句说明郑和拜访的国家,空后一句说明郑和给君王们送上礼物,故选项E“代表大明朝”符合语境。5B 空前一句说明郑和给君王送上丰厚的礼物,空后一句说明君王们给明朝皇帝送的礼物,故选项 B“君王们回赠的礼物很丰厚”符合语境。词汇微存 booming adj.繁荣的; strengthen vt.加强


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