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    2019版高考英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析).doc

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    2019版高考英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析).doc

    1UnitUnit 3 3李仕才一、词汇复习 (一)单句语法填空 1、I'm so _(gratefully) to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily. 答案:grateful be grateful to.意为“对感激/感谢” 。2(2015·安徽,31 改编)They gave money to the old people's home either _(person) or through their companies. 答案:personally personally“私人地,个人地” 。句意:他们以个人的名义或通过他们的公司给养老院捐钱。3(2015·浙江,13 改编)Most of us,if we know even a little about where our food comes from,understand that every bite put into our mouths was _(former) alive. 答案:formerly formerly“先前地,以前地” 。句意:如果我们了解甚至一点点有关食物是从哪儿来的,那么大多数人都懂得每一口放进我们嘴里的食物之前都是活着的。4(2015·湖北,27 改编)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be_(punctuality). 答案:punctual punctual“准时的” 。句意:尽管会议大厅就在他的公寓附近,但如果他想要准时到达,他必须得快点。5(2015·湖北,28 改编)I don't think what he said is _(relevantly) to the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point. 答案:relevant relevant“相关的,切题的” 。句意:我认为他所说的话与我们正在讨论的问题不相关。他没有抓住要点。(二)英汉互译1.amphibious adj. _ 2.George Stephenson_ 3.patent n. _ 4.call up _ 5.courtyard n. _ 6.now and then _ 7.walnut n. _ 8.distinguish vi. & vt. _ 9.merciful adj. _ 10. product n. _ 11. powder n. _ 12. set about _213. perfume n. _ 14. stainless adj. _ 15. jelly n. _ 16. cube n. _ 17. cubic adj. _ 18. abrupt adj. _ 19. abruptly adv. _ 20. convenient adj. _ 21. caution n. _ 22. expectation n. _ 23. passive adj. _ 24. merry adj. _ 25. merrily adv. _ 26. seize vt. _ 27. recognition n. _ 28. criterion n. _ 29. claim n. & vt. _ 30. valid adj. _ 31. file n. vt. _ 32. ripe adj. _ 33. string n. _ 34. glue n. vt. _ 35. rod n. _ 36. freezing adj. _ 37. greengrocer n.(pl)_38. identification n. _ 39. directory n. _ 40. dial vt. _ 41. rainfall n. _ 42. courtroom n. _ 43. innocent adj. _ 44. lantern n. _ 45. bear vt. _ 46. jam n. _ 47. Alexander Graham _ 48. microphone n. _ 49. forehead n. _ 50. beaten track _ 51. occasionally adv. _ 52. dive into_ 53. dynamic adj. _ 54. set out (to do) _ 55. multiple adj. n. _ 56. Morse _357. dot n. vt. _ 58. tap vt. n. _ 59. wire n. _ 60. straw n. _ 61. reproduce vt. _ 62. current n. adj. _ 63. helicopter n. _ 64. triangle n. _ 65. tetrahedron n. _ 66. stable adj. _ 67. invaluable adj. _ 68. associate vt. n. _ 69. practical adj. _ 70. James Dyson _ 71. refrigerator n. _ 72. court n. _ 73. extension n. _ 74. hang on _ 75. out of order _ 76. get through _ 77. ring back _ 78. ring off _ 79. version n. _ 80. competence n. _ 81. competent n. _ 82. jeep n. _ 83. personnel n. _ 二、阅读理解AOn Christmas Eve, 1944, my grandmother urged my uncle, then 12 years old, to slip out of the concentration camp where they were imprisoned near 15 miles east of Vienna to go to Deutsch-Wagram. “People are charitable around Christmastime,” Grandma Lili said to her son, Gyuri. “Ask for some food. Anything they can spare. Tell them that were on the edge of starvation. Tell them that your 3-year-old sister can not get off the bed because shes outgrown her shoes.”In the dark of that night, Gyuri secretly left the camp and walked nearly four miles to Deutsch-Wagram, the closest town. He happened upon a house and knocked on the front door. A woman opened that door. She was probably alone, her 4man far away, fighting in the war, her children asleep in their beds. The 12-year-old pieced together in German exactly what his mother had told him to say.“Come back tomorrow,“ whispered the woman. The next day, my uncle returned. The woman opened the door with a smile. She piled his hands with bread, clothing, a pair of shoes that her child had outgrown and a pair of socks. The woman had knitted warm socks for my mother. After putting on the socks and shoes that fit, my mother got off the bed in delight. Her ragged shoes were passed on to a younger child who was also living in the camp. They shared their unexpected harvest with the entire camp. It was a quiet celebration of human kindness around Christmastime.In April 1945, my mother, uncle and grandmother were liberated. And it was those very socks and shoes that my mother wore as she walked some 28 miles over two days to Bratislava on her walk to a new life.To the unknown giver, I thank you. In the desperation of a cold and snowy land, when many hearts were closed and death was more likely than life, especially for Jews, you gave them hope and comfort.1.What did Gyuri manage to do on Christmas Eve?A. Get permitted to go out.B. Receive food and clothing.C. Express what his family needed.D. Celebrate Christmas in the camp2.Why does the author mention shoes so many times?A. To prove the truth of the story.B. To help the development of the story.C. To attract readers attention to the story.D. To make clear the background of the story.3.What feeling did the author write the text with?A. Desperation B. Gratefulness.C. ExcitementD. Sorrow.4.What is the passage mainly about?A. Light in darknessB. Peace to common people5C. Courage in face of dangerD. The influence of Christmas【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了 1944 年圣诞前夕,奶奶一家在集中营里日子艰难,迫不得已 12 岁的叔叔秘密走出集中营去附近的村庄求助,一位善良的女士给予了他们一家一些物质上的帮助。这位好心人的善举给了过着暗无天日的日子的奶奶一家不仅是物质上的帮助还有对未来的希望,最终一家人坚持到光明的到来。2.B 推理判断题。开始提到鞋子是 Gyuri 妹妹没有合脚的鞋穿是他逃出集中营求助的原因之一,Gyuri 的妹妹有了合脚的鞋后,小了的鞋就被送给了集中营里的一个比她小的孩子,而 Gyuri 的妹妹穿着好心人送的鞋迎来了自由,一家人走向了新生活,鞋子贯穿这个故事,因此推断作者多次提到鞋的原因是为了有助于故事的发展和文章主题的升华。故选B。4.A 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文特别是文章最后一段可知,在积雪覆盖的寒冷的冬天,人们封闭自己,死亡比活下去更容易的情况下,这位善良的人不仅给予了奶奶一家物质上的帮助,而且给了他们希望和抚慰。就像黑暗中的亮光鼓励他们走向新的生活。因此推断这篇文章歌颂了黑暗中人性光明的一面。故选 A。B(2018·山西高考前适应性测试)When people find out that I am a journalist, they often ask me: What do you think about the future of newspapers?I tell them that I think the future of communications is moving online. People expect me to be fearful for the future of print. After all, in some 6peoples minds I wouldnt be able to build a career in journalism if it all moves online. However, strangely enough, Im actually comforted by the fact that online journalism is becoming usual. I am a blogger who has always been able to find a home for my writing online.Since I began writing blogs, I have become aware of how many people you can reach with online writing. Compare this to the newspapers circulation base, and you will have a strong reason for online journalism.In her successful blog post titled The job I have spent the last year learning is not the one I will have, author Jenny Surane states, “Print is an expensive product to love. And general managers, publishers and editors must now figure out a profitable way to get their news into readers heads.”She goes on to state that people dont feel like picking up a newspaper now and would rather scroll(滚屏) through their Twitter feed, and get news from many different sources.If print is dying, then a new form of communicating information is being born. The need for information has not died. If anything, it has increased. What has died, rather, is the way in which information is presented.Now more than ever, in this age of information, there is a desire for stories on the same topic from different points of view. The printing industry can keep pace with the need of providing a variety of sources, if it chooses to.Is the future of print grim? Maybe. But is the future of journalism of communicating information to people grim as well? Definitely not.【解题导语】 作者是一名记者。文章从多个角度探讨新闻业的未来走向。1According to Paragraph 2, the author feels Aconfident about the future of his careerBworried about the future of printCtired of being a newspaper journalist Dembarrassed about online writingA 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后两句可知,作者对他的职业前景感到有信心。故选 A 项。72What information is conveyed in Jennys blog post?ATwitter is not very popular.BIt is hard to manage online journalism.CPrint still has its own advantages.DPeople have more options to get information.D 解析:推理判断题根据文章第四段最后一句可知,现在人们不想看报纸,而更愿意通过手机或电脑来看“推特”上的回复,还可以从许多不同的来源获得新闻。由此可推测,如今人们可以有更多的选择来获取信息。故选 D 项。3What does the underlined word “grim” in the last paragraph probably mean?APromising. BDepressing. CUnforgiving.DEncouraging.B 解析:词义猜测题。结合上文中提及的内容可知,作者认为印刷业有可能消失,但是对新闻业的未来还是很有信心的,再结合最后一段可知,此处指“印刷业的将来会萧条吗?可能。但是传播信息给人们的新闻业的未来也会萧条吗?肯定不会。 ”由此可猜测,grim 意思是“令人担忧的” 。故选 B 项。promising 意为“有希望的;有前途的” ;unforgiving 意为“不原谅人的;不宽容的” ;encouraging 意为“鼓舞人心的” 。4What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo explore the future of journalism.BTo analyze the cause of print decline.CTo explain the bright future of a journalist.DTo introduce a successful blog post about print.A 解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文从不同角度探讨了新闻业的未来走向,这也是本文的写作目的。故选 A 项。三、七选五Are Your Clothes Causing Pollution?Very small pieces of plastic,called microfiber,are polluting rivers and oceans._1_ Clothes worn for outdoor activities and exercise are often made of artificial materials,which are useful in keeping warm.But they contain very small plastic fibers,which may also be harming the environment when you wash 8them.When people wash these clothes,very small pieces go down the drain(下水道)with the wash water._2_Pollution caused by plastic is not new,but recent studies have shown the effect of microfiber on the environment.Studies show microfiber is ending up in our waters,which may come from waste water treatment factories.A 2015 study found it in fish from California.Microfiber's effect on food suppliesBeyond the waterways,the researchers say microfiber may end up in soil and agricultural lands._3_ This means there is much to be learned about microfiber and the environment.Some studies have shown that microfiber ends up inside sea animals,like oysters._4_ Researchers say that the fibers tend not to move into the tissue of the fish,but it needs more study.Steps to keep microfiber from the environmentUntil more information becomes known,there are steps to take to reduce the amount of microfiber in the environment.People should use less of the artificial materials.If we already have those in our lives and we're using them,an important step would be washing them less._5_ A bag is being designed in which you can wash these clothes.The bag traps the microfiber in it and it may be available for purchase soon.ANew technology may also help.BStudies on how much of the microfiber are released.CThe source of the microfiber may surprise you:your clothes.DWashing machines keep microfiber from escaping with wash water.EStudies on microfiber in the environment.FIt can also move around the atmosphere.GSo if microfiber has been found in fish and seafood,are they safe to eat?【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了微纤维的来源、微纤维对环境以及食物供应的影响和减少微纤维进入环境的措施。1C 由文章标题“Are Your Clothes Causing Pollution”可知,本文与衣服导致污染有关,并结合下文可知,造成污染的微纤维来自于有些用人工材料制成的衣服,故 C项符合语境。92E 根据文章结构可知,空处为该部分小标题。空后的段落主要讲的是微纤维对环境的影响,故 E 项符合语境。3F 结合空前一句中的“the waterways”和“in soil and agricultural lands”可知,研究人员认为微纤维可能扩散到水道,土壤和农田中,故 F 项“它也能在大气中移动”符合语境。4G 空前一句中的“sea animals, like oysters”与 G 项中的“fish and seafood”相呼应,故 G 项符合语境。5A 空后一句中的“A bag is being designed”正是 A 项中的“New technology” ,故 A 项符合语境。


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