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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 1 Warming Up.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 1 Warming Up.doc

    - 1 -UnitUnit 4 4 WildlifeWildlife protectionprotection PeriodPeriod 1 1 WarmingWarming UpUp & & ReadingReading课后阅读训练课后阅读训练. 阅读理解AWhat do the following animals have in common? Pandas, rhinoceros, Mexican burrowing snakes, pink pigeons and small tooth sawfish. They are all endangered animals! Animals become endangered for a variety of reasons. Sadly, humans are behind every one of them!For centuries, humans have hunted elephants for their tusks, and killed tigers for their beautiful furs, caught fish for food. While we still have elephants, tigers, and fish in the wild, we cannot say the same about many others that have simply died out!Year 1505 was a dreadful turning point in the natural history of the island of MauritiusEuropean sailors discovered this beautiful island in the Indian Ocean and brought dogs, pigs, monkeys with them. The arrival of humans and those introduced animal species were bad news for dodo birds. About 50 pounds and flightless, dodo birds did not have any natural enemies until then. They picked fruits fallen from trees and built their nests on the ground. Shortly after humans set foot on Mauritius, however, dodo birds realized that they were in big troublemen killed them for their meat, and those introduced animal species destroyed their nests and ate their eggs. The effects of excessive(过度的)hunting and foreign species drove dodo birds to first become much fewer and then die out. The last dodo bird was killed in 1681. Humans and animals have always competed for land and other natural resources. We clear an area of a forest for farming. We cut down trees and use wood to build beautiful houses. We build reservoirs(水库)to make sure that we have enough water to use. At the same time that we are trying to make our life comfortable, we destroy the habitats of wild animals. More than once we have seen on television that rescue workers are trying their best to save seabirds in spilled(泄漏的)oil. More than once we have heard about how emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳的排放)and other gases have raised the Earth temperature and caused global warming. Pollution has a serious and long-lasting effect. If we choose to do nothing - 2 -and continue to pollute our planet Earth, our next generations will have to face an Earth without birds singing and beasts roaring. 【语篇概述】本文主要介绍了导致许多动物灭绝的原因, 我们人类应该保护野生动物, 保护地球。1. How many reasons are given by the author to explain why the animals become endangered?A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6. 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。本文的第三到第六段讲述了动物灭绝的四个原因, 即过度捕杀、外来物种的进入、栖息地遭破坏和环境污染。2. What does the underlined word“dreadful”(in Paragraph 4)mean?A. Surprising. B. Exciting. C. Unpleasant. D. Quick. 【解析】选 C。词义猜测题。从本段的内容分析可知正是人类的到来和外来物种的进入使得 dodo birds面临灭顶之灾, 所以应是一个不好的、令人不愉快的转折点, 故选 C。3. Paragraph 5 mainly talks about_. A. how excessive hunting led to endangerment of animalsB. when foreign species entered the island of MauritiusC. the human activities caused the loss of habitats of animalsD. pollution played a main role in the worsening of environment【解析】选 C。推理判断题。从本段可知正是人类的活动使得动物们的栖息地遭到了破坏, 故选 C。BAfter their small boat turned over, the three men swam to a small island in the Pacific Ocean. There were no people or animals on the island. What was worse, they couldnt find enough fresh water to drink. If nobody came to save them, they would have no choice but to die. In some movies, people usually try to create the letters SOS to send for help. Sometimes, they set a fire with much smoke to attract attention. Just like this, the three men used the leaves and branches of trees to spell a large word HELP on the beach, hoping someone could see it. And a week later, a U. S. Navy airplane saw the men. The flight crew(人员)searching for them depended on a camera that could read signs of peoples body temperature. Soon, the camera found that the three men might be on the - 3 -island. The island is close to Guam. The plane flew around the Island and discovered the word on the beach. When the plane was close enough, the men ran out from some trees and started waving their orange life vests(救生衣). The plane flew close to the ground more than once, and tipped its wings to show the men it knew they were there. The crew also threw a smoke signal into the water. The Navy airplane reported the mens location to the U. S. Coast Guard and a boat immediately set out to pick them up. Lieutenant Commander John Harkins said he and his crew celebrated when they saw the men, because they did not think they would save them. The Associated Press news service reported the men had arrived home and nobody got hurt. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了在太平洋的一个小岛上, 三个人用树叶和树枝拼出了 HELP 字样, 并最终获救的故事。4. Why did the three men swim to the island?A. They met with an accident. B. They wanted to live a quiet life. C. They wanted to find some animals. D. They planned to find some fresh water. 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据第一段首句“After their small boat turned over, the three men swam to a small island in the Pacific Ocean. ”可知, 这三个人是因为船只被打翻, 遇到了意外, 才游到小岛上的, 故选 A。5. What did the three men do in order to be found?A. They moved to Guam. B. They started a big fire. C. They spelled the word HELP. D. They created the letters SOS. 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“Just like this, the three men used the leaves and branches of trees to spell a large word HELP on the beach, . . . ”可知, 这三个人利用树叶和树枝, 在海滩上拼写出了单词 HELP, 故选 C。6. The camera mentioned in the passage was used to_. A. take pictures of the island- 4 -B. help produce some smokeC. record the flying of the planeD. collect heat signals of people【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第四段首句“The flight crew searching for them depended on a camera that could read signs of peoples body temperature. ”可知, 机组人员依靠一个可以读取人们体温信号的相机来搜寻这三个人, 故选 D。7. What happened to the three men at last?A. They climbed on a Navy plane. B. They were picked up by John Harkins. C. They worked for The Associated Press. D. They were saved and didnt suffer any harm. 【解析】选 D。推理判断题。根据最后一段末句“The Associated Press news service reported the men had arrived home and nobody got hurt. ”可知, 根据美联社新闻报道, 这三个人获救后已安全回家, 他们都没有受伤, 故选 D。. 阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。HowHow toto makemake youryour dailydaily to-doto-do listlist moremore effective(effective(有效的有效的) )Daily to-do lists can help you get focused and organized. If your to-do list isnt well organized, you might lose heart and, at the end of the day, you may notice that most of the things on your list are not done. Follow these tips to create an effective to-do list. ClarifyClarify priorities(priorities(明确优先次序明确优先次序) )It may help you to develop some sort of ranking system for your to-do list. 1 You can even use a number system and rank them from 1 to 5. Items that are ranked 1 might have a lower priority, while the 5s are tasks you should deal with first. ParePare down(down(削减削减)the)the listlist2 If you have 15 minutes to spare, find something on the list that you can complete in that time period. You may think that 15 minutes is not enough to do something, but several 15-minutes add up to something huge. AddAdd inin somethingsomething funfun- 5 -Your to-do list is no doubt full of things you may not like. Thats why adding in fun activities and tasks should also be important. A fun item doesnt feel like work. It may even feel like a break. 3 DontDont listlist tootoo muchmuchIts important not to overwhelm(压垮)yourself. 4 If theres too much on your plate or you have to work too fast, you cant possibly enjoy yourself and youll only end up frustrated and overwhelmed. 5 Your list needs to be organized in a way that makes you feel comfortable. There are many choices nowadays. However, the old-fashioned pen and paper method may work best for you. You can also use the Internet or even your cell phone to keep your list organized. A. Keep it organized. B. Write it the night before. C. Avoid too much stress. D. Certainly not every item on the list is equally important. E. You need to complete tasks or part of tasks one step at a time. F. Everything that goes on your to-do list should be something important that you need to do. G. When you return to the less desirable(称心的)items, youll be more active to get them done. 【语篇概述】本文就如何制作一份可行有效的一日任务单提出五点建议。1. 【解析】选 D。本段讲的是要分清任务单上面所列任务的优先次序, 也就是说列在任务单上的任务有主次之分, 由此可知此空选 D 项最佳。2. 【解析】选 E。本段所讲的是要充分利用你所能利用的时间去完成任务, 要循序渐进地将任务单上的任务都删掉, 也就是完成这些任务, 故选 E 项。3. 【解析】选 G。本段所讲的是要在任务单中添加一些有趣的事情。为什么呢?因为加入一些有趣的事情, 可以调节心情, 使你有更多的精力去完成那些你并不喜欢做的任务, 故选 G 项。4. 【解析】选 C。本段所讲的是不要给自己太多的任务, 以免压垮自己, 也就是说要避免太多的压力, 故选 C 项。5. 【解析】选 A。根据本段中的 Your list needs to be organized in a way. . . 以及 keep your - 6 -list organized. . . 可以判断此空选 A 项最佳, 即要把任务单安排得有条理。【补偿训练】阅读理解Eye care is an important factor in all of our lives. However, we often ignore it. With an image of not being able to see one day, anyone must think that is terrible. Without good eyesight, we seem to be able to do nothing, not to mention watching TV or reading books. Therefore, eye protection is necessary. It gives us not only a clear vision but a better future. In daily lives, what can we do to take care of eyes? Firstly, as far as diet is concerned, we should eat more carrots, fish and some food rich in vitamins(维生素)and minerals(矿物质). Secondly, dont sit before a computer screen or TV for too long a time and take a regular rest from time to time so as to relax eye muscles(肌肉). It is helpful to look at green trees or fields. Thirdly, having enough sleep is the best rest for eyes. Besides, you should know how to keep eyes healthy. There are some dangers to eyes in our daily lives. You should keep them in mind. Bright sunlight is harmful to eyes. Therefore, when going out, especially in summer time, when the sunlight is too strong, put on a pair of high-quality sunglasses, which is able to play a good role in the eye care. Be away from the smoke because the smoke is bad for our eyes too. Take eye exercise every day to help relax eye muscles. Last but not least, take regular medical examinations to check out possible eye diseases and prevent eyes deterioration(退化). Eyes are the most important organs(器官), and we should use proper eye care products to avoid harm and make sure of good eyesight. 【语篇概述】眼睛是心灵的窗户。你知道如何保护眼睛吗?1. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Possible dangers to our eyes. B. Ways of protecting our eyes. C. Food that is good for our eyes. D. Some common eye problems. 【解析】选 B。主旨大意题。通读全文可以看出, 作者主要向我们提出一些保护眼睛的方法。2. Which is helpful for those who use computers frequently?- 7 -A. Wearing a pair of high-quality sunglasses. B. Doing exercises every day before bed. C. Eating only fruits and vegetables. D. Taking a break once in a while. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知, 我们在看电视或玩电脑时, 应每隔一段时间休息一会儿。3. Wearing a pair of sunglasses can_. A. help us see more clearlyB. help our eyes get relaxedC. prevent sunlight from harming our eyesD. help our eyes stay away from smoke【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知, 佩戴质量好的太阳镜可以保护我们的眼睛不受强光的刺激。4. In the last paragraph, the author tells us the importance of_. A. getting our eyes examined regularlyB. protecting our most important organsC. preventing eyes deteriorationD. having good eyesight【解析】选 A。细节理解题。作者主要向我们提出了一些保护眼睛的方法, 最后一段讲的是其中的一种:定期检查眼睛, 以便及早发现问题, 及时就医。


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