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    2019高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels Section Ⅰ Reading(Ⅰ) (Warm-up.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels Section Ⅰ Reading(Ⅰ) (Warm-up.doc

    1UnitUnit 9 9 WheelsWheels未来汽车的发展趋势是由大变小,小汽车的好处有多少?SmallSmall carscarsHere are two cars that may some day take the place of today's big automobiles.If everyone drives such a car in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.There will be more parking space in the cities,and 1 Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safer,too, 2 The cars of the future will be fine for getting round a city,but they will not be useful for long trips.If the car is powered by electricity,it will have two batteries,one for the motor and one for the horn,signals,etc.Little cars which are powered by gasoline will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline.If big cars are still used along with the small ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the future.Some roads will be used for the big,fast cars,and 3 根据短文内容,从下面所给选项中选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Aas these little cars can go as fast as big carsBother roads will be needed for the small,slower onesCthe streets will be less crowdedDother roads are built for truck and other carsEas these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour【答案】 13 CEBSectionSection Reading()Reading() (Warm­up(Warm­up & & LessonLesson 1)1)2新生词汇初识.匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1 1therefore Aadv.当然,确实2 2pedestrian Bn.后果,结果3 3actually Cn.贼,小偷4 4benefit Dvt.插入,嵌入5 5parking Eadv.实际地,真实地6 6thief Fvt.逮捕,拘留7 7insert Gn.行人8 8indeed Hadv.所以,因此9 9consequence In.得益;好处1010arrest Jn.停车场【答案】 15 HGEIJ 610 CDABF.选择下列句中相对应词组的汉语意思A.受益于 B.结果 C.让某人搭便车 D.由于,幸亏 E.厌倦的1 1I'll have transportation problem to go to work,can you givegive me a a liftlift? 2 2ThanksThanks toto your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule. 3 3They are fedfed upup with the politicians and want to vote them out of office. 4 4You will benefitbenefit fromfrom this experience in the end. 5 5InIn consequenceconsequence,many novel features presented themselves. 【答案】 15 CDEAB教材语篇细研第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读 P36教材课文,匹配段落大意1 1Para.1 AEffect of white bikes.2 2Para.2 BWhite bikes 30 years later.3 3Para.3 CWhite bikes in 1960s.4 4Para.4 DWhy Amsterdam is called the “City of Bicycles”?【答案】 14 DCBA第二步 细读把控文章关键信息细读 P36教材课文,选择最佳答案1 1Nowadays some people call Amsterdam the “City of Bicycles” because 3Athere are more bicycles there than in other places Bit is convenient for bikes thereCall the people there like riding bicyclesDit produces many bicycles every year2 2From the text we know that the first “white bikes” plan failed because Athe government disagreed with the ideaBriding bikes was too dangerousCthieves stole all the bikesDthis idea was too difficult to carry out3 3Which of the following statements is NOT true?ACycling is convenient in Amsterdam.BThere are plenty of bicycle parking places in Amsterdam.CLocal people stole all the bikes in the neighbourhoods.DThe new “white bike” is an unusual design.4 4The “white bikes” have the following effects except Asaving energyBreducing pollutionCmaking the city more crowdedDproviding free public transport5 5The writer's attitude towards the “white bikes” is AsupportiveBopposedCnot stated Dpessimistic【答案】 15 BCCCA第三步 精读能力升华 接轨高考精读 P36教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式People 1.1.have been enjoying(enjoy)the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.It is a good city for cycling because it is flat and 2.2.therefore is convenient for bikes.In the 1960s,a group of cycling fans had 3.3.an idea.They believed that 4.4.it would be better if cars weren't allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were.They painted hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in lots of neighbourhoods for people 5.5.to use (use)Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use.But the problem was 46.6.that thieves took all the bicycles within weeks!More than thirty years 7.later,the “white bike” is back in town.The new “white bike” is not 8.actually(actual)white but is an unusual design with bright colours.Now there is already 9.less(little) traffic in central Amsterdam.Indeed,thanks to the ideas of lots of people,like the cycling fans in the 1960s,many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets 10.without cars for many years.


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