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    2019高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks Period 2 Reading课堂10分钟达标 新人教版必修4.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks Period 2 Reading课堂10分钟达标 新人教版必修4.doc

    - 1 -UnitUnit 5 5 ThemeTheme parksparks PeriodPeriod 2 2 ReadingReading课堂课堂 1010 分钟达标分钟达标. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词1. Her style of writing is u_ (独一无二的)among all the students in the school. 2. George lives in a world of f_ (幻想)never thinking about his reality. 3. Reading and seeing movies are among my a_ (消遣). 4. Detective novels used to hold a special a_ (吸引)for me. 5. Everyone should p_ (保护)the environment from pollution. 6. His opinion would often s_ (摇摆)from one extreme to the other. 7. We measured the l_ (长度)and width of the living room. 8. D_ (行动)are fruits, but words are leaves. 9. Stamp collecting was the t_ (主题)of his speech. 10. The young man is out of work for v_ (各种各样的)reasons. 答案: 1. unique 2. fantasy 3. amusement 4. attraction 5. preserve 6. swing 7. length 8. Deeds 9. theme 10. various . 从下面的方框中选择合适的短语, 用其适当形式填空be famous for, come true, no wonder, be unique to, preserve. . . from, a variety of, more than, at length, do a good deed, be modelled after1. His dancing style_ that of Michael Jackson. 2. _ is not difficult, but it is difficult to do it all ones life. 3. We should take steps to_ the old temple_ falling down. 4. The panda_ China, which is well-known to us all. 5. The little girl studied very hard; _ she was good at all the subjects. 6. He has suffered a lot in the past 20 years. Luckily, his dream_ finally. 7. Because of_ reasons, the poor boy had to drop out of school. 8. They were_ glad to help us when we were in trouble. 9. He told us his experiences when he was in New York_ . 10. Our hometown_ its good vegetables. It is named after the home of vegetables. 答案: 1. is modelled after 2. Doing a good deed - 2 -3. preserve; from 4. is unique to 5. no wonder 6. came true 7. a variety of 8. more than 9. at length 10. is famous for . 完成句子1. His father is a professor and he_ _ _(通晓)ancient history. (familiar)2. I_ _ _(想知道去哪里)spend the weekend. (wonder)3. When I_ _(溜进)the classroom, I found myself_ _ _ _(碰了个正着)the teacher. (slide; face)4. Scotland, _ _ _ _(以著名)its beautiful countryside, has many lakes and mountains. (famous)5. The naughty boy was late_ _(因各种各样的理由). (various)6. _ _ _ _ _(从一棵树荡到了另一棵树), he acted like a monkey. (swing)7. The organization was set up to_ endangered species_(保护免受)extinction. (preserve)8. Our school_ _ _(以命名)the famous person. (name)9. This novel, _ _(以为基础)his real life, is a best seller. (base)10. The words on the blackboard_ _ _(引起了她的注意). (attract)答案: 1. is familiar with 2. wonder where to3. slid into;face to face with 4. which is famous for5. for various reasons 6. Swinging from tree to tree7. preserve;from 8. is named after 9. based on10. attracted her attention


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