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    (云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2练习.doc

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    (云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2练习.doc

    1第十课时第十课时 八年级八年级( (下下) ) UnitsUnits 1 12 2.单项填空。(A)1 1.What was wrong with Mandy? She had _ cold and her mother sent her to hospital just now. Aa Ban C.the D./ (A)2 2.The environment is getting worse and worse. Yes,so scientists are trying to come up _ new ways to solve the problem. Awith Bin Cout Dfrom (D)3 3.Who is the _ of the car? Mr.Liu.He bought it last week. Apassenger Bvolunteer Cdriver Downer(A)4 4.You can't _ how frightened I was when I heard this story. Aimagine Bfill Csupport Drequire (A)5 5.Henry,you _ finish your homework first,and then you can watch cartoons. OK,I will.Ashould B.can Cwould D.will (A)6 6.Why do you have to _ the party,Mark?Because some of my friends can't arrive on time.Aput off Bset up Ctry out D.give away (D)7 7.Kate doesn't _ her mother at all.Her mother has a round face while Kate has a square face. Alook after Bcare for Cworry about Dtake after (B)8 8.Why do you go to the hospital,Mandy?_ the sick people there. AHelp B.To help CHelping D.Helps (A)9 9.When _ your headache _,Jenny?Two days ago. Adid;start Bwill;start Cdo;start Dare;starting (C)1010._?I have a headache and I don't feel like eating anything. AHow are you BWhat can I do for you CWhat's the matter with you DHow do you like it2.完形填空。 One night,the six­year­old Christian and his mom were watching a program. “What does it _11_,Mom?” he asked.“It means people can give away wigs(假发) to sick ones.Those people may lose their hair _12_ medical reasons.” “Then I want to do that, ” Christian said.His mother knew he would _13_ change his mind.Then Christian's blonde hair began growing out.However,as his hair grew _14_ he looked different.Sometimes his classmates would _15_ him.His mother was used to hearing “Your _16_ is so pretty” when she was out with Christian.These words made Christian upset,but _17_ mother always tried to cheer him up. After two and a half years,the big haircut(理发) day _18_ came.Christian cut his hair.And then he sent it to the charity.Christian said it felt good to have _19_ hair again.Somewhere,_20_ child would be feeling good,too,because of Christian. (B)1111.A.carry Bmean Cgive Dstand (D)1212.A.different from Bsame with Cthanks to Dbecause of (A)1313.A.hardly Bprobably Cquickly Dslowly (D)1414.A.thicker Bthinner Cheavier Dlonger (C)1515.A.care for Blook after Claugh at Dlearn from (B)1616.A.son Bdaughter Cbrother Dsister (C)1717.A.her Bits Chis Dmy (B)1818.A.usually Bfinally Cpossibly Dseriously (A)1919.A.short Bblonde Cblack Dstraight (C)2020.A.any Bsome Canother Dother .阅读理解。 第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T” ,错误“F”)。This week's FACT OR FICTION winner is Steve from Bath. It was my wife's birthday last month and I bought her an exotic plant(外地植 物) as a present.She loved it and we put it in the living room.Later that evening I was in the bedroom and I heard a scream.It was my wife.I ran into the living room and saw her on the coffee table. “There's a snake under the sofa!” she shouted, “It came out of the plant.” I got down on the floor and looked under the sofa.At that moment,my dog,Spot,came near me and touched my leg.I thought it was the snake and fainted(昏倒)My wife panicked(恐慌) and called an ambulance.3Twenty minutes later,the paramedics(护理人员) arrived and put me onto a stretcher(担架)Suddenly,one of the paramedics saw the snake and dropped the stretcher.And what happened to me? Well,I fell off the stretcher and broke my arm! (F)2121.The writer bought a snake as a present for his wife. (T)2222.The wife loved the exotic plant very much. (T)2323.The dog touched the writer's leg and he fainted. (F)2424.The paramedics put the snake onto the stretcher. (F)2525.The writer will not buy exotic plants because they will bite him. 第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Several years ago,I spent most of my time at a mental hospital(精神病院) in our town.I found much joy there.At first it was a little scary to be there,but I stayed on,because I had a reason for doing this. I volunteered in a locked­up(封闭的) environment.To my surprise,I found that a friend of my parents' was a patient in this hospital.I knew,when I was a baby,this woman wanted to keep me because she had no children.I looked after this woman and showed my old photos to her.Finally,she was able to remember some old things,and she said to me one day, “Dear,you should not come here.” But I wanted to bring something happy into this woman's life.I learned that because she had no family,she could not leave here and go home.So I brought her to my home twice,and I still remember the happy smile on her face.I have never forgotten this volunteering experience.This woman later passed_awayI can't see her anymore,but I'm happy that I have done just a little to make a difference to another person's life. (B)2626.The writer felt _ at first when working in the mental hospital. Abored Bafraid Cinterested Dcomfortable (C)2727.The woman couldn't leave the hospital because _ Ashe couldn't remember anything Bshe couldn't look after herself Cshe didn't have a family Dshe didn't want to leave(D)2828.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? AThe woman was the writer's parents' friend. BWith the writer's help,the woman could remember something old. CThe woman saw the writer's old photos. DThe writer went to the woman's home twice.(A)2929.The underlined words “passed away” mean “_” in Chinese. A去世 B逃离 C居住 D幸存(D)3030.Which is the best title for this passage? AAn Unlucky Woman BA Special Hospital CMy Parents' Friend DMy Volunteering Experience4.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 31More and more people begin to realize the importance of the food safety.(important) 32There are many people lying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine now.(lie) 33My watch doesn't work.It's broken(break) 34We made the difficult decision to leave.(decide) 35We get a strong feeling of satisfaction when we see our patients get better.(satisfy).将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。 36He thought and thought.At last he came_up_with a good idea.(想出) 37Why not consider putting_off the meeting?(推迟) 38Mary always cleans_up the table after dinner.(打扫干净) 39The police are now in_control_of the whole situation.(控制) 40To_my_surprise,Nancy didn't come to Judy's birthday party.(使我惊讶的 是).书面表达。Let'sLet's LearnLearn toto VolunteerVolunteer 提示:当今大多数人只为找好工作赚钱而忧愁,很少有人思考能做点什么帮助那些不幸 的人们。将空余时间用来帮助他人是打发闲暇时间的好方式。请以“Let's Learn to Volunteer”为题,写一篇短文,呼吁大家参与志愿活动,共创美好生活。 要求: 1语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于 60 个; 2文中不得使用真实姓名、校名。Let'sLet's LearnLearn toto VolunteerVolunteer Today,most people are only worried about getting good jobs to make money.However,few people think about helping others who are unlucky.Volunteering our time to help others is a good way to spend our free time.We can make plans to visit the sick children in hospital to cheer them up.We can have a talent show to raise money for homeless people.We can also fix up broken bikes and give them away to people in need. Let's learn to volunteer to make the world a better place!


    本文((云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2练习.doc)为本站会员(随风)主动上传,得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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