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    2019高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Section 3 巩固提升 新人教版必修4.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Section 3 巩固提升 新人教版必修4.doc

    1UnitUnit 1 1 WomenWomen ofof achievementachievement SectionSection 3 3 UsingUsing LanguageLanguage .根据汉语提示写出正确的单词1The _audience_ (听众) was no less than five thousand.2He drove the injured to the nearest hospital out of _kindness_ (好意).3In case of _emergency_ (紧急情况),break the glass and press the button.4There is a _generation_ (一代)gap between my parents and me.5It is suggested that the work _referred_ (谈到,提至)to should be finished at once.6Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between _sickness_ (疾病) and health,between families going hungry and families providing for themselves.7I _intend_ (计划;打算)to organize some activities at school like lectures and English parties and so on.8It is _considerate_ (考虑周到的)of you to help your friends in many ways.9Now I'm going to _deliver_ (发表)a speech on the importance of interpersonal relationships to Senior High students.10In time of success we remain _modest_ (谦虚的;谦让的),while in time of difficulty we keep strongminded.选词填空look down upon; refer to; by chance; come across; catch one's eye;free from; be intended for; second to; later on; carry on1She met a friend yesterday _by chance_ while shopping in the supermarket.2The city is a city _second to_ the capital city of the country.3He had planned to visit the Great Wall,but _later on_ he changed his plan.4One story in his book _caught my eye_ while I was reading it the other day.5When you _come across_ something important,write it down.6He never forgets those days when he was _looked down upon_ by those rude guys.7When giving the lecture,he _referred to_ his note from time to time.28(2016·天津高考)I hate it when she calls me at work I'm always too busy to _carry on_ a conversation with her.9The book written by the author _is intended for_ children.10As a selfish man,he is trying to keep himself _free from_ any responsibility.完成句子1Would you like _to deliver my message to_ your elder brother?(deliver)请你帮我给你哥哥传个口信好吗?2This dictionary _is intended for children_.(intend)这本词典是专为小孩设计的。3When I boarded the bus,I _came across a friend of mine_.(come)当我登上公共汽车时,碰见了我的一个朋友。4When I meet new words I don't know.I often _refer to a dictionary_.(refer)当我遇到不会的生词时,我经常查字典。5When marking his composition,the teacher _took his handwriting into consideration_.(consideration)当批改他的作文时,老师把他的书写也考虑在内。6They managed _to carry on their journey_ in spite of the bad weather.(carry)尽管天气很糟糕,他们设法继续进行他们的旅行。7_It suddenly hit me that_ we should set off for the airport at once.(hit)我突然想到我们应该马上去机场。8As we all know,no one likes _being looked down upon_.(look)众所周知,没有人喜欢被人看不起。9It _was considerate of you_ to bring me my raincoat.(considerate)你为我带来雨衣,想得真是周到。10When the boy was in danger,a stranger _saved him by chance_.(save)当男孩处境危险时,一个陌生人碰巧救了他。


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