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    2019高中英语 Unit 3 A healty life同步练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 3 A healty life同步练习 新人教版选修6.doc

    1UnitUnit 3 3 A A healtyhealty lifelife话题诵读 日积月累导语 每天笑 15 分钟可以使你的心脏更健康。美国科学家的两项最新研究结果显示,笑能使人精神愉悦,同时还对心脏大有好处;相反,心情沮丧则不利于身体健康,甚至会增加早死的危险。Laughter is good for the heart because it prolongs life while depression increases the risk of an early death,according to two new studies.A good deal of laughter every day provides similar cardiovascular benefits as exercise because it stimulates the blood flow,said Michael Miller,who headed one research team at the University of Maryland.On the other hand,depression or the lack of laughter is often linked to unhealthy habits such as smoking and drug addiction and increases the risk of death by 44 percent,said Wein Jiang,who led a study of 1,000 heart patients for the University of North Carolina.While laughter should not replace exercise,he said, “We do recommend that you try to laugh on a regular basis.Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week,and 15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the vascular system” 词海拾贝1prolong vt.延长,拉长,拖延,延期2cardiovascular adj.心血管的3stimulate vt.刺激,激励,使兴奋vi.起兴奋作用,起刺激作用4vascular system 血管系统;维管系问题思考1What effect does laughter have on the heart?_2Can laughter replace exercise?_答案:1.It can stimulate the blood flow,which does good to the heart.2No,it can't.自主预习 步步提高词汇识记.将单词与其正确释义连线1alcohol A青少年22adolescent B困难的;强硬的3tough C无意识的;自动的4withdrawal D酒;酒精5automatic E收回;撤退6abnormal F尴尬的7chemist G药剂师;化学家8survival H幸存9prejudice I畸形的;异常的10embarrassed J偏见;成见答案:1D 2A 3B 4E 5C 6I 7G8H 9J 10F.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n香烟2_ n压力;重音;使紧张;加压于3_ adj.精神的;智力的4_ adj.气喘吁吁的5_ vt. give them more energy.Try to let them see that the food choices they are making will help them feel so much better._3_ I know of one family that actually had the food pyramid on the wall of their kitchen and it helped their children pick out what foods they wanted.Everyone got a chance to decide what to eat,but they had to pick protein,vegetables and fruit.In addition,the mother had a book with recipes for healthy foods._4_ So children knew what healthy foods they should choose.36Unlike today,when we grew up we played outside,rode our bikes,ran around,skated,and the list goes on and on._5_ So in addition to the above healthy eating choices,you need to plan some activities for your children today other than the television or video games.【语篇解读】 父母要培养孩子们从小养成选择好的食物的习惯。孩子们养成了好习惯,长大了这些好习惯仍然会发挥作用。AWe didn't have TV or computer games.BHow are children helped to choose their food?CYou are helping them make smart informed choices.DThink what large meals do to your children at school.EWhat adults eat daily has a great effect on their children.FAll of the recipes had pictures of what the food looked like.GThe recipes for children should mainly include healthy foods.1解析:D 项与本空前后的“Large meals”和“our children” , “at their desks”相呼应。答案:D2解析:由本空后“As they get older these good habits will stay with them.”可知,前文讲你帮助你的孩子在食物上做出明智选择(培养好习惯)的好处。答案:C3解析:该段主要通过一个具体事例表明如何培养孩子选择好的食物的习惯。B 项可作为本段主旨。答案:B4解析:F 项承上启下,有图片的食谱更容易让孩子们知道选择吃什么。答案:F5解析:前文讲过去的孩子们都是在户外长大,很少有室内活动,A 项符合这层意思。最后一句“the television or video games”也是提示。答案:A.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I smoked with my family,I would feel so _1_ and good that nothing else in the world seemed so _2_I thought that smoking weed (烟草) was okay since many of my family members and people at my school smoked._3_ ever happened to them._4_ I started smoking weed a lot more during lunch and after 37school.I never thought _5_ of it.At that time I just wanted to smoke.Then I began to _6_ in school.I would _7_ classes,come home late and spend all my money.I would spend _8_ 8 to 18 dollars a day.I never thought _9_ about the bad effect that marijuana (大麻) had on those things.Maybe my coming to class high (神志恍惚) was the reason why I was failing or coming home late.As I continued to smoke marijuana,I began to notice that I would always have the strong desire to smoke and that I would get _10_ cigarettes if I smoked those,but I don't._11_ I have learned more about marijuana,I have _12_ the amount of marijuana that I use.I don't want marijuana to be the most important in my life.I'm not smoking every day,and not spending as much money.Since I have _13_ on my habit,I am _14_ more money.I'm ready to go back to school and do good,so that I can make myself _15_Everyone is always saying how weed _16_ your mind and how it solves problems.I think it only brings more _17_Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain.I'm not trying to tell you not to smoke; I'm just letting you know that marijuana can be _18_ to your health,and that _19_ it may cause some longterm negative effects.Stop smoking now,before it is too late.I don't want to lecture anyone,but just _20_ my experience with you.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己最初对烟草非常痴迷,早年因为吸烟而导致经济上、学业上及精神上的问题,由此作者意识到烟草的危害并开始戒烟。作者将自己的亲身经历与大家分享,想让所有的人都认识到吸烟的不良影响。1A.worried BrelaxedCdisappointed Dstressed解析:根据后文的“and good”可推知,当时作者对吸烟的态度应该是肯定的,认为吸烟是好事,并能让他感到放松。答案:B2A.important BcommonCinteresting Dfunny解析:从文章第 12 空后的“I don't want marijuana to be the most important in my life.”可知,作者当初认为吸烟是生命中非常重要的事情。答案:A3A.Something BEverythingCNothing DAnything解析:作者坚持吸烟的原因之一是他并没有看到周围的人因为吸烟而出事。38答案:C4A.By the way BNow and thenCIn my opinion DFor a time解析:根据后文的“At that time”可知此处是指“一段时间” 。by the way“顺便说一下” ;now and then“不时;时而” ;in my opinion“在我看来” ;for a time“一段时间” 。答案:D5A.too much Ba littleCtoo often Dany more解析:作者起初对吸烟的态度是积极的,所以当他在午饭期间以及放学后吸烟量增大时也没有对此过多考虑。答案:A6A.get ahead Bfall behindCcome across Dmake up解析:根据后文的描述“I never thought _9_ about the bad effect that marijuana (大麻) had on those things.”可知,吸烟已经影响到了作者的学习。get ahead“取得进步” ;fall behind“落后” ;come across“偶遇” ;make up“编造;化妆” 。结合语境可确定答案为 B 项。答案:B7A.give BhaveCattend Dcut解析:根据后文的“come home late and spend all my money”可知,吸烟影响了作者的生活。cut classes 意为“旷课” ,此处是吸烟对作者学习的影响。答案:D8A.at least Bat mostCno more than Das little as解析:根据前文的“spend all my money”可知,作者花在吸烟上的钱并不少,每天至少要 8 至 18 美元。at least“至少” ;at most“最多” ;no more than“只有;仅仅” ;as little as“和一样少” 。答案:A9A.once BtwiceCagain Dfurther解析:尽管吸烟对作者的学习和生活影响很大,但当时作者考虑得并不多。think twice about sth“三思而行,慎重考虑后再决定” 。39答案:B10A.used to Bpaid forClost in Dready for解析:根据后文“.if I smoked those,but I don't”可知,当时作者已经意识到吸烟对自己的学习和生活产生的影响,如果继续吸烟的话,作者就会沉溺其中。get used to“习惯于” ;get paid for“因而被付给钱” ;get lost in“沉迷于;热衷于” ;get ready for“为做好准备” 。答案:C11A.As if BEven ifCNow that DAs long as解析:既然作者已经意识到了吸烟的危害,于是他开始控制吸烟的量。as if“好像” ;even if“即使” ;now that“既然” ;as long as“只要” 。答案:C12A.reduced BincreasedCdecided Dcontinued解析:从后文“I'm not smoking every day,and not spending as much money”可以看出,作者在有意识地减少吸烟的量。reduce“降低;减少” 。答案:A13A.broken down Bcut downCturned off Dcut off解析:由于作者意识到了吸烟的危害,所以尽量少吸烟。break down“(机器等)出故障;(身体)垮掉;失败” ;cut down“减少;消减” ;turn off“关掉(电源等)” ;cut off“切断” 。由此可知答案为 B。答案:B14A.wasting BspendingCmaking Dsaving解析:既然烟吸得少了,钱自然能节省一些。答案:D15A.less BmoreCbetter Dworse解析:根据前文可知,作者做好了回到学校的准备,并想要好好表现,所以此处应为使自己变得更好。答案:C16A.excites Bfills40Crepairs Ddestroys解析:根据后文的“and how it solves problems”可知,有的人在鼓吹吸烟的好处。答案:A17A.problems BpleasureCconvenience Dexcitement解析:结合前文作者对吸烟的危害的亲身体验以及后文的“Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain”可知,作者现在意识到吸烟只会带来危害。答案:A18A.helpful BusefulCdangerous Dstrange解析:作者意在警告人们注意吸烟所带来的危害。dangerous 意为“危险的” ,符合作者的意图。答案:C19A.in the beginning Bin the distanceCin the long run Din the past解析:根据后文的 longterm negative effects“长期的消极影响”可知选 C 项。in the beginning“起初;首先” ;in the distance“在远处” ;in the long run“从长远来看” ;in the past“在过去” 。答案:C20A.tell BexplainCregret Dshare解析:作者写这篇文章的目的在于让大家知道他的经历。share sth with sb 意为“与某人分享某物” 。答案:D单元质量评估(三)时间:100 分钟 分数:120 分第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AVolunteer vacation in IndiaTeach and care for orphan children41You're needed now more than ever as a volunteer in India.Work with homeless children in Chennai,southern India by teaching English,helping with improvements to educational,health and living conditions.Your help for one,two or three weeks truly makes a lifelong difference to children's lives.What's more,Global Volunteers offers the most affordable fees:D|S1,800 to volunteering in India.Learn more hereGlobal Volunteers serves five community partners in Chennai: a children's home,two daycare orphanages (孤儿院),and two schools.Together,we try to provide a better childhood for children who have been abandoned,orphaned or are from families simply too poor to care for them.You offer the extra attention the kids desire and deserve,while also experiencing life in the spiritual land of India with its various languages,culture,and lifestyles.Never doubt you can make a significant difference in the life of a child as a volunteer in India.Essential services in IndiaGlobal Volunteers began working with community leaders in 2 000 to respond to educational,health,housing and social needs.As an essential link in a long chain of volunteers in India,you can help deliver essential services in these ways:·Teaching English to elementary and secondary school students·Providing psychosocial support for children of all ages·Helping improve and maintain classrooms and housing facilities·Promoting girls' education·Helping plant and maintain school gardens·Modeling and encouraging handwashing with soap·Helping serve nutritious mealsContact information(800)4871074 phone |(651)4820915 faxwww.globalvolunteers.org|emailglobalvolunteers.Org【语篇解读】 Global Volunteers 呼吁更多的人志愿帮扶印度的教育、健康等方面。1What can we learn about Global Volunteers?AIt will pay volunteers for their work in India.42BIt only offers help to kids who have no parents.CVolunteers there will be too busy to enjoy the local life.DSigning up for it means working for at least a month in India.解析:细节理解题。由第二段“What's more,Global Volunteers offers the most affordable fees:D|S1,800 to volunteering in India.”可知,Global Volunteers会付报酬给去印度的志愿者。答案:A2What do volunteers do in India?ATeach kids how to cook.BHandwash clothes for kids.CTeach languages to kids of all ages.DEncourage more girls to go to school.解析:细节理解题。由 Essential services in India 中的介绍可知,志愿者在印度可以教小学和初中的孩子学英语,示范并鼓励用肥皂手洗衣物,帮助提供有营养的食物,促进女孩儿接受教育。答案:D3The text is written to _Ainvite more people to visit IndiaBtell us how Global Volunteers worksCcall on people to volunteer in IndiaDshow the poor situation of Indian kids解析:写作意图题。由第一段“You're needed now more than ever as a volunteer in India.”和第四段“Never doubt you can make a significant difference in the life of a child as a volunteer in India.”可知,本文旨在呼吁更多的人到印度做志愿者。答案:CBSnow White.Paper.Freak(怪人)These are some of the notsonice names that I was called in sixth and seventh grade.That's because I was born with a medical condition called albinism(白化病),which I'll have for the rest of my life.It's not just school that can be difficult,though.When I'm walking down the street,strangers stare.People come up and pet my hair,like I'm a little dog.Other times they talk to me like I'm 5 years old.My brain works just 43fine.Thank you very much!Living with the condition has its challenges.My skin burns really easily,so I have to wear sunscreen every day.I have trouble seeing supersmall things and superfaraway things.Reading a menu or the chalkboard at school is hard,so I use a cool handheld telescope that works as a magnifier(放大镜)I also have an eye condition called nystagmus,which makes it hard for me to focus.I use a cane(手杖)whenever I'm walking in an unfamiliar area to detect any obstacles(障碍物)In eighth grade,things started to change for the better because I met a girl named Rachel,who is now my best friend.She doesn't judge me.I love the fact that she doesn't care what anyone else thinks of her.It has helped me realize that I don't need to care what anyone thinks of me,either.There are actually benefits to my condition.For one,I might qualify for a scholarship.And I got a free iPad,because it helps enlarge some of the text I need to read at school.And check out my eyes!I have a special eye colour.I love looking unique.I know that I will always have to deal with being bullied and having visual problem,but when you go through stuff that's hard,it makes you a stronger person.【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章是一位白化病女孩的自述。4Why do people pet the author's hair?ABecause her hair looks beautiful.BBecause they want to comfort her.CBecause they think she looks strange.DBecause there is something on her hair.解析:推理判断题。由文章开头的“Snow White.Paper.Freak”及第二段中的“like I'm a little dog”可推断,人们摸作者的头发是因为他们觉得患白化病的她看起来很奇怪。答案:C5The author uses a cane _Ato fight against bullyingBto support her bodyCto help her to focus Dto find her way解析:推理判断题。由第三段末的“I also have an eye condition.to detect any obstacles”可推断,作者因为眼睛不好,需要借助手杖来了解路况。44答案:D6What does the author learn from her friend Rachel?ANever judge by appearances alone.BWhere there is a will,there is a way.CNever care much about what people think of you.DA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.解析:细节理解题。由第四段末的“I love the fact that she doesn't care.what anyone thinks of me,either”可知。答案:C7The illness makes the author learn to _Abe tough Bbe proudCstudy hard Dmake friends解析:细节理解题。由文章末的“it makes you a stronger person”可知,疾病使作者学会坚强。答案:ACWe all know that exercise is good for your health,but some kinds of exercise may be better than others.Running,for example,may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.Running also may help you live longer.Researchers say it is not important how far you run.It also does not matter how fast or even how often you run.As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “Just do it” Recently,researchers studied more than 55,000 adults.About onefourth of the adults reported running regularly.The study found these runners were considerably less likely than nonrunners to die of any form of disease,including heart disease.In fact,the runners usually lived three years longer than the nonrunners.This study lasted 15 years.During that time,more than 3,400 of the individuals died.About 1,200 of the deaths were linked to heart disease,a heart attack or a stroke.Compared to nonrunners,runners showed 30 percent lower risk of death by any causes.Also,runners compared to nonrunners showed 4545 percent lower risk of death by cardiovascular (心血管的) disease.The runners in the study ran between 10 and 16 kilometres per hour.Slower runners,and those who only ran once or twice a week,were helped nearly as much as those who ran faster and further.Researchers looked at the running over time and found that persistent runners over six years showed the biggest benefits.To stay healthy,doctors suggest that adults up to age 65 do 150 minutes of moderate (适度的) exercise e


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