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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace单元整合训练 北师大版必修2.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace单元整合训练 北师大版必修2.doc

    1UnitUnit 4 4 CyberspaceCyberspace 单元整合训练单元整合训练语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and making up jokes.2At dawn the army attacked (attack) the town and finally captured it.3She could have been the focus of everyone's attention,but to her disappointment,all people in the picture were out of focus.4It was never clear why the man hadn't reported the accident sooner.5The audience complained that too much advertising has affected (affect) the quality of the programs.6If you agree,we will carry (carry) out the plan next week.7If my brother were (be) here,everything would be better.8Jenny decided to phone her parents regularly (regular),once a week.9He had to speak in a loud voice in order to make himself heard (hear)10With a great weight taken (take) off her mind,she passed all the tests successfully. .完成句子1 1那个小英雄的故事深深地打动了我们。The story of the little hero affected all of us deeply2 2他提出把我们送到车站。He offered to drive us to the station.3 3我那么说时没有恶意。I meant no harm when I was saying that.4 4汤姆是一个很随和的人,而他的弟弟却很难相处。Tom is an easy­going person while his brother is hard to get along with5 5他是一个有才干的人,我们总是依靠他帮助我们解决问题。He is an able man who we always depend on to help us solve problems.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成下列写作任务我父亲喜欢抽烟,抽烟给他造成了很大的伤害。我们全家人及朋友都劝他放弃,但是他不听。很明显,几年后他身体变得虚弱。他终于接受了我的建议。我们的愿望终于实现了。2【参考范文】 My father liked smoking.As a result,smoking harmed him greatly.His friends as well as my family tried to persuade him to quit it,but he wouldn't listen.Several years later it was clear that he became too weak.Finally he had to follow my suggestion and in the end our dream came true.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解During the day,Mike Kosciuk teaches students at De La Salle Collegiate High School in Michigan.However,in the evenings and on weekends,Mike provides instruction on Tutor.com.Not only does he teach students math from 9th grade through college level,he also teaches other online teachers how to improve their teaching.Recognized as a leader in online teaching,Mike was the February 2010 Tutor of the Month for Tutor.com.Chrissy Markley is one of many online teachers who are taking virtual (虚拟的) learning to the lower grades.At Arizona Connections Academy,an online public school,Chrissy teaches 7/8th Grade Gifted Language Arts and 9th Grade Language Arts.Once a 6th grade teacher in a traditional public school area,Chrissy enjoys teaching in the virtual classroom.Recognized as an excellent teacher,she was named the school's 2011 Teacher of the Year.Having ten years' experience in online teaching,Jody Shine began teaching with Davenport University.When she was asked to teach online,she was skeptical at first.“I feared something would be lost in the give and take of classroom discussion, ” Jody said.“Now I know online teaching allows students greater freedom to express themselves.” Today,Jody uses voice recordings and online videos to teach English Composition to Davenport students.Like Arizona Connections Academy,Open High School of Utah is also a public school offering online instruction.There,Amy Pace is an award­winning (获奖的) 3science teacher.After spending 11 years in a traditional teaching environment,Amy joined Open High School of Utah.She has helped create an interesting science course.In 2010,she was one of 103 7th to 12th grade teachers to be chosen for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了四位网上授课老师的基本情况以及他们所获得的相应奖项等。1 1What subject does Mike teach?AEnglish Composition. BLanguage Arts.CScience.DMath.D D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Not only does he teach students math”可知,Mike 是教数学的。2 2The underlined word “skeptical” in Paragraph 3 probably means AunhappyBdoubtfulCseriousDboredB B 词义猜测题。根据 Jody 所说的“I feared something would be lost in the give and take of classroom discussion”和“Now I know online teaching allows students greater freedom to express themselves”之间的对比可知,Jody 一开始担心网络授课中不能很好地进行课堂讨论交流,因此对是否要进行网络授课有所迟疑。3 3What kind of readers will probably like reading the text?AParents who are helping their kids choose a public school.BStudents who are searching for an online teacher.CTeachers who want to win prizes in teaching.DAnyone who likes to study abroad.B B 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了四位网上授课老师的基本情况以及他们所获得的相应奖项,因此对于正在挑选在线老师的学生来说很有用处。.完形填空My name is Wang Gang.Last summer,I went to a coastal city called Brisbane in Australia on an exchange(交换) program.I stayed with Mr.and Mrs.Smith and their daughter Joan.They lived in a big house close to the 1 I like that area very much,because there is a cinema,a swimming pool and a 2 I got along very well with Joan.We shared many 3 interests.Almost every 4day,we went swimming in the swimming pool.Sometimes we swam in the sea if the 4 was nice.We went to the zoo and I really 5 seeing those wild animals and the 6 ones.I saw those cute koalas and kangaroos,but I didn't get close to them 7 people said actually koalas were not as gentle as they 8 They might bite people.We also went to the cinema a couple of times and I really liked the films there.We visited Sydney on a sunny day.Brisbane is about 1,000 kilometres 9 from Sydney,so it's not a short distance. 10 ,we went there by plane.The journey by plane was quite fast and 11 and it took us only two hours to get there.When I got 12 the plane,I was so excited to see this modern city.The next day,we visited the famous Sydney Opera House.It was amazing!The 13 in Sydney was absolutely beautiful and the food there was well­cooked.My favourite was sea fish.The Smiths were very nice to me.They even 14 me to some very expensive lobster(龙虾)That was the first time I 15 lobster,and I 16 say it was really delicious.The whole trip was very enjoyable 17 the last day.We planned to go boating on the sea.However,it rained the whole day.We 18 in the hotel that day and chatted.In the end,we decided to go back to Brisbane by 19 ,because the ticket was cheaper and also we could enjoy the scenery outside the train windows.On the whole,I really had a great time in Australia.It was a 20 trip.I'd like to go back there again!【语篇解读】 此篇文章叙述了作者因为交换项目到了澳大利亚,描述了期间的所见所闻所感。1 1A.caveBseasideCriverDfarmB B 考查推理判断。cave 山洞;seaside 海边;river 河流;farm 农场。由文中句子“I went to a coastal city called Brisbane”和“Sometimes we swam in the sea”可知,他们家离海边很近。故选 B。2 2A.schoolBparkCgardenDzooD D 考查细节及推理。school 学校;park 公园;garden 花园;zoo 动物园。由第二段的“We went to the zoo”我们去动物园看动物可知,他们家离动物园很近。故选 D。3 3A.similarBintelligent5CpatientDunreliableA A 考查形容词词义辨析。similar 相似的;intelligent 勤奋的;patient 有耐心的;unreliable 不可靠的。前文说我们相处愉快,是因为我们有很多相似的爱好。故选 A。4 4A.diplomaBnuisanceCfacilityDweatherD D 考查名词词义辨析。diploma 毕业证书;nuisance 讨厌的人或事;facility 设备,设施;weather 天气。要想去海里游泳,需要天气晴朗。故选 D。5 5A.admittedBavoidedCenjoyedDconsideredC C 考查动词词义及用法。admitted 承认,准许进入;avoided 避免;enjoyed 享受,喜欢;considered 考虑,认为。enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事。故选 C。6 6A.abandonedBtrainedCinjuredDkilledB B 考查形容词词义。abandoned 被抛弃的;trained 受过训练的;injured 受伤的;killed 被杀的。 “trained”与前面的“wild animals”野生动物形成对比,动物园里的动物有野生的也有驯养的。故选 B。7 7A.becauseBunlessCwhileDonceA A 考查连词用法。because 因为;unless 除非;while 然而,当;once 曾经。由后文内容可知,此处说的是我不敢靠近考拉的原因。故选 A。8 8A.soundedBlookedCtouchedDsmeltB B 考查动词用法。sounded 听起来;looked 看起来;touched 摸起来;smelt 闻起来。我不敢靠近考拉的原因是因为人们说考拉并不像看起来那么温和。as.as they looked正如他们看起来那样。故选 B。9 9A.farBinCaroundDawayD D 考查副词用法。far 很,遥远的;in 在里面,进入;around 大约,在附近;away 离开。固定搭配 be.away from.离有远。故选 D。1010A.OtherwiseBThereforeCHoweverDMeanwhileB B 考查连词用法。Otherwise 否则;Therefore 因此;However 然而;Meanwhile 同时。 由文章可知,我们离那很远,所以坐飞机过去。连接词是表因果关系的,故选 B。1111A.comfortableBdisappointing6CboringDastonishingA A 考查形容词用法。comfortable 舒适的;disappointing 令人失望的;boring 厌烦的,无聊的;astonishing 令人惊讶的。文中要表达飞机又快又舒适,故选 A。1212A.onBoverCupDoffD D 考查动词短语。on 上车;over 恢复;up 起床,建造,打扮;off 从下来。从飞机上下来后,看到现代城市非常兴奋。故选 D。1313A.disciplineBdiamondCsceneryDsummaryC C 考查名词词义。discipline 纪律,训练;diamond 钻石,菱形;scenery 景色;D.summary 摘要。悉尼的景色非常漂亮。故选 C。1414A.broughtBallowedChesitatedDtreatedD D 考查动词用法。brought 带来;allowed 允许;hesitated 犹豫;treated 对待,招待。treat sb.to sth.招待某人吃某物。故选 D。1515A.ateBeatChad eatenDwas eatingC C 考查动词时态。 “That was the first time I had done sth.”固定句型“这是我第一次做某事” ,从句用过去完成时。故选 C。1616A.mustBshallCmayDmightA A 考查推理判断。must 必须;shall 会,将要;may 可能;might 可能(过去式)。根据句意,虽然是第一次吃龙虾,但不得不说确实很好吃。故选 A。1717A.besideBbesidesCexceptDforC C 考查介词用法。 beside 在旁边;besides 此外(暗含包含在内之意);except除之外;for 为了,因为。由后文可知,我一直玩得很开心除了最后一天,因为本打算游船,却遇上下雨,只能留在宾馆。故选 C。1818A.floatedBcontactedCspentDremainedD D 考查动词词义。floated 浮动;contacted 接触,联系;spent 花费;remained 保持。因为下雨,我们一整天都待在宾馆聊天。故选 D。1919A.busBtrainCshipDplane7B B 考查细节理解。bus 公共汽车;train 火车;ship 船;plane 飞机。由文中的“because the ticket was cheaper and also we could enjoy the scenery outside the train windows”可知,回去时没有坐飞机,而是坐了火车,因为票价便宜并且可以看风景。故选 B。2020A.brilliantBenthusiasticCenergeticDannoyingA 考查形容词词义。brilliant 精彩的,杰出的;enthusiastic 热情的;energetic 精力充沛的; annoying 讨厌的。由前文可知,这次澳洲之行非常精彩。故选 A。


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