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    2019高中英语 Unit 6 Design Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 6 Design Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up.doc

    1SectionSection LanguageLanguage PointsPoints ()()(Warm­up(Warm­up let's take a rest in the shade to cool down.8Please tell me what has happened in a few words,not in detail9Quite a number of world famous paintings are on exhibition10I can never make up stories I have absolutely no imagination.拓展词汇寻规律、巧记忆根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1artist n艺术家;画家art n艺术2youth n青春;年轻人young adj.年轻的3imagination n想象;想象力imagine vt.想象,猜想4pain n痛苦;疼,痛painful adj.引起痛苦的painfully adv.痛苦地5elegantly adv.优雅地elegant adj.优美的,优雅的elegance n优雅6valuable adj.贵重的,有价值的value n价值invaluable adj.无价的,极有价值的valueless adj.无价值的,无用的n. ­able adj.v. ­ationn.usable adj.可用的fashionable adj.时髦的reasonable adj.合情合理的expectation n. 预料;期望information n. 信息invitation n邀请,请帖.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1 1at high speed 以很高的速度22 2fix one's eyes on 注视;凝视3 3(be)deep in thought 陷入沉思中4 4so far 到目前为止,迄今为止5 5in a creative way 用一种有创意的方式6 6add.to. 往中添加7 7be filled with 装满;充满8 8in the nineteenth century 在 19 世纪9 9show interest in 对有兴趣1010in detail 详细地.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1 1My father lay still in bed and was deep in thought2 2I have had no reply from Elias so far3 3William fixed his eyes on the picture in front of him and didn't notice me.4 4The plastic bag filled with water is used for experiment.Don't touch it,please.5 5Two police cars rushed away at high speedMaybe something urgent happened.寻规律、巧记忆v.介词 to 动词短语in n.介词短语expose.to.使显露;暴露link.to. 将和联系或连接起来compare.to.把比作in action 在活动中,在进行中in addition 加之,又,另外in advance 在前头,事先,预先.经典句式仿写背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.1.Across this painting,namednamed RacingRacing HorseHorse,we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky.在这幅名为奔马图的画中,我们可以看到一匹骏马像导弹穿越天空那样在飞速奔驰。过去分词短语作后置定语Yesterday,I received the first family letter written by my mother昨天我收到妈妈写的第一封家信。32.2.Qi Baishi's style of painting often leavesleaves thethe audienceaudience guessingguessing and makes them use their imagination.齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。leave sb./sth.doing (sth.)意为“使某人/物在做(某事)” ,doing (sth.)为现在分词作宾语补足语He rode a horse and left it running他骑着马,让它一直在跑。3.3.I wishwish I I couldcould havehave boughtbought a a paintingpainting,but they are too expensive for me!我希望我能买一幅画,但是它们对于我来说太贵了!wish 后接宾语从句,宾语从句用虚拟语气I wish the lost child could return safe and sound.我希望这个失踪的孩子能平安归来。核 心 要 点 探 究abstractabstract adjadj. .抽象的,深奥的(教材 P35)style:realistic,abstractabstract,pop,modern风格:现实主义的,抽象的,流行的,现代的写出下列句子中 abstractabstract 的词性及含义Your explanation is too abstractabstract for me.adj.深奥的Please write an abstractabstract of this article.n.摘要This machine can abstractabstract salt from sea water.vt.提取Please abstractabstract this scientific article.vt.做摘要(1)abstract n 摘录;摘要 vt. 提取;摘要in the abstract 抽象地;在观念上;在理论上abstract sth.from sth. 从某物中提炼出某物;把从中抽出(2)abstractly adv. 深奥地,抽象地(3)abstraction n. 抽象概念;出神;提取Consider the problem in the abstract.从理论上考虑一下这个问题。4straightstraight adjadj. .直的,笔直的,直线的;坦诚的,诚实的,直率的 adv.adv.直,直接(教材 P35)lines:straightstraight/wavy,clear线条:直的/波状的,清晰的写出下列句子中 straightstraight 的词性及含义Go straightstraight along this road and turn left at the traffic lights.adv.径直地,直Just be straightstraight with her and tell her how you feel.adj.坦率的,直率的Try to keep your body straightstraight.adj.笔直的,直的(1)be straight with sb. 对某人坦诚(2)go straight 直走;改邪归正straight to the point 开门见山,直奔主题(3)straighten v. (使)变直I don't think you are straight with me.我认为你对我不够坦诚。I will come straight to the pointyour work isn't good enough.我要直截了当地说你的工作不够好。语境助记 StraightStraight trees are used widely;straightstraight persons have more friends.谚树直用处多,人直朋友多。exhibitionexhibition n n展览会(教材 P36)Between 1933 and 1940,he held several exhibitionsexhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art.在 1933 年至 1940 年期间,他在亚洲和欧洲举办多场展览会来宣传中国艺术。The exhibitionexhibition tells us why we should do something to stop air pollution.这个展览会告诉我们为什么我们要采取措施来制止空气污染。(1)on exhibition 展出for exhibition 作为展览之用(2)exhibit v. 展览;展出(3)exhibitor n. 展览者;参展者Some of the children's paintings are now on exhibition at school.现在学校里正展出孩子们的一些画。5Her paintings have been exhibited(exhibit)all over the world.她的绘画作品在世界各地展出。名师点津 exhibition 和 exhibit 都是可数名词。exhibit 指一件或一宗展品;exhibition 则指由这些展品构成的展览会。shadeshade n n阴影,阴暗处;(色彩的)浓淡(教材 P36)He also used different shadesshades of grey in a creative way to show the sweat along the horse's body.他还创造性地运用不同的灰影来显示马身上流淌的汗水。Do not cut down the tree that gives you shadeshade.谚不要忘恩负义。(1)put sb./sth.in(to) the shade 使某人/物相形见绌;使黯然无光in the shade 在阴凉处under the shade of(a tree) 在(树)荫下,在的阴凉处(2)shade vt. 给遮挡(光线)shade.from. 使免受的照射,给遮挡The heat was unbearablealmost 125°F even inin thethe shadeshade ofof a cactus (仙人掌)高热难以忍受即使在仙人掌的背阴处也几乎达到 125 华氏度。Under the shade of a bush,I started to read about Amos.在灌木丛下的阴凉处,我开始阅读有关阿莫斯的文章。图形助记 “形影不离”两兄弟fixfix one'sone's eyeseyes onon 注视,凝视(教材 P36)Its black eyeseyes,which areare fixedfixed onon the cabbage,show the creature's interest in the vegetable.它的黑眼睛正盯着白菜,显示出对白菜的极大兴趣。Everyone fixedfixed theirtheir eyeseyes onon the new student.大家都注视着那个新学生。6(1)fix sth.on/upon sb./sth. 集中 (目光、注意力、思想等)于某人/某事物fix one's mind/attention on 集中心思/注意力于fix on 确定;决定;选定fix up 修理,整理;安顿,安排fix (up) a/the date for. 为确定日期(2)with one's eyes fixed on 注意力集中于In class you must fix your attention on what your teacher is saying.在课堂上你必须集中精力听老师说的话。Tom stood there,with his eyes fixed on his football.汤姆站在那儿,凝视着他的足球。(教材 P36)QiQi Baishi'sBaishi's stylestyle ofof paintingpainting oftenoften leavesleaves thethe audienceaudience guessingguessing andand makesmakes themthem useuse theirtheir imaginationimagination齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。(1)【要点提炼】 leave the audience guessing 中 guessing 是现在分词,作 leave的宾语补足语。They walked off and leftleft meme sittingsitting there all by myself.他们走了,让我一个人孤零零地坐在那里。leave 后的宾语补足语可以是形容词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词等结构,该结构常表示“让处于某种状态,让去做某事” 。Sudden changes leftleft herher atat a a lossloss.突然的变化使她不知所措。You can leave me to deal(deal) with the matter.你可以让我去处理这件事情。名师点津 在“leave复合宾语”结构中,宾补为现在分词时,通常表示主动、进行的动作;宾补为过去分词时,通常表示被动、完成的动作;宾补为不定式时,通常表示动作过程。(2)imaginationimagination n n想象,想象力ImaginationImagination is more important than knowledge.(Albert Einstein)想象力比知识更为重要。(爱因斯坦)(1)beyond imagination 超乎想象(2)imagine vt. 想象,设想imagine doing sth. 想象做某事7imagine sb./sth.as/to be./that/how 从句想象/设想某人/某事是(3)imaginative adj. 有想象力的imaginable adj. 可以想象的imaginary adj. 虚构的,幻想的But he said that they were all nice people and he couldn't imagineimagine any of them had done that.但是他说大家都是很好的人,他无法想象会有人做出这样的事情。Imagine doing(do) a horrible job like that!想象一下做那种可怕的工作吧!valuablevaluable adjadj. .贵重的,有价值的(教材 P36)His soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuablevaluable.他所画的美貌女子的软笔肖像画价值不菲。We went 101 and I was named most valuablevaluable player,but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller's accident.我们 10 比 1,我被封为最有价值的球员,但是我经常做一些疯狂的梦,在梦里我为Miller 的事故自责。(1)value n 价值;价值观;益处;重要性v. 尊重;重视;给估价be of great/much/little value(某物)有极大/很大/极小的用处(价值,重要性)place a high value on 非常看重value.as. 把视为value.at. 给估价/定价(2)valueless adj. 没有价值的,不值钱的But,according to a new study,we should be placing a higher value on motherhood all year.不过,根据一项新的研究,我们应该全年更加看重母亲这一身份。His research has been of little practical value.他的研究没有什么实用价值。名师点津 除 value 外,名词 help,use,importance,benefit 也可以用于 be of great.to sb.结构。typicaltypical adjadj. .典型的(教材 P36)The painting,named Poppy,is a typicaltypical example of Chen's style.这幅名为罂粟的画是陈(逸飞)艺术风格的经典杰作。8(1)be typical of 是的典型特征It is typical of sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的个性;某人一向如此(2)type n. 类型this/that type of. 这种/那种(3)typically adv. 有代表性地;典型地;通常It is typical of him to be at work ahead of time.提前上班是他一贯的做法。Light typically(typical) travels in a straight line.光通常行进在一条直线上。deepdeep inin thoughtthought 陷入沉思(教材 P36)In the painting,a young woman sits alone and is deepdeep inin thoughtthought.在这幅画里,一名年轻女子独自坐着陷入沉思。He sat there,deepdeep inin thoughtthought.他坐在那里,陷入沉思。(be)lost in thought 陷入沉思on second thought(s) 重新考虑,再一想at the thought of. 一想到without a second thought 不假思索;立刻On second thought,I think I'd better go now.再三考虑后,我想最好现在就走。I feel nervous at the thought of the coming exam.我一想到即将来临的考试就害怕。名师点津 (be)deep in thought 相当于 be lost in thought,在句中作状语、定语或宾语补足语时可省去 be。detaildetail n n细节,详情(教材 P36)To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detaildetail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.为更进一步突出这位女子,陈(逸飞)在她的扇子上和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子背后的背景颜色。On the Internet,we could quickly and easily locate the detailsdetails,and check facts,without keeping them in mind.9不必记住细节和事实,在网上我们能够又快又容易地找出它们并进行核实。(1)in detail 详细地for further details 欲知详细情况go into detail(s) 详细叙述;逐一说明(2)detailed adj. 详细的,细致的We'd better discuss everything in detail before we work out the plan.制订计划前我们最好把一切事情详细讨论一下。Parents are welcome to call the office about the activity for further details.若家长需要获取更多有关此活动的详情,欢迎致电校务处。(教材 P37)I I wishwish I I couldcould havehave boughtbought a a paintingpainting,butbut theythey areare tootoo expensiveexpensive forfor me!me!我希望我能买一幅画,但是它们对于我来说太贵了!【要点提炼】 wishthat­clause (that 常省去)。宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,表示“未实现或不太可能实现的愿望” 。wish 后跟宾语从句中的谓语形式如下:(1)did/were(表示与现在事实相反的愿望)(2)had done/been(表示与过去事实相反的愿望)(3)would/could/might动词原形(表示与将来事实相反的愿望)I wish I werewere(be)rich enough to buy a new car.我希望我足够富有买得起新车。(与现在事实相反)Is it going to snow this afternoon?If so,I wish you would stay(stay)今天下午将要下雪是吗?要是如此,我希望你留下来。(表示对将要发生事情的一种愿望)I wish I had been(be)at my sister's wedding last Tuesday,but I was on a business trip in New York then.我真希望上周二参加我妹妹的婚礼,但是那时我正好在纽约出差。(与过去事实相反)名师点津 (1)不管 wish 用一般现在时还是用一般过去时,它后面所跟宾语从句虚拟语气的三种形式不变。(2)跟宾语从句时 wish 与 hope 的用法不同。wish 后的宾语从句总是用虚拟语气,hope 后的宾语从句则用陈述语气。解构长句难句1 1(教材 P36)Its black eyes,which are fixed on the cabbage,show the 10creature's interest in the vegetable.【分析】 本句是一个复合句。Its black eyes show the creature's interest in the vegetable 为主句,which 引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 eyes。【翻译】 它的黑眼睛正盯着白菜,显示出对白菜的极大兴趣。2 2(教材 P36)To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.【分析】 本句是一个简单句。句中 To emphasise .为不定式作目的状语,第一个and 连接两个并列宾语 the fan 和 the cloth;第二个 and 连接两个并列谓语动词 adds 和chooses,behind the woman 作 background 的定语。【翻译】 为更进一步突出这位女子,陈(逸飞)在她的扇子上和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子背后的背景颜色。随 堂 效 果 落 实.单句语法填空1Picasso is a painter of rich imagination (imagine)2We spared no pain to fight (fight) against pollution.3My mother cooked for us with the fresh vegetables,grown (grown) on our own farm.4The arrival of Internet was of great value to many industries.5It is typical of him to turn(turn) a deaf ear to advice.6I can't go into detail now; it would take too much time.7I didn't hear you just now with my attention focused (focus) on another question.8He was left standing (stand) outside the door because of his coming late.9What he said left me deep in thought.10Most of the students invited (invite) to the garden party came from our school. .单句改错1 1What a pleasant shadow these trees give us!Why not stop and enjoy the cool air?shadowshade2 2Building value skills is hard and takes time.valuevaluable3 3I wish that you called yesterday.11you 后面加 had4 4The paintings in exhibition were all drawn by artists in the Tang Dynasty.第一个 inon5 5The soft portraits of beautiful woman drawn by Chen Yifei are of great value.womanwomen语 法 专 项 突 破表示时间、地点和动作方向的介词先观察教材原句后自主感悟During his lifetime,he developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting.Between 1933 and 1940,he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art.He also used different shades of grey in a creative way to show the sweat along the horse's body.Then between 1902 and 1909,he travelled across the country and painted many pictures of scenery.The tiny insect near the cabbage has some red on its back.1.1.例句中的 during 和例句中的 between 为表示时间介词。2 2例句中的 along 和例句中的 across 为表示动作方向的介词。3 3例句中的 near 为表示地点的介词。精要点拨一、表示时间的介词1 1inin,onon,atat(1)表示某个世纪、年、月、季节、早上、下午、晚上用 in。in 2012,in March,in springin themorning afternoon evening)(2)表示具体的某一天或某天的特定一段时间用 on。On the 8th of March 2014,On the afternoon of 20th May(3)在午间、夜间或在开头、结尾用 at。at noon/night,at the beginning/end2 2beforebefore,afterafter,inin12(1)表示时间之前用 before。We'll have to finish the work before rain season.雨季到来之前,我们得干完这些活。(2)表示“在某段时间之后” ,介词 in 短语常与将来时连用。Please wait here.I'll come back in a few minutes.请在这儿等一下。我几分钟后就回来。(3)after 与表示“某一特定时间”的词语连用时,句子动词用过去时、将来时均可。We'll come back after five o'clock.我们将在五点以后回来。3 3forfor,sincesince(1)for 后只接表示一段时间的词语。I have been here for two hours.我来这儿两小时了。(two hours 一段时间)I haven't seen Ann for so long that I've forgotten what she looks like.我很久没见 Ann 了以至于都忘记她长什么样了。(2)since 只接表示特定时间点的词语。I have worked here since 1996.自 1996 年以来,我一直在这儿工作。(1996 年,特定时间点)4.by4.by,duringduring,tilltill,untiluntil(1)by 表示时间点,表示“不迟于,到时候为止” 。Your son will be all right by supper time.到晚饭时你儿子就会好了。(2)during 可以表示一段持续的时间,也可以表示这段持续时间中的某一点或一刻,视具体情况而定。He called on me during my absence.他来看我时我不在。(3)till 与 until 也可以表示一段时间。一般来说,till 在肯定句中与连续性动词连用,until 则常用在否定句中,与瞬间动词连用。He had stayed in Shanghai till last week.他在上海一直待到上星期。Don't go away until I come back.我回来你才能离开。即时演练 1用适当的介词填空13He goes up at dawn every day.My father came back after three days.He waited for me till twelve o'clock.二、表示地点(含方位)的介词1 1atat,inin(1)at 用于表示比较狭小的地点,不强调空间范围。I'll wait for you at Xisi No.22 bus stop tomorrow.我明天在西四的 22 路公共汽车站等你。We are to assemble at the school gate tomorrow morning.我们明天早晨在学校大门口集合。(2)in 用于表示比较宽敞的地点,强调空间和地域。Were you born in Shanghai?你是在上海出生的吗?They are all in the dining hall.他们都在餐厅呢。2 2inin,toto(1)in 表示在某一区域以内。Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海坐落在中国的东部。My house is in the north of the Beijing city.我家在北京城的北部。(2)to 表示在某一区域以外,相对于某一事物的位置。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东部。3 3onon,underunder,overover,aboveabove,belowbelow(1)on 可以指“在的上面”(有接触面),也可以指“在靠近的地方” 。There are many pictures on the wall.墙上有许多画。My seat is on the left of my mother.我的座位在妈妈的左边。(2)above 表示“在上方” ,但不一定是正上方。She is now living in a flat above the post office.她现在住在邮局上面的一套公寓里。The plane was flying above Himalayas.14飞机那时正飞越喜马拉雅山。(3)over 表示“在的正上方” ,即垂直的上方。A crow just flew over his house.一只乌鸦刚好从他家房顶上飞过。The boys jumped over a stream one after another.男孩儿们一个接一个地从小溪上方一跃而过。(4)below 表示“在的下方” ,但不一定是正下方,是 above 的反义词。Below the windows of her flat is a free market.在她公寓的窗户下面是一个自由市场。(5)under 表示“在的正下方” ,即垂直的下方,反义词是 over。Under the chair there is a cat sleeping.椅子下面有一只猫在睡觉。4 4inin thethe frontfront ofof,inin frontfront ofof(1)in the front of 表示在某一范围之内的前部。The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom.老师正站在教室的前部。(在教室之内)(2)in front of 表示在某一范围之外的前面。There is a garden in front of our classroom.我们教室的前面是一个花园。(在教室之后)5 5其他除了上述介词外,表示地点的介词还有表示“在旁边”的 at/by/beside/next to/near;表示“在之间”的 between 和 among;表示“在四周”的 around 等


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