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    2019高中英语 模块检测 新人教版选修6.doc

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    2019高中英语 模块检测 新人教版选修6.doc

    1模块检测模块检测 ( (一一) )时间:100 分钟 分数:120 分第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AScope:Recently your school board proposed (提议) moving the school start time from 7:50 am to 7:20 am.What was your reaction to this?Jilly Dos Santos:I was getting only four to six hours of sleep a night and I was late for school a lot.With the new start time,I'd have to wake up even earlier.After we heard about the proposal,a teacher said to my class, “If you don't like it,why don't you do something about it?”Scope:What did you do?Jilly:I organized a group of students to speak to the school board.Scope:What did you do to prepare for the meeting?Jilly:I wanted to focus our presentation on why having an earlier start time was unhealthy.There is scientific research about teens and sleep.I learned that during your teen years,because of a change in hormones (激素),your body clock begins to change.You start to want to go to bed later.School starts the same time it always has,so getting enough sleep becomes difficult.I realized there wasn't something wrong with my time management or me; the way I was feeling had a physical and biological basis.Scope:How did it go?Jilly:About 30 students came to support me,and the board liked that I didn't get emotional and just provided the evidence.Two months later,an 8:55 am start time became official: The board decided to make the start time later instead of earlier.Scope:What has changed since the later start time?Jilly:I don't need to stay up an extra hour or two at night,because I can get work done in the morning.I've also been late a lot less.And this year,there are more morning clubs and more people going to them.【语篇解读】 本文通过成功说服教育委员会取消上课时间提前的决议的故事,来说明要勇敢地表达自己的观点,说不定它是正确的。1Jilly's teacher seemed to encourage the students_2Ato talk with the school boardBto get their work done in timeCto voice their opinions bravelyDto take action to support the proposal解析:推理判断题。根据下文吉利举行会议说服教育委员会更改提议可知,这位老师是鼓励学生们在面对不喜欢的事情时要勇敢地表达自己的观点。答案:C2What does the underlined word “it” refer to?AJilly's body clock.BThe scientific research.CThe meeting Jilly organized.DJilly's secret for time management.解析:代词指代题。根据上文的“speak to the school board” , “prepare for the meeting”和下文的“30 students came to support me,and the board liked .”可知,此处的 it 指上文吉利组织的会议。答案:C3How did Jilly succeed in persuading the school board?ABy showing scientific evidence.BBy putting forward a new proposal.CBy telling different students' stories.DBy presenting her personal experience.解析:细节理解题。根据吉利说的“There is scientific research about teens and sleep”和“the board liked that I didn't get emotional and just provided the evidence”可知,吉利通过提供科学证据成功说服教育委员会取消将上课时间提前的决议。答案:ABTechnology is changing the way that many students are learning in school.It's also changing the way that information about students is collected and stored.Schools have always kept track of information about students such as test scores,number of absences,behaviour,and schoolwide graduation rates.But new technology is making it easier for schools to collect more detailed data (数据) about students.Schools around the country are making use of digital 3tools such as homework sites and apps that track student progress in subjects.Schools can also monitor and track how students behave in class.Much of this data is collected and stored by the technology companies that create the programmes,and not by the schools themselves.Supporters of these digital programmes say that they enable teachers and schools to identify areas in which students need help and that the programmes make it easier for teachers to plan lessons more easily.But some parents and educators are concerned that the programmes may not protect students' privacy (隐私)They worry that information about their children is being collected and stored without their knowledge,and could possibly be sold to other companies.“Schools are handing out student data to outside vendors (销售商) without parents knowing about it, ” Leonie Haimson,cochairwoman of a group called the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy,told TFK.“We don't know what vendors are going to do with this data and how long they are going to store it for,and that's a concern” At TFK,we promise to protect students' privacy,which is why the TIME FOR KIDS Classroom App does not collect personal information on students.Teachers control student information and assign student IDs and classroom passwords.All the information is cleared at the end of the school year.The government is taking steps to protect students' privacy.Many states,including New York and Virginia,now have laws that limit the sharing of student data with companies.Former president Barack Obama announced new student digitalprivacy legislation (立法),which prohibits companies that work with schools from using student information for marketing or advertising purposes.What do you think? Should tech companies be able to store data on students?【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章探讨了科技公司是否应该收集学生的个人信息。4How does Leonie Haimson feel about the digital programmes?AShe is used to them.BShe is worried about them.CShe looks forward to them.DShe doesn't care about them.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段莱奥妮·海莫森说的“We don't know what vendors are going to do with this data and how long they are going to store it for,and 4that's a concern.”可知,她认为数字化程序无法保护学生隐私,因此她对这些程序十分担忧。答案:B5At the end of the school year,the information TFK has stored on students will _Abe sold to technology companiesBbe used for marketing purposesCbe removed from its appDbe sent to teachers解析:细节理解题。根据第五段的“we promise to protect students' privacy .All the information is cleared at the end of the school year”可知,致力于保护学生隐私的TFK会在每个学期末清除与学生相关的一切信息。答案:C6The underlined word “prohibits” in Paragraph 6 probably means _Afrees BsavesCprotects Dprevents解析:词义猜测题。根据本段的“The government is taking steps to protect students' privacy.”可知,前总统奥巴马宣布的有关学生数字化隐私的法案就是要禁止学校与科技公司合作把学生信息用于营销或广告目的。答案:D7The main purpose of the text is to _Aeducate BdiscussCdescribe Dpersuade解析:写作意图题。根据最后一段的问句“What do you think? Should tech companies be able to store data on students?”可知,本文旨在讨论科技公司是否应该收集学生的个人信息。答案:BCWhile the presence of rats in homes may cause anxiety and annoyance,they rarely result in driving out the residents.But that is exactly what happened to the inhabitants of the 10squaremile Hawadax Island off the coast of Alaska,almost 230 years ago.Now thanks to a fiveyear effort by scientists,the terribly silent “Rat Island” as it had been called for many 5years has been returned to its rightful ownersbirds!Hawadax Island is part of a chain of volcanic islands in the Bering Sea called the Aleutian Islands.The rats that arrived there in 1780,when a Japanese ship carrying them broke down nearby,completely destroyed the native population because the environment of the island was not built to defend its animals from these predators.There isn't any tree on the island,which meant that the birds were accustomed to building their nests low in the ground,giving the rodents(啮齿动物) easy access to both eggs and baby chicks.As years passed,the birds that had called the island home for thousands of years became endangered and eventually,disappeared completely.In 2007,the US FWS(Fish and Wildlife Service) started a serious plan to rid the island of the rats and try bringing back the beautiful birds that had once called it home.Given that there were an estimated 10,000 rodents inhabiting “Rat Island” and the fact that they reproduce rapidly,it was not an easy task.But by 2009,the island was officially declared rat free!Then slowly but surely,the birds began to return.Unfortunately,some of the pioneers were unintentionally killed from the leavings of the raticide,a poison that had been used to wipe out the rodents.But now it seems things are becoming more stable and the island is starting to increasingly look like its former self.Before the transformation, “Hawadax” ,also known as “Rat Island” ,was a silent and ghostly place with bird bones,snail remains and rocks covered in rat feces(粪便)Today,birds' singing and flying in and out is a common sight.Tufted puffins and song sparrows,which had long disappeared,are gradually making their way back.Scientists have also been observing an increase in ground nesting and shore birds.Though the island is still not back to its full glory,the signs are encouraging and things can only get better,as time passes.【语篇解读】 哈瓦达克斯岛因老鼠入侵而导致鸟类灭绝,经过科学家们的努力,猖獗的老鼠被消灭了。这个“老鼠岛”重新焕发了生机。8The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to _Athe presence of ratsBbirds' being driven outCbirds' returning to the island6Dresidents' worrying about rats解析:词义猜测题。根据前文的“.they rarely result in driving out the residents.”及本段末的“.has been returned to its rightful ownersbirds!”可知,that 指“该岛上的鸟类曾经被老鼠驱逐出去”这件事。答案:B9Birds on Hawadax Island became an easy target because _Athis island was treelessBthey nested randomlyCthey reproduced too rapidlyDtheir chicks were extremely weak解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“There isn't any tree on the island,.giving the rodents easy access to both eggs and baby chicks.”可知答案。答案:A10From the passage,we can know the plan of US FWS _Ahas helped the island fully recoveredBcost little but benefited greatlyCinvolved poisoning the rats on a large scaleDaccomplished its goal after exactly 24 months解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“.started a serious plan to rid the island of the rats.”及第四段的第二句中“.the raticide,a poison that had been used to wipe out the rodents”可知,答案为 C 项。答案:C11Which would be the best title for the passage?AFWS helps get rare birds back to Alaska islandBJapanese changed a bird paradise into a rat islandCFWS plans to drive rats out of rat IslandDAlaska's rat island returns to a bird paradise解析:主旨大意题。全文讲述在 FWS 的帮助下, “老鼠岛”重新变成了鸟儿的天堂,故选 D 项。C 项侧重介绍与 FWS 计划相关的内容,而这只是文章内容的一部分。答案:DD7When I think about what I want for my children as they grow up,I think of the kind of people I'd like them to become: Adults who are kind,thoughtful and grateful,who laugh often and find excitement in life.I hope they surround themselves with whatever brings them joy.Mike Ferry,a longtime middle school teacher,says contrary to what many believe,success does not always bring happiness; but research has shown that the opposite is true happier people are more likely to be successful in life.When we are in a positive state of mind,our brains become more creative,energetic,and effective at work.It turns out we can teach our children how to be happy by encouraging certain habits.The first is gratitude.Teaching children to be grateful can seem like a daunting task.It is easy to get stuck in the consumer mentality (消费者心态) of society; children get used to the idea that more is better.But the way of saying “no” to children in order to develop a grateful attitude cannot be used too much.We should help them focus on being grateful for what they already have rather than on what they want next.Kindness is another skill we can teach our children to help them find greater happiness.We can encourage kindness in children by modeling it within our homes.Be kind,especially during disagreements,and praise even small acts of kindness.Teach tolerance,highlight opportunities to give back to your community and volunteer as a family if possible.Happiness is not something that falls out of the sky and into our children's laps.It is a wonderfully complex state of mind that can be improved with practice.And I'm willing to bet that we all want our children to experience happiness and joy in life.【语篇解读】 作者探讨了如何才能让孩子快乐。12What does the author value most from her children?AWhether they are happy.BHow successful they are.8CWhen they will feel grateful.DWhere they show their kindness.解析:推理判断题。由第一段“I hope they surround themselves with whatever brings them joy”和最后一段“And I'm willing to bet that we all want our children to experience happiness and joy in life”可知,作者最重视孩子是否快乐的问题。答案:A13In the eyes of Mike Ferry,_Asuccess means happinessBsuccess is of no importanceChappiness equals creativityDhappiness helps bring about success解析:细节理解题。由第二段“.happier people are more likely to be successful in life”可知,快乐的人更有可能获得成功。答案:D14The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to _Aimmediate BdiscouragingCfundamental Dimpossible解析:词义猜测题。由画线词之后的内容可知,鼓励孩子们有感恩心,很容易陷入社会的消费者心态中,孩子们习惯于认为越多越好。而通过拒绝孩子来培养感恩的态度又不能被过度使用。因此教孩子懂得感恩似乎是个“令人怯步的”任务。答案:B15What is the best way to teach kids to be kind to others?AAvoiding disagreements.BPraising kids for anything.COrganizing family gettogethers.DSetting a good example in person.解析:细节理解题。由第五段“We can encourage kindness in children by modeling it within our homes”可知,作者认为最好的方法是在家里做好榜样。答案:D第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。9The jigsaw puzzle(拼图玩具)is a delightful challenge where a picture made of cardboard or wood has been cut into differently shaped pieces that must be put together.It is widely thought of as an entertaining recreation._16_ The birth of the jigsaw puzzle was rooted in education.Officially,the jigsaw puzzle originated in England and its inventor was John Spilsbury,a London engraver(雕刻师)and mapmaker._17_ The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of the world.Spilsbury attached a map to a piece of wood and then cut out each country.Teachers used Spilsbury's puzzles to teach geography.Students learned their geography lessons by putting the world maps back together.With the invention of the first fret treadle saw in 1865,the ability to create machineaided curved lines was at hand.This tool,which operated with foot pedals like a sewing machine,was perfect for the creation of puzzles.By 1880,jigsaw puzzles were being machine crafted,and cardboard puzzle entered the market._18_In the 1930s,puzzles were distributed as lowcost marketing tools in the US._19_The jigsaw puzzle remained a steady pastimereusable,a great activity for groups or for an individualfor decades.With the invention of digital applications,the virtual(虚拟的)jigsaw puzzle arrived in the 21st century._20_【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了拼图玩具的历史。ABut it didn't start out that way.BSpilsbury invented the jigsaw puzzle in 1767.CMass production of jigsaw puzzles began in the 20th century.DBut traditional wood jigsaw puzzles remained the bigger seller.EThe invention coincided with the golden age of jigsaws of the 1930s.FCompanies offered the puzzles for special low prices with the purchase of other items.GA number of apps were created allowing users to solve puzzles on their smart phones and tablets.16解析:上文的“It is widely thought of as an entertaining recreation”与下文的“The birth of the jigsaw puzzle was rooted in education”是转折关系。故A 项恰当。10答案:A17解析:B 项与上文对拼图玩具发明者的介绍及下文第一个拼图玩具的说明相呼应。答案:B18解析:D 项与上文的“cardboard puzzles entered the market”相呼应,说明传统的木质拼图玩具比新兴的硬纸板做的拼图玩具畅销。答案:D19解析:F 项是对上文“puzzles were distributed as lowcost marketing tools”的具体说明。答案:F20解析:G 项是对上文


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