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    2019高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 2课堂10分钟达标 新人教版必修4.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 2课堂10分钟达标 新人教版必修4.doc

    - 1 -UnitUnit 1 1 WomenWomen ofof achievementachievement PeriodPeriod 2 2 ReadingReading课堂课堂 1010 分钟达标分钟达标. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词1. Some children b_ (表现)badly in the performance. 2. There was no c_ (联系)between the two events. 3. We all think it w_ (值得的)to do this kind of job now. 4. On Monday he gave us a report of what he had o_ (观察)there. 5. We are planning a c_ (运动)against smoking in public places. 6. The teachers speech i_ (鼓舞)me most and I decided to study harder. 7. To be honest, I r_ (尊重)your opinion on most subjects. 8. I dont want to a_ (争论)with you. Just do as you like since you wont listen to me. 9. The old man entered the room s_ (搀扶)by his grandson. 10. Stand in the s_ (阴凉处), or youll get sunburned. 答案: 1. behaved 2. connection 3. worthwhile 4. observed 5. campaign 6. inspired 7. respect 8. argue 9. supported 10. shade . 选词填空behave oneself, in the shade, move off, crowd in on, argue with, show respect for, lead a. . . life, in support of, in connection with, be outspoken about1. The students _ each other about the correctness of the answer. 2. When are you going to _ ? 3. The youth should _ the old people. 4. We sat _ and ate our lunch on sunny days. 5. He spoke _ the project. 6. My mother is always telling me to _ when the guests come to our home. 7. The thought of missing home _ the little girl. 8. Many people in the village _ hard _ in the past. 9. He asked me many questions _ my life in Britain. 10. She _ always _ my shortcomings, so I regard her as my best friend. - 2 -答案: 1. argued with 2. move off 3. show respect for 4. in the shade 5. in support of 6. behave myself 7. crowded in on 8. led a; life 9. in connection with 10. is; outspoken about . 单句改错1. They behaved good towards their guests. _2. It is worth to listen to the lecture on pollution. _3. A stranger was observed slip into the office. _4. We show great respect to my former English teacher. _5. Dont argue with your friends in the problem. _6. Nowadays, we are leading happy life. _7. My teachers words inspired me in hope. _8. Only after he graduated he realize the importance of learning English. _答案: 1. 将 good 改为 well2.将 worth 改为 worthwhile 或将 to listen 改为 listening3.在 observed 后加 to4.将 to 改为 for5.将 in 改为 on 或 about 或 over6.在 leading 后面加 a7.将 in 改为 with8.在第二个 he 前面加 did完成句子- 3 -1. The children have been told to_ _in the party. 已告知孩子们晚会上要举止得体。2. Everyone of us should_ _ _ _. 我们每个人都应该遵守学校的规章制度。3. He_ _ _the people_ his best work. 他因为出色的工作而受到人们的尊敬。4. The conductor blew his whistle and the train slowly_ _. 列车员吹响了哨子, 火车缓缓开动了。5. Most people in the town are strongly_ _ _the plan to build a playground for children. 镇里大多数人都坚决支持为孩子们建一个操场的计划。6. It is said that the young man managed to_ _ _ _. 据说, 那个年轻人设法过上了幸福的生活。7. They_ _each other_ the best place for a holiday. 他们互相争论关于最好的度假的地方。8. Is it_ _so much time on your hobby while your classmates are studying hard? 你的同学都在集中精力学习功课而你花那么多时间在业余爱好上值得吗? 答案: 1. behave themselve 2. observe the school rules3. is respected by;for 4. moved off 5. in support of 6. lead a happy life 7. argued with;about 8. worthwhile spending


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