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    2019高中英语 Unit 23 Conflict Section Ⅱ 学业分层测评 北师大版选修8.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 23 Conflict Section Ⅱ 学业分层测评 北师大版选修8.doc

    1UnitUnit 2323 ConflictConflict SectionSection .单句语法填空1_(be) she there, she might support the motion.2I was watching TV _ suddenly my mother came in.3A smile happens _ a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.4The collections of the museum are classified _ 6 sections.5The machine is _(expose) to the wind and rain.6We had to compromise with them _ safety measures.7I turned _ some invitations for short visits.8Would you please hand _ the forms to the players?9He has a good disguise, but as soon as he speak he betray _(he)10Hardly had they started _ it began to rain.【答案】 1.Were 2.when 3.in 4.into5exposed 6.on 7.down 8.out 9.himself 10.when.单句改错1Exposing to the sunlight too long, one's skin will be harmed._2Has he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here._3It was not until 11 o'clock when we went to bed._4It is the little boy that are enjoying the ice cream over there._5I had to compromise against my husband on this matter._6Time flies.In flash, he has already grown up._7Was it in the house where he was doing the experiment?_8His teacher had the monitor hand down the papers._9No sooner they started than it began to snow._10I was about to leave while someone knocked at the door.2_【答案】 1.Exposing 改为 Exposed 2.Has 改为 Had 3.when 改为 that 4.are 改为 is 5.against 改为 with 6.In 后加 a 7.where 改为 that 8down 改为 out 9.they 前加 had 10.while 改为 when.阅读理解The moral view of violence, labeling it as bad and wrong, has done little to end it.The alternative view is to release our judgments and see violence for what it is: a form of suffering.This is a difficult change for many people.Not only are they in the habit of making knee­jerk(下意识的) judgments, but violent people cause harm, and therefore their suffering seems to deserve less sympathy.You hurt me, so why should I have sympathy for you? It should be the other way around.Does it take a saint(圣人) to make the change from strong anger to sympathy?Turning points arrive when we can make a choice not to suffer in silence.We then strike a soul bargain that is fearful but necessary.The bargain is that redemption(解救) is possible through love.The absence of love is absolutely the problem, and love is absolutely the solution.We don't have to reach into another area to locate the magic power of love that is available to us here and now.The_problem_is_that_love_comes_through_a_fallible_human_being. The rule is constant work on the spiritual path to clear away the obstacles that prevent love from coming through us.The work is much more like working on blocked pipe system than it is like copying a saint.Hope is the emotion that keeps this dogged work even when results seem to be slow or impossible.Can I love the terrorist who harms my country? Can I love the criminal who wants to harm me? At the level of the soul I already do, and the spiritual path is a means to arrive at that level.No one is required to leap into sudden sympathy for terrorists, or even to announce publicly that our enemies deserve love.But in our souls each of us harbors the knowledge that only love is going to bring violence to an end.No matter how you and I live our outward lives, our spiritual lives must remain devoted to that vision.【语篇解读】 施暴者本身也是受害者,他们是先受害,而后再伤害别人,我们不要用孤立和敌视去改变他们,对一些暴力分子改变看法的时候到了。31Which one is NOT true for moral view of violence? AIt thinks violence is bad and wrong. BIt plays an important role in ending violence.CIt is a knee­jerk judgment of people. DIt thinks violent people deserve less sympathy.【解析】 细节理解题。第一段第一句:The moral view of violence, labeling it as bad and wrong, has done little to end it.暴力道德观对结束暴力起的作用很小,故选 B。【答案】 B2Why should violent people deserve sympathy?ABecause we should perform like a saint.BBecause love is absolutely the solution.CBecause our spiritual lives must remain devoted to that vision.DBecause they are first in suffering then choose violence, so they need love.【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句:The alternative view is to release our judgments and see violence for what it is: a form of suffering.暴力本身是一种痛苦,和本段中:violent people cause harm 暴力者引起伤害;第三段中:redemption(解救) is possible through love.可知答案选 D。【答案】 D3What's the meaning “The problem is that love comes through a fallible human being”? AHuman being is full of love.BIt is a difficult and long way.CHuman being is easy to make friends.DIt's a problem to get love from an imperfect human being.【解析】 句意猜测题。由下句中的 constant work(持续的工作)可知:这是一个长期的过程。【答案】 B4Which would be the best title for the passage?AViolence Is Harmful to Us BLove Can End ViolenceCChange Our View of ViolenceDOur Soul Needs Purifying4【解析】 标题归纳题。文章的中心意思就是认为暴力只是坏的和错的,这本身并不能结束暴力,现在应当换一种思维认识,暴力者本身先受到侵害,然后再实施暴力,这些人更需要爱和关心,据此答案可以断定为 C。【答案】 C.完形填空I remember believing in Santa when I was a very young girl.However, as I grew older, I learned many _1_ that “proved” his nonexistence.Always _2_ by nature, I was determined to use _3_ to decide whether Santa Claus was _4_.The first year of tests _5_ when I was 5.I decided that if I _6_ all night on Christmas Eve, I could see if Santa really came down the chimney._7_, that was a useless _8_.I fell asleep that year, and when I woke up, I saw a _9_ wrapped present under the _10_.At age 7, I came up with another test to see if Santa was real.That year, I didn't send out my Christmas letter to Santa because I wanted _11_ for Christmas, but this turned into a plot.By then, I _12_ knew Santa wasn't real, but I wanted enough _13_ to support this.That year was _14_, because on Christmas Eve, my mother dragged me to our local Wal­Mart and led me around the toy section.I _15_ to say a word, but did let my eyes _16_ on a ballet set.I _17_ that “Santa” wouldn't know what I wanted because he shouldn't be able to read my _18_.However, mother would know everything that caught my eyes in the store.If I got the ballet set the next morning, I would have my evidence.Christmas morning, there was the ballet set, sitting under the tree again._19_ I didn't use it much, mother ended up returning it a few days later.She _20_ Santa was generous enough to leave a receipt.That was the end to my task to discover the existence of Santa.【语篇解读】 本文主要是介绍了作者小时候为了验证圣诞老人是不存在的,而做的一些测试。1A.theoriesBfactsCsituationsDchoices【解析】 随着我的长大,我了解到更多的事实,证明圣诞老人是不存在的。theory理论; fact 事实; situation 处境; choice 选择。根据语境可知,答案选 B。【答案】 B2A.cautiousBtypical5CcuriousDdesperate【解析】 本质上的好奇,使我决定做些测试,来看看圣诞老人是否是真的。cautious 谨慎的;typical 典型的;curious 好奇的;desperate 绝望的。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C3A.dataBexamsCtricksDtests【解析】 下文 The first year of tests _when I was 5.一句中有提示,故答案选 D。【答案】 D4A.realBwiseCmercifulDgenerous【解析】 real 真实的;wise 明智的;merciful 可怜的;generous 慷慨的。根据语境可知,答案选 A。【答案】 A5A.workedBhappenedCsucceededDfailed【解析】 第一年的测试发生在我 5 岁的时候。根据语境可知,答案选 B。【答案】 B6A.called upBkept upCstayed upDmade up【解析】 我决定熬夜,就能看到是否圣诞老人会从烟囱里出来。call up 打电话;keep up 保持;stay up 熬夜;make up 构成。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C7A.InsteadBOtherwiseCThereforeDHowever【解析】 然而这是一个无用的尝试。Instead 取而代之;Otherwise 要不然;Therefore 因此;However 然而。根据语境可知,答案选 D。【答案】 D8A.attemptBsuggestionCeffectDstruggle【解析】 本题中的 attempt 与上文中的 test 相照应,故答案选 A。attempt 尝试;suggestion 建议;effect 影响;struggle 奋斗。【答案】 A69A.roughlyBclearlyCbeautifullyDtidily【解析】 醒来的时候,我看到包装精美的礼物。roughly 粗糙地;clearly 清晰地;beautifully 美丽地;tidily 整洁地。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C10A.bedBtreeCchimneyDtable【解析】 礼物应该是放在了圣诞树下,答案选 B。【答案】 B11A.everythingBnothingCanythingDsomething【解析】 那年我没有为圣诞老人写信,因为我什么都不想要。根据语境可知,答案选 B。【答案】 B12A.hardlyBneverCalreadyDusually【解析】 当时我已经知道圣诞老人不是真的了。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C13A.evidenceBintentionCideaDexperience【解析】 但是我想要足够多的证据来支撑我的看法。evidence 证据; intention 意图; idea 主意;experience 经验。根据语境可知,答案选 A。【答案】 A14A.amazingBstrangeCinterestingDannoying【解析】 那年的圣诞节很有趣。amazing 令人惊奇的; strange 奇怪的;interesting 有趣的;annoying 令人恼火的。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C15A.hatedBtriedChesitatedDrefused【解析】 我拒绝说话,眼睛却盯着芭蕾舞装。refuse to do 拒绝做某事。根据语境可知,答案选 D。【答案】 D16A.focusBtry7CputDcall【解析】 focus on 聚焦于;try on 试穿; put on 穿上; call on 号召。根据语境可知,答案选 A。【答案】 A17A.hopedBexplainedCarguedDfigured【解析】 我料想圣诞老人不会知道我要什么,因为他都不懂我的心思。figure 料想。根据语境可知,答案选 D。【答案】 D18A.purposeBopinionCmindDeyes【解析】 read one's mind 读懂某人的心思。根据语境可知,答案选 C。【答案】 C19A.AsBOnly ifCAlthoughDAs soon as 【解析】 因为我不大用,所以母亲几天后把衣服退回去了。根据语境可知,答案选A。【答案】 A20A.admittedBpromisedCthoughtDclaimed【解析】 她宣称圣诞老人很慷慨,留下来收据。admit 承认;promise 许诺;think认为;claim 宣布。根据语境可知,答案选 D。【答案】 D


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