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    2019高中英语 课时分层作业7 Unit 6 Design 北师大版必修2.doc

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    2019高中英语 课时分层作业7 Unit 6 Design 北师大版必修2.doc

    1课时分层作业课时分层作业( (七七) )语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1 1The doctor sat with his eyes fixed(fix)on his bright face.2 2It's typical of him to get(get)up late in the morning. 3 3Robots on exhibition were made from recycled materials.4 4Sometimes abstract(abstraction)art can not be understood by many people.5 5I didn't go to the party,but I do wish I had been(be) there.6 6Now please be briefmy time is valuable(value)7 7When I entered the room,I found him seated(seat)in an armchair,deep(deeply)in thought.8 8What do you think of what he did in class?What he did was beyond my imagination.What a surprise!9 9I wish I were ten years younger.1010We didn't go to bed until twelve last night.单句改错1 1Don't get angry with her.It is typical for her to do that.forof2 2Don't leave the water run while washing your hands.runrunning3 3Qi Baishi,as you know,is one of China's the greatest painters.去掉 the4 4We can see the woman sitting lonely under the tree,deep in thought.lonelyalone5 5Finally I decided to paint the wall of the bedroom in white.去掉 in高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解Garden building is considered an important part of Chinese culture.Some people say that if you have never walked through a Chinese garden,you cannot say that you have really visited China.2Traditional Chinese gardens are located (位于) in North China in such places as Beihai Park,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City.In larger imperial gardens(御花园),the main buildings are connected by an imaginary (虚构的)line in the middle of the garden on the northsouth axis(轴)Other features (特征) of imperial gardens are colored paintings,man­made hills and lakes.Most private gardens are found in the south,especially in cities south of the Yangtze River.Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the houses.Around the beautiful scene are small open areas with beautiful shaped doors through which visitors can enjoy the sights.They are open on all sides and are often near the water so that the whole scene can be enjoyed.Suzhou,known as the home of gardens,displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens.Different parts of it are examples of the garden style of the Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.The landscape garden contains a number of pleasant natural scenes and some fairy tales.The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape“Jing” ,which means “scene”in English.Good examples include the ten West Lake Scenes in Hangzhou,the twenty­four slim West Lake Scenes in Yangzhou and the eight Daming Lake Scenes in Jinan.【语篇解读】 本文介绍了中国园林建筑的文化。1.1. The passage tells mainly about Aan important part of Chinese cultureB. the characteristics (特征) of different styles of Chinese garden buildingsCwhere foreigners can find Chinese gardensDhow to appreciate Chinese gardensB B 本文第一段第一句是主题句。本文主要讲中国的三类园林建筑:御花园、私家园林和风景园。故答案为 B。2.2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the imperial gardens?AThere is a north­south axis in the centre of the garden.BThere are man­made hills and lakes in the gardens.CThey were built because of some fairy tales.DThey have colored paintings.C C 由第四段可知风景园包含童话故事,而御花园没有,故 C 项表述不正确。3.3. In the third paragraph,the underlined word “They” refers to 3Aprivate gardensBbeautiful scenesCthe housesDrivers and lakesA A 第三段主要讲的是私家园林,故答案为 A。4 4 “Jing”which the ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape actually means “ ” in English.Awell BtightCgardenDsceneD D 由最后一段的第二句“The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape Jing ,which means scene in English.”可知,答案为 D。.阅读七选五HowHow toto raisedraised self­confidenceself­confidenceTake a risk. 1 But it's a relief when you do and someone accepts you just as you are.Shame disappears when you receive support and understanding from others.We must stop trying to appear perfect by keeping our shortcomings a secret.2 Accept the reality that we all make mistakes,and choose not to regret.Learn from them.Then forgive yourself,and let go of the past so that you can move forward.Accept the things you can't change,change the things that are under your control.Refocus(重新集中) your attention.Rather than focusing on your shortcomings,pay attention to everything that's good about you. 3 This might include your natural talents,your learned skills,your achievements,your dreams,and even your healthy relationships.You can actively direct your attention to creating the kind of experiences you want in life.And become the person you want to be.Be of service.Look around for how you can connect with and help others in your everyday life.Even a smile or a kind word can make a difference to someone else. 4 4Never give up.You must not allow bad thoughts to overwhelm(压倒) you. 5 When you choose to be positive,you know you're doing your best and can feel good about yourself.No matter what difficulties show up in your life don't ever give up on yourself.ADon't get stuck in regret.BStand up for yourself no matter what.CMake your dreams come true just as anyone else.DWe're often afraid to show our weak points to others.EThere's no better feeling than knowing you truly helped someone.FYou feel proud of yourself when you seek the truth and do the right thing.GCome up with an actual list,and refer to it often to remind yourself of your strengths.【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍的是如何提升自信心,涉及展示自己的缺点,不要陷在悔恨中,重新调整注意力等。1D D 根据段落主题句“Take a risk”和后面的内容可知,我们经常怕在别人面前展现自己的缺点,但当他人接受真实的你时,这将会是一种解脱。当你获得了别人的理解后,羞耻感就消失了。故正确答案为 D。2A A 根据后面的“choose not to regret”和“forgive yourself”可知,本段主要谈论的是“不要陷在悔恨中” 。故正确答案为 A。3G G 根据前面的“everything that's good about you”和后面的“This might include your natural talents,your learned skills.”可知,G 项“列出清单,时常提醒自己的优点”符合语境。4E E 根据段落开头的“Be of service”和后面的“help others”可知,知道自己真正地帮助别人是最好的感觉。故正确答案为 E。5B B 根据段落主题句“Never give up”可知,本段主要谈论的是“永不言弃” 。 你不能让负面想法压垮你。无论如何,都要振作。故正确答案为 B。.语法填空What a day! There's so much 1.1. (write) about and I'm probably not going to post some of this.It started badly.The phone rang while I 2.2. (have) breakfast.Dad was 5in the shower.I was feeling good but nervousan 3.3. (importance) day for me! So I answered it without 4.4. (think)Bad idea! It was Luke Williams.I thought, “How has he got my number?”When I saw him yesterday he 5.5. (probable) only wanted to ask me what I was doing in the science fair,but I couldn't speak.He made me so nervous 6.6. I just walked away.He might thought I was an idiot(白痴)I feel terrible when I remember it.So I thought, “Why is he ringing me now?” He said, “Hello.hello? 7.7. that Tom?”Did I tell you Hello is a problem for me,too? So,trying to say “hello” was my 8.8. (two) bad idea.My throat just closed up and all that came out was that strange sound I talked about in last week's blog(博客)I wanted to die.And then I heard someone laughing.It sounded 9.9. Ryan Colby.I put the phone down.OK,so they were ringing to laugh at 10.10. (I)Nice!【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了作者感到心烦的一件事,他接到了一个本不应该接的电话。1toto writewrite 考查不定式。在 there be n./pron. (for sb.) to do 结构中,不定式作后置定语,不定式常用主动形式。2waswas havinghaving 考查时态。当我正在吃饭时,电话响了。此处描述的是过去正在发生的行为,故要用过去进行时。3importantimportant 考查形容词。对我来说是一个重要的日子。修饰名词 day 要用形容词形式。4thinkingthinking 考查动词的­ing 形式。介词 without 后要接动词的­ing 形式作宾语。5probablyprobably 考查副词。修饰动词 want,作状语,要用副词形式。6thatthat 考查结果状语从句。固定表达 so adj./adv.that.表示“如此以至于” 。7IsIs 考查动词。此处为打电话常用语 Is that.?。8secondsecond 考查数词。根据第二段中的 Bad idea!和空格后面的 bad idea 可知,作者认为接通电话是第一个坏主意,说“你好”是第二个坏主意。9likelike 考查介词。固定表达 sound like 表示“听起来像” 。10me 考查代词。作介词 at 的宾语要用宾格。


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