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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Period 1 Warming Up.doc

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    2019高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Period 1 Warming Up.doc

    - 1 -UnitUnit 4 4 BodyBody languagelanguage PeriodPeriod 1 1 WarmingWarming UpUp 传播)ideas and thoughts to each others minds. This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle(奇迹)it is. Obviously, the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animal. Of course, some animals have powers just as amazing birds can fly thousands of miles by observing positions of the stars in the sky in relation to the time of day and year. In Natures talent show, humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act. If we reduce it to basic terms, its an ability for communicating information to others, by varying sounds we make as we breathe out. Not that we dont have other powers of communication. Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. The way we hold our heads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad. This is so-called “body language”. Bristling(直立的)fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals. Similarly, the bowed head or drooping(下垂的)tail shows a readiness(准备就绪)to take second place in any animal gathering. Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals, including human beings, instinctively(本能地)acquire and display. Is the ability to speak just another sort of instinct? If so, how did human beings acquire this amazing skill? Biologist can readily indicate that particular area of our brain where speech mechanisms function, but this doesnt tell us how that part of our bodies originated in our biological history. 【语篇概述】本文是介绍关于人类使用语言的能力的说明文, 主要阐述人区分于动物的特殊能力及其相似性。1. According to the passage, the wonder we take for granted is_. A. our ability to use language- 2 -B. the miracle of technologyC. the amazing power of natureD. our ability to make noises with our mouths【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据第一段 The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noise with our mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each others minds. 可知: 我们把使用语言的能力这个奇迹当做理所当然。B、C 选项与文章不符, 在第一段第二句话中可得知。D 选项易误导学生, 在文章中虽然有原话, 但一句话没有说完, 关键是通过嘴巴发出的声音去给其他人传递信息。故 D 选项也是错误的。2. What feature of “body language” mentioned in the passage is common to both humans and animals? A. Lifting heads when sad. B. Keeping long faces when angry. C. Bristling hair when ready to attack. D. Bowing heads when willing to obey. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第三段“Similarly, the bowed head or drooping tail shows. . . ”可知答案。A 和 B 选项描绘的是人的肢体语言特征。C 选项描绘的是动物的肢体语言。3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3? A. Body language is unique to humans. B. Animals express emotions just as humans do. C. Humans have other powers of communication. D. Humans are no different from animals to some degree. 【解析】选 D。推理判断题。根据第三段可知: 人类在某种程度上和动物没有不同。从段落中可得知A、B、C 三项均与文章不符。4. This passage is mainly about_. A. the development of body languageB. the special role humans play in natureC. the power to convey information to othersD. the difference between humans and animals in language use【解析】选 C。主旨大意题。整篇文章谈论的都是给他人传递信息的力量, 使用语言的能力。A、B 选项文章未提及; D 选项较片面, 文章第三段中提到了相似点和差异两个方面。- 3 -BComera is the only place in the world which has a whistle(口哨)language. We do not know how and why it began because we do not know the complete history of the island. But we can certainly imagine the reasons for the beginning of the whistle language. There are many deep valleys on the island. A person on one side of valley cannot easily shout to a person on the other side. But he can whistle and be heard from four miles away, and the record is seven miles. The people who live on the island usually have good teeth, and this helps them to whistle well. They must also have good ears so that they can hear other whistlers. We can understand why the whistle language continues. It is very useful on the island, and quite easy to learn. When somebody is hurt or ill, the whistle language takes the place of telephone. If the sick person is a long way from the town, boys and men pass the news from one to another. A boy guarding cattle on a hillside whistles to a man fishing from his boat. The last one is able to describe the trouble fully and exactly to the doctor in town. People help each other in the same way when a car breaks or a cow is lost. The whistle language is hundreds of years old, and probably it will continue to live for hundreds of years more. Radio and TV often kill the special ways of speaking in the different parts of a country. But on Comera island you are nobody if you cannot whistle. Perhaps soon after TV arrives on the island, the people there will be whistling the news and other facts and opinions. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了 Comera(考麦拉)岛是全世界唯一一个运用口哨语言的地方, 这种传统已有几百年并且还将继续流传下去。5. If a person on Comera island is ill, _. A. others will phone the doctor in townB. the whistle language will pass the news to the doctorC. his family will take him to the doctorD. people will take him to the hospital【解析】选 B。细节理解题。从文章的第二段可知, 在此岛上, 口哨语是用于传递信息的。故口哨可将病人的信息传递给远处的医生。6. From the passage we know radio and TV_ at that time. - 4 -A. killed the special way of speakingB. whistled all the news and opinionsC. helped Comera people to communicateD. did not appear on Comera island yet【解析】选 D。推理判断题。从文章的最后一句“Perhaps soon after TV arrives on the island, the people there will. . . ”, 可知此岛上并无电视、收音机等先进的东西。7. Comera island is special in that_. A. it attracts visitors every yearB. no visitors have ever been thereC. people there have special ears to hear whistlesD. people there use the whistle language to communicate with each other【解析】选 D。推理判断题。纵观全文, 可知此岛的特殊之处在于它特有的口哨语。8. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. It is not easy for a person to live on Comera island if he cannot whistle. B. The whistle language can only be found on Comera island. C. The whistle language has been used for hundreds of years on the island, but will not be used any longer. D. The record shows that one best whistler can be heard by others seven miles away. 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话“The whistle language is hundreds of years old, and probably it will continue to live for hundreds of years more. ”可知 C 选项与作者观点相悖。CLONDONThe Britain-China relationship will be “greater” this year after a “golden” year of 2015, Prime Minister David Cameron said at a reception in his office attended by about 100 representatives from Britain and China to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. “If you want one year of harvest, grow grain. If you want ten years of harvest, grow trees. If you want a thousand years of harvest, grow relationships between people and people, ”Cameron used a Chinese saying to explain the reason why they engaged in the building of this great relationship between Britain and China. - 5 -Speaking highly of Chinese President Xi Jinpings visit to Britain last year, Cameron said it not only helped build up a golden age of bilateral(双边的)relationship, but also led to deals worth around 40 billion pounds($57. 7 billion). Its reported that Britain accounts for around 30 percent of Chinas total investment(投资)in Europe. According to the British government, Britain is also Chinas second largest exporter in Europe. “It is great when you think about how deep and strong the relationship is, ”said Cameron, adding that the two countries are working closely with each other in areas of trade, investment, finance, education and so on. “I think education is an area we can take to an even higher level. Many Chinese students are studying in Britain. I would like to see more British students take the opportunities to go and study in China. I think there is a huge opportunity in the years ahead. ”Cameron said. 【语篇概述】本文主要报道了中英两国可能在多个领域进行合作。9. What was the main reason for Cameron to hold the reception? A. To treat some successful people from Britain and China. B. To describe the relations between Britain and China. C. To welcome Chinese President Xi Jinpings visit to Britain. D. To celebrate the Spring Festival with British and Chinese representatives. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的 Prime Minister David Cameron said at a reception in his office attended by about 100 representatives from Britain and China to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, 可知应选 D。10. What can be learned from the passage? A. Britain accounts for about 30% of Chinas total investment. B. Britain is Chinas second largest exporter. C. The total of trade in Britain was around 40 billion pounds last year. D. The two countries are cooperating closely in many areas. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第四段中的 the two countries are working closely with each other in areas of trade, investment, finance, education and so on, 可知中英两国在多个领域上都互相合作。故选 D。11. Which area did Cameron especially expect to promote in the near future? - 6 -A. Trade. B. Investment. C. Education. D. Finance. 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的第一句 I think education is an area we can take to an even higher level. Many Chinese students are studying in Britain, 可知中英两国未来可能在教育方面加强合作, 故选 C。阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。TheThe MississippiMississippiThe Mississippi is a great river whose relationship with man goes way back beyond its discovery in the 16th century. Indians used it as a highway and as a source of food, and it was they who gave it its name“misi” meaning “great”and “sipi” meaning “water”. When the length of its branch, the Missouri, is added to it, the Mississippi becomes greater. 1 From the source of the Missouri to the tip of the delta(三角洲), it is 2, 480 miles long. Great rivers are likely to suffer floods. In 1927 the Mississippi flooded 26, 000 acres, sweeping away farms, towns, everything in its path. In 1938 its floods drowned or killed 200 people and made millions homeless. Today the river has largely been controlled. 2 Industries have spread down some of the waterways of the delta, but otherwise the delta is a remote place, the homeland of a little colony of French Canadians that the British drove out of Nova Scotia in the 18th century. They still speak French, mixed with English, Indian, Spanish and Negro idioms. They keep to themselves, fanning the rich soil of the delta. 3 4 Pioneers who first reached its banks wondered not only where it went, but what lay beyond. In 1764 the French founded a city on the right bank of the river, and named it after their king, Louis XV. This city, named St. Louis, became the jumping-off place for the adventurous men and women who opened up the Great Plains, and the way to the Far West. Some 40 years earlier, at the beginning of the 18th century, the French had founded another city just above the Mississippi delta, New Orleans. 5 New Orleans is one of the great ports of the world, and one of the greatest terminals for both sea and river traffic. - 7 -A. It was the Mississippi that made the city what it is. B. Levees, high banks built of earth, hold back the flood waters. C. Therefore, as we know, its the third longest river in the world. D. It is known that the“Great Water”has also been a frontier river. E. However, they paddled up and down the Mississippi in their boats to seek their fortune. F. The“Great Water”always remains a thread(分界线), for the streets of the city are below the level of the river. G. They call themselves Cajuns, who have actually been leading fairly primitive lives and preserving their own traditions. 【语篇概述】本文主要介绍了密西西比河名字的由来以及密西西比三角洲的发展史。1.【解析】选 C。根据上句 When the length of its branch, the Missouri, is added to it, the Mississippi becomes greater. 加上它的支流密苏里河的长度, 密西西比河变得更壮观了。因此密西西比河成为世界上第三长河, 故选 C 项。2.【解析】选 B。根据上句 Today the river has largely been controlled. 现在密西西比河大部分河段已经得到治理。那么下句应该谈治理的手段, 故选 B 项。3.【解析】选 G。第三段主要讲三角洲的历史和居民。G 项的意思是: 他们称自己为卡津人, 保持着原始的生活方式和自己的传统。故选 G。4.【解析】选 D。根据下文讲述的密西西比河的历史, 可以推断第一句是本段的主题句或过渡句。句意: 众所周知, “The Great Water”也是一条边境河流。选 D 项。5.【解析】选 A。根据上句 the French had founded another city just above the Mississippi delta, New Orleans. 法国人在密西西比三角洲上建立了另一个城市, 新奥尔良市。可知, 是密西西比河塑造了新奥尔良市现在的样子, 故选 A 项。(阅读理解 B)请把下列句子翻译成英语(一句多译)。1. 但是我们一定能想象到口哨语最初开始的原因。But we can certainly imagine the_ _the beginning of the whistle language. But we can certainly imagine_ _ _ _ _. But we can certainly imagine the_ _the whistle language began. 2. 在这个岛上口哨语很有用, 并且学起来相当容易。The whistle language is very_ on the island, and quite_ _ _. - 8 -_is very useful, and quite_ _ _the whistle language on the island. 答案: 1.reasons for why the whistle language beganreasons why 2.useful;easy to learnIt;easy to learn


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