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    - 1 - / 24【2019【2019 最新最新】精选高二英语下第四次阶段性测试试题精选高二英语下第四次阶段性测试试题(1)(1)第 I 卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后第有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每 段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What will the woman do today? AVisit a friendBAttend a lectureCDo an experiment2 What does the man find difficult? AUnderstanding the instructionsBPutting the folding table together CFixing a toy train3 Where is the womans cellphone? AIn the classroomBIn the dining hallCIn her bag4 When does the woman need the book? AOn April 1stBOn April 2ndCOn April 3rd5 What does the man mean? AMost readers dont agree with him BThe woman cant convince him CFew people read his article第二节(共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中- 2 - / 24所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6 Where did the woman stay at night during the holiday? AIn a tentBIn a hotelCIn a farmhouse7 What did the woman think of the people there? AThey were interestingBThey were friendly CThey were honest 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8 What does the woman plan to do? AFocus on science projectB Try to get three projects done CHelp the man with his work9 Why does the man hate this time of the year? AToo many tests to takeBToo many meetings to attend CToo many assignments to finish 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10What relation is Cindy to Edward? AHis former primary schoolmateBHis group member CHis teacher11What can Edward do in the theater group? AMeet famous artistsBPerform plays and musicals CSee films- 3 - / 2412Where are the speakers? AAt schoo1BIn a play theaterCOutside a cinema 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13Where is the woman going? ATo a museum BTo a theaterCTo a park14What does the man say about himself? AHe drives very wellBHe will go home at 7 oclock CHe isnt very familiar with the streets15What time is it now? ASeven oclockBSix oclockCFour thirty16What can we 1earn from the conversation? AThe woman is a famous artistBThe traffic may be lighter after 7 pm CThe man overcharged the woman by 18 dollars 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17What is “What to Do Today”? AA radio programBA social organizationCA school team18Whats the main purpose of the tree- planting activity? ATo help poor blind childrenBTo protect the environment CTo improve family relationships19How many trees do students and their - 4 - / 24parents want to plant today? A30B750C1,50020What should volunteers bring for the activity? AHatsBThick glovesCBasic tools第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A AWhen I was a boy there were no smart phones,and our television only got one channel clearly. Still, I never felt boredThe fields,hills and woodlands around my home were the perfect playground whose adventures were only limited by my imaginationI can remember once hiking to a nearby lake and walking slowly around itAt the back of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen beforeIt was full of muddy tyre tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides,but exploring it still seemed like a fine adventureI walked on and on for what seemed like hoursI was sure my guardian angel was whispering in my ear “ turn around and head back home” but I was stubborn and walked onThere - 5 - / 24was still neither a car nor a house in sightI noticed that the sun was starting to go down and I grew scaredI didnt want to end up trapped on this road,and I was worried that it would be dark before I could make my way back to the lake againI continued to walk on with something growing inside of meMy heart was pounding and my legs were achingI was almost in tears when I saw something in the distanceIt was a house that I recognizedI jumped up and down and laughed out loudIt was still over a mile away, but my legs felt like feathers and I hurried back to my house in no timeI walked in with a big smile on my face just in time for dinnerThen I ended my adventure with a good nights sleepI often thought of that experience recentlyActually, in our life,all roads,no matter how they twist and turn,can lead us home againThey can lead us to our homes here on the earthThey can lead us to our homes in our heartsMay you always walk your path with love! May you always help your fellow travelers along the way! And may your roads always lead you home again !21.Why did the author hardly feel bored when he was young?- 6 - / 24AHe could watch TV all dayBHe could have fun in natureCHe had many friends to play withDHe used to explore the old dirt road22.What does the underlined word “something” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?ADoubtBHopeCFearDCourage23.How did the author feel when he was exploring the dirt road?AHe was contradictory in mindBHe was unconscious of danger aheadCHe was worried to be trapped in the woodsDHe was afraid of being scolded by his parents24.What may be the best title for the passage?AEvery Effort Is Worthwhile BAll Roads Lead HomeCBe Determined in Your Life DBe Brave to Adventure- 7 - / 24B BAre you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired? Then grab your hiking boots and a tentA new study suggests that camping in the great outdoors for a couple of days can reset your body clock and help you get more sleepThe body clock is an internal system that tells our bodies when its time to go to sleep and when its time to wake upScientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin (褪黑激素) circulating in a persons blood at any given timeIn a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime,stay high through the night,and then settle back down when its time to wake upIn our modem society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we couldAnd the trouble is,your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning,which leads to fatigueIt may also have other health consequences as well,such as diabetes(糖尿病),overweight and heart diseaseProfessor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a - 8 - / 24short stay in natureHis team recruited(招募)fourteen physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30sNine went on a weekend camping trip,while the other five stayed homeAt the end of the weekend,the researchers reported that in just two days,the campers body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the tripBy contrast,the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend“This tells us we can reset our clocks fast, ”Wright saidTherefore,if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at nightAnd if that doesnt work,theres always camping25.What is the authors main purpose of writing the passage?ATo explain how a lack of sleep is bad for our healthBTo inform us of a possible way to adjust the body clockCTo analyze how the body clock influences our sleeping habits- 9 - / 24DTo explore how the body clock is connected with melatonin levels26.The underlined word “fatigue” in Paragraph 4 probably means“_” AtirednessBexcitementCrefreshment Dpressure27.What did Wrights team discover from their experiment?AThe body clocks of the two groups didnt show much differenceBThe body clocks of those who stayed at home remained the sameCThose staying outdoors reset the clock inside their bodies over a short periodDChanges to the body clock dont necessarily affect melatonin levels in our bodies28.According to the passage,to change our sleeping habit,wed better_Aset an alarm clock to wake us up on time in the - 10 - / 24morningBtry to reduce melatonin levels as much as possible at nightCspend several weeks staying in the open air every now and thenDget exposed to more natural light in the day but less artificial light at nightCScience has just proven what weve suspected all along that sitting at a desk all day could be making us fatAccording to a new study women who work in an office are consuming a shocking 100,030 extra calories in snacks every yearwhich can add up to a terrifying two stone in weight gainYikes!The research quizzed 1,000 women who work in offices and revealed that on a typical working day women prefer to have at least three snacks,which adds up to almost 500 caloriesCrisps were named as the top weak point of female workers,with an average of 135 bags eaten at work annually - 11 - / 24and 45 per cent of those surveyed admitting to having “hidden” food personally in the officeUnsurprisingly biscuits were also a favorite desk snack with 39admitting to hiding away packets of biscuits and the average woman dipping 135 biscuits in their tea every yearOffice“cake culture likely has a role to play in the ninety slices of cake women are wolfing down each yearThe study also revealed were indulging(放纵)our sweet tooth by ploughing through 90 packets of sweets and 45 doughnuts throughout the working yearJust over a fifth of female workers admit they have absolutely no willpower when it comes to office treats,while three in ten say they eat the food purely because it's thereWomen also mentioned being bored,tired or stressed as common reasons for them to eat more in the officeThe survey revealed that so-called “low fat treats are actually adding to that yearly calorific total,with the average female employee consuming 45 packets of highfat nuts and another 45 bags of sugary dried fruits,every yearThe most popular times to reach for a snack are 10:30 am and 3:30 pm,with 48 of women saying they are always - 12 - / 24too hungry to wait until lunchWomen also admitted sugary coffees and energy drinks help get them through the day29.How did the researchers find the result of their study?AThey found it met their expectationBThey felt confused and puzzledCThey found it quite amusingDThey felt quite surprised30.Women have snacks almost at any time because they_.Aare free to go out when hungryBhave put them away in advanceChave too little work to do in the officeDhave the same favourite food with the colleagues31.When are women more likely to have snacks in their office?AWhen they have finished hard jobsBWhen they get their new work startedCWhen they feel tired or anxiousDWhen they feel relaxed and comfortable- 13 - / 2432.What does the passage want to tell us?ASnacks in office time make women fatBOffice women having snacks work harderCFemale workers have more power in officesDWomen working in offices are easy to get fat DScientists are using robots to study the health of waters in and around Venice,ItalyThe robots are designed to act like fish,other underwater creatures and plantsThe scientists are working with several universities and research centers as part of a group called subCULTronThe European Union gives money to the project as part of its Horizon 2020 program whose aim is to take great ideas from the lab to the market and support science and innovation(创新)in EuropeThe scientists want to use the artificial intelligence of the robots to help humans understand what is happening under the water of the Venice lagoon(潟湖)SubCULTrona collective artificial intelligence project,plans to create the biggest shoal (鱼群)of robot - 14 - / 24fish in the worldThe projects aim is to improve knowledge of the seabed and try to turn human abilities into hi-tech itemsAlexandre Campo,a computer scientist,says the scientists have looked at the way animals learn to work in groups to understand how robots can learn to work togetherThe subCULTron project wants its robots to learn to work together so they can watch out for changes and new problems in the waterOne problem the researchers had in the beginning was how the robots would communicate with each other. Wi-Fi and GPS equipment dont work underwaterInstead,the robots can use sonar(声呐)and an electric fieldAnother problem was charging batteriesThe robots come up to the waters surface and stay near a boat or a power station to charge without any electrical cablesBesides,how to be waterproof, especially for some key pads of the robots,was really toughFortunately, a special mixture has been created to be pinned on the robot,which successfully stands the test of waterThe health state of the lagoon is pretty goodThere are no industrial polluters,and the city now has a modem - 15 - / 24sewer(污水管)systemIts not like before when all the waste flushed directly into the waterThe robots in Venice will continue their work until 2019 The subCULTron project hopes they develop into “an artificial society underneath the water surface” that serves “a human society above the water” 33.What can we learn about the project in Paragraph l?AIts researchers are all from universitiesBThe European Union has financially supported itCIt uses robots to clean the waters in and around VeniceDIt is aimed to support science and innovation worldwide34.What can we infer according to Alexandre Campo?AScientists have got an idea for robots from the animalsBThe robots are working separately to perform their tasksCSubCULTron is to turn human abilities into hi-tech items- 16 - / 24DThe health state of the lagoon has greatly improved recently35.The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph probably refers to“_” AscientistsBanimalsCrobotsDhumans第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world 36 Experts think that there are more flavors of Coffee than there are of wineCoffee contains caffeine,something that raises our awareness,keeps us from falling asleep or simply gives US a kick in the morning or after lunch37 For a long time doctors have told people not to drink too much coffeebecause it may lead to heart problems,high blood pressure,and headachesScientists have now found out that it is the quality of coffee and the way it is made that hold the key to our - 17 - / 24health 38 Among other things,this is linked to the consumption of a strong coffeeExperts also point out that different roasts and types of coffee beans have different effects on our healthMilk and sugar change the different levels of caffeine in a cup of coffeeA new study by a Harvard research group says that there is no link between coffee and health problemsDrinking several cups of strong coffee a day is not connected with early death or other heart diseasesCoffee has many advantages,as the new study suggestsWhile alcohol makes


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