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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday The 4th B(1a-1d)教案.doc

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    2019七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday The 4th B(1a-1d)教案.doc

    1Unit8Unit8 WhenWhen isis youryour birthday?birthday?TeachingTeaching TypeTypeListeningListening andand speakingspeaking classclassPeriodsPeriodsThe 4th period (Section B1a1d)T TeachingeachingAimsAimsNewNew words:words:English test, party, school trip,basketball game. When is Sallys birthday party? Its on October 5thTeachinTeaching gDifficultyDifficultyWhen is Sallys birthday party? Its on October 5thValueValueRemember your parents and grandparents birthday and say “Happy birthday” to them.TeachingTeachingToolsToolsA projector and a tape recorder.TeachingTeaching MethodsMethodsScene teaching method,pairwork,listening practice.教学过程设计教学过程设计二次备课二次备课LeadLead ininI.I. Warming-upWarming-up andand revisionrevision 1. Listen to the birthday song, get the Ss to sing together. 2. Play the Number Games 3. Do some oral practice.TeachingTeaching processprocessII.II. PresentationPresentation Sports and activity words.Show some pictuers to students Let the students guess the wors, just like basketball,party,test, school trip. III.WorkIII.Work 1a1a Match the pictures with the events T:Now match the picture with the events.Write the correct letter next to the words. For example,math picture d with English test. I will give you two minutes,please finish them as soon as possible.Then talk about the activities. T:Do you like the basketball game? S1:Yes, I do. Its interesting. IV.WorkIV.Work onon 1b1b andand 1c.1c. 1)T:Sally has a lot of activeties .For 2example,birthday party,basketball game and so on.Do you know when to be on? S:No,we dont. T:Lets listen carefully and circle the words that you hear on the recording. 2)Fill in the Johns calendar. T: John needs a calender about his activity plan.Can you help him fill his chart. S:Yes,we can. T”Ok,listen carefully to the recording again and write the name of each activity in the correct place on the calender. Play the recording for two time s then correct the answers . V.WorkV.Work onon 1d1d Pair work T:Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar. Give them threee minutes to do the pair work then ask some of them to show their conversations.ExerciseExerciseVI.VI. Pair-work.Pair-work. 1.1.Have some students come to the front and show their own conversation, then make a comment on it (praise the students first) and give 2 to 4 points to their group. VII.VII. ListeningListening drillsdrills (2)(2) 1January ANew Years Day2February BTree Planting Day3March CFools Day4April DNational Day5May ETeachers Day6June FSpring Festival7July GChristmas Day8August HThanksgiving Day9September IFounding of CPC(中国共产党)10October JMothers Day11November KArmys Day12December LFathers Day2.2.Do Section B, 1b. Listen to four conversations. 3.3.Do Section B, 1b. Listen again, fill in Johns calendar.3HomeworkHomeworkVIII.VIII. HomeworkHomework 1.1.Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes. 2.2.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences. 3.Do exercise book.BBBB DesignDesignUnit8Unit8 WhenWhen isis youryour birthday?birthday? The 4th period (Section B1a1d) English testParty When is Sallys birthday party? Its on October 5th school trip basketball game本课教学后记本课教学后记


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