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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are检测题(无答案).doc

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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are检测题(无答案).doc

    - 1 -单元评价检测单元评价检测(Unit(Unit 6)6)一、单项填空一、单项填空(15(15 分分) )1. Could you tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. Go along the street, and theres a on your right. A. bankB. bookstore C. museumD. restaurant2. Ive shown you all the interesting and important places of our school. Thank you for so much time. A. takingB. spending C. costingD. having3. Were going to the movies this evening. I wonder you can go with us. A. ifB. whenC. thatD. where4. (2014·重庆中考·A 卷)Do you know ? This afternoon. A. when will the policeman give us a talkB. where will the policeman give us a talkC. when the policeman will give us a talkD. where the policeman will give us a talk5. Jim, could I use your computer? Yes, of course you . A. couldB. canC. mustD. should6. me, can you tell me where I can post the letter? Sorry, I am new here. A. SuggestB. Request C. Pardon D. Tell7. Its impolite information directly when asking for help. A. askB. askingC. askedD. to ask8. (2013·泸州中考)Could you please tell me the cool T-shirt? A. where you buyB. where do you buyC. where did you buyD. where you bought9. I often use micro-blog to communicate with others. You are so smart! Can you please tell me ? A. how to doB. how to use itC. how to useD. when can I use it- 2 -10. Could you help me take the box to the sixth floor? A. With pleasure. B. Thats very kind of you. C. Good idea. D. Yes, thats right. 二、完形填空二、完形填空(20(20 分分) )Manners(礼貌)are important to happy relations(关系)among people. No one 1 a person with bad manners. A 2 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he 3 to help them. When he asks for something, he says“ 4 ”. And when he receives something, he 5 says“Thank you”. He does not interrupt(打扰) 6 people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly 7 public. When he sneezes or spits(吐痰), he uses a 8 . As a student, it is a bad manner to come late for class. If you are late, you 9 make an apology(道歉)to the teacher either at the time 10 after class. 1. A. thinks B. likes C. hates D. believes2. A. boyB. manC. personD. girl3. A. triesB. takesC. hasD. enjoys4. A. Give meB. PleaseC. YesD. Hello5. A. neverB. hardly ever C. usuallyD. still6. A. everyB. some C. hisD. other7. A. on B. at C. ofD. in8. A. bookB. cup C. handkerchiefD. hand9. A. should B. will C. could D. may10. A. orB. norC. andD. but三、单词拼写三、单词拼写(15(15 分分) ) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Bob is taking a shower in the b . 2. He had to r to school this morning because he got up late. 3. Shandong Province is in the e of China. 4. When you make a r , you need to be polite. 5. Henry, could you tell me your e-mail a ? 四、综合填空四、综合填空(10(10 分分) )- 3 -根据短文内容, 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空, 使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)first, use, be, another, buy, open, whenever, talk, but also, touch“Thank you”is widely 1 in a modern society. It is a very good manner. You should say“Thank you” 2 others help you or say something kind to you. For example, when someone 3 the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, when someone says you have 4 a nice shirt, or your city 5 very beautiful, you should say“Thank you”. “Thank you”is used not only between friends, 6 between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. “Excuse me”is 7 short polite usage. We use it as the same as“Thank you”. When you hear someone say so behind you, youd get to know that somebody wants to walk past you without 8 you. It is not polite to interrupt(打断)others while they are 9 . If you want to have a word with one of them, please say“Excuse me” 10 , and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others. Lets say“Thank you”and“Excuse me”on the right occasion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五、阅读表达五、阅读表达(10(10 分分) )阅读短文, 根据要求完成下面各小题。When people are looking for information on the Internet, they use a search engine(搜索引擎). There are many very popular search engines that people usually use. Two of them are Google and Yahoo. A new search engine to search for information has recently started. It is called ChaCha. ChaCha is different from other search engines. People are still able to search topics on their own. But with ChaCha, they can even talk to experts who can help them find better information. 3. Some people who have tried using ChaCha think they were talking to a robot. One - 4 -man who works for ChaCha said that people are very surprised when they realize that they are talking to a real person. Using ChaCha is much like Google or Yahoo. The results still appear on the screen. But if someone needs more information, they can click on“chat live with a guide”. This will connect them with someone who is trained in the subject they are researching. ChaCha faces a big challenge. Other search engines are already very popular. 4. Almost everyone already knows about these search engines and how to use them. A group of computer users were asked some questions about search engines, but very few people had ever heard of ChaCha. One of them tried it and liked it. He said he would try using it some more. (一)根据短文内容简要回答问题。1. What search engines are mentioned in the passage? _2. Whats the big challenge for ChaCha? _(二)将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。3. _4. _(三)请给短文拟个适当的标题。5. _六、完成句子六、完成句子(10(10 分分) ) 根据句意及汉语意思完成句子。1. 请告诉我火车站在哪儿好吗? Could you please tell me_ _ _ _ _? 2. 每个人都应该依靠自己去创造未来。We should to create the future. 3. 和不同的人交谈时, 我们需要用不同的方式。We need to use different ways when different people. 4. 你学习一门语言时, 仅仅知道正确的语法是不够的。to only know correct grammar when you learn a language. - 5 -5. 我想知道在其他星球上是否有生物。I wonder living things on other planets. 七、书面表达七、书面表达(25(25 分分) )假定你是刘杰。你想邀请来中国旅游的笔友杰克(Jack)星期天到公园里放风筝, 但他不在宾馆。请根据下面的示意图, 用英语给他留个便条, 告诉他从宾馆到公园的行走路线。注意: 1. 词数 80 个左右。2. 便条的开头已为你写好, 不计入总词数。Dear Ja ck, Ive come to the hotel_ _ _


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