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    2019学年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第3课时) A教案.doc

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    2019学年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第3课时) A教案.doc

    1Unit1Unit1 WhatsWhats thethe mattermatter课题Unit1Whats the matter ?Section A (3a-3c)授课类 型阅读课课标依据1.能连贯,流畅的朗读课文。2.能读懂简易读物只能怪的事件发生顺序和人物行为。3.能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意。 知识与技能1学习阅读中的新词汇。passenger, hit , get off, to ones surprise, agree to do sth.,get into trouble等词汇。2. 通过完成阅读任务 3a-3c,锻炼学生的阅读技能过程与方法读前通过图片和标题,引发学生的思考和预测,同时学习重点词汇,帮助学生顺利理解短文。读中通过任务驱动,分析事件中司机,乘客做了什么,3b 的任务是读短文。读后 3c 的讨论,达到情感教育和遇到此类事故的处理。通过复述课文达到对词汇和课文的巩固。教学目标情感态度与价值观通过本课的阅读,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,树立紧急事件时互相帮助的精神。 教学重点1学习阅读中的新词汇。passenger, hit , get off, to ones surprise, agree to do sth., get into trouble 等词汇。2. 通过完成阅读任务 3a-3c,锻炼学生的阅读技能.教学重点难点教学难点通过完成阅读任务 3a-3c,锻炼学生的阅读技能教学媒体选择分析表知识点知识点学习目标学习目标媒体媒体类型类型教学教学 作作用用使用使用方式方式所得结论所得结论占用占用 时时间间媒体来源媒体来源介绍知识目标图片AG拓展知识2 分钟自制2讲解过程与方法图片AE建立表象5 分钟下载观看过程与方法图片AE帮助理解5 分钟下载理解情感态度价值观图片AI升华感情2 分钟下载媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.其它。媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑播放讲解;B.设疑播放讨论;C.讲解播放概括;D.讲解播放举例;E.播放提问讲解;F.播放讨论总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H.设疑_播放_概括.I 讨论_交流_总结 J.其他师生活动设计意图教学过程设计Step 1 PresentationLook at the picture. Discuss what happened and then what we should do.Step 2 Reading3a Read the passage and answer the following questions.Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know?Did the bus driver help the man and the woman?3b Read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.1 _ Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.2 _ Bus No.26 hit an ol d man on Zhonghua Road.3 _ The old man had a heart problem and needed to 学习重点词汇,解决阅读障碍.技能训练:获取主旨大意,获取细节信息3go to the hospital right away.4 _ The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.5 _ Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the bus.6 _ The old man got to the hospital in time.Step 3 Speaking 3c Discuss the questions with a partner.Step 4 Languages points1. when the driver saw an old man lying on t he side of the road. 这时司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。 观察与思考:你能看出“看到某人正在做某事”的句型吗?see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事e.g. When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事e.g. I often see him draw a picture.活学活用1) 我看见他时他正在河边玩。I saw him _ by the river.2) 我看见过他在河边玩。I saw him _ by the river. 3) 我看着他过了桥。I see him _ across the bridge.在阅读中学新短语44) 我看见她正在洗碗。I see her _ the dishes. 2. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice.3. He only thought about saving a life.观察与思考:你能看出“without thinking”、“about saving a life” 的共同点吗?共同点:介词 + doing介词 + 名词宾格代词doing活学活用用适当的形式填空。1) I am fine. What about _ (she)?2) Thanks for _ (tell) me the story?3) It is a sunny day. How about _ (go) fishing?4) It is good to relax by _ (use) the Internet or _ (watch) game shows.4. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.to ones surprise 使.惊讶的是,出乎.意料e.g. To their surprise, all the students pass the exam.Much to everyones surprise, the plan succeeded.5. . because they dont want any trouble, .当 trouble 意为“困难;麻烦”时,是不可数名词。如: 巩固词汇的运用5Im sorry to give you so much trouble. (1) be in trouble 意为“有困难;陷入困境”。如: He always asks me for help when he is in trouble.(2) get sb. into trouble 意为“使某人陷入困境”。如: If you come, you may get me into trouble.(3) 主语 + have / has trouble (in) doing sth. 意为“某人在做某事方面有困难”。如:I have some trouble (in) reading the letter.当 trouble 意为“麻烦事;烦心事”时,是可数名词。如:She was on the phone for an hour telling me her troubles. 【运用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 (1) 他认为每天吃饭是一件麻烦事。 He thinks that eating every day is _.(2) 你知道你现在为什么处于困境吗? Do you know why you _ now? (3) 我妹妹在学习英语方面有困难。 My sister _ English.6. right away 意为“立刻;马上”,和 in a minute 意思相近。例如:Ill be there right away / in a minute.另外,right now 和 at once 也可表示“立刻; 马上”的意思。【运用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。你必须马上出发。You must start _.重点短语61) 看到某人正在做某事2) 让某人吃惊的是3) 下车4) 上车5) 多亏,幸亏6) 考虑7) 同意做某事8) 造成麻烦see sb. doing sth.to ones surpriseget off the busget on the busthanks tothink aboutagree to do sth.get into troubleStep 5 homework1.学案 SectionA 3a-3c 习题(AB 档2.抄写短语(CD 档)


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