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    八年级英语下册学案与练习:Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world.docx

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    八年级英语下册学案与练习:Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world.docx

    Unit 7 What, she_highest_mountain_in_the_world?复习学案一、重点单词及转换1.沙漠 2.亚洲 亚洲的 ,an旅行:旅游-4.旅行者;观光者/Thousands of旅行者5.古代的;古老的 一个古老的国.家.6.保护;防护 保护环境保护;防护(名词).对环境的保护the of the environment.包套;包含(动词) 介词8 .冰的;结冰的成功做.V.挑战;考验 挑战自我-U.完成3攵hi第一实现梦想 成就(名词).力;力量 大自然的力量3.自然界(名词) (形容词)自然环境.重 weigh 名词 weightAn elephant(重)5,000 kilosTheof an elephant is 5,000 kilos15 .竹;竹子一17.研究;调查18.醒来please(把我叫醒)al 5:00A lot of animals only_,at night, so this is the best time to watch them.醒着的 awake adj. be awake excitement 9.激动;兴奋(动词)(名词)(形容词)/ .,*The Monkey King(excite) the children of Cinina for many years.*When the babies see the keepers, they run over with(excite).*Wc all feel,_lo see themovies.20.疾病;病(生病的),21成年的;成人的 22.政府 23 鲸_._-一long的名词性是length 翻译成»high的名词形式height 翻译成二、重点短语1.面对(问题、困难等)2.太平洋3 .出生时.平方米/平方千米H4 .随便做.feel free6.就我所知8 .即使9 .至多有;不多于 10.走路时撞到 U.绊倒12.大约13 .天安门广场14 .中国的人口 _the China15 .在亚洲16.东南亚17 .其它任何一座山any other18 .最古老的国家之一 one of in the world19 .世界上最危险的运动之一。慎of the world'ssP°rts20 .中国的西南部the Pan of China.21 .H着生命.危险24weigh.25.兴奋地跑上前来 with29 .大约另外二百个Another 20030 .丽危动物animals31 .拯救这些动物的重要性加 of saving these animals.Unit 7 Whafs the highest mountain in the world?(第四课时)Section B 3aself check组别:姓名:教学目标1 .掌握本单元中的重点词汇,短语,并灵活运用。2 .学习目标语言:Humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil. Jump high out of the water. Why do some of them have to be protected? How can we protect them?教学重难点写作训练:写一篇文章号召人们保护动物学习过程一、预习与交流1.归纳课文中的短语1.与一样大2.最古老的国家之3.随意地做某事4.据我所知5.人造物体6.的组成部分7.最高的山脉8.在世界上9.其他任何一座山10.在所有的咸水湖中11.跨越.12. 冰冻的天气13.呼吸空气)4.第一个做某事的人15.面临危险16.放弃做某事17.实现某人的梦想18.自然界的力量19.到达顶峰20.虽然;尽管21.在出生.的时候22.醒着23.兴奋地跑过去24.撞到某人25.摔倒26.照顾;照料27.每两年28.砍伐林木29.濒危动物30.大熊猫越来越少31.处于危险之中32. 拯救这些动物的重要性二、合作与探究.独立完成Section B 3a,3b并在小组内进行交流。1 .独立完成Self Check 1.23部分并在小组内进行交流。2 .小组内总结本单元的主要知识点,看谁做的最好。四、课堂练习3.单项选择()1. China has population in the world.A. the biggest B. big C. bigger D. biggest()2. The Nile is longer than in the river.A. any rivers B. other river C. (he other river D. any other river()3. China is older than the US.A. very B. too C. so D. a lot()4. As you can see, the Great Wall is quite.A. tall and wide B. taller and wider C. taller and wide D. tall and wider()5. Mo Yan is the first Chinese who in winning the Nobel prize.A. succeed B. success C. succeeded D. successful()6. When you move somewhere new, the first thing for you is to find a place. A. to liveB. living in C. to live in D. lives.()7. We can't work out the physics problem. Can you tell us.A. how (o do B. what to do C. how to do it D. whal should I do()8. The river is al its level because of the heavy rain .A. tallest B. highest C. shortest D. lowest()9. Nothing will prevent him marrying her.A.to B. in C. at D. from()9. However , pollution is a lot than the natural disasters .A.terrible B. terribly C. more terrible D. more terribly()10. People can slop the sand from moving south planting trees.A. by B. in C. with D. from()11. The population of India is thanof China.A less , that B smaller, thatC less, those D smaller, those()12. What amazing achievement they had!A at B an C/ D the2.写作训练我国是大熊猫生存的唯一之地,然而他们正面临灭绝的危险。你认为我们 该采取哪些措施来保护他们。写一篇70词左右的短文表达你的观点。提示提示词:fur皮毛 reserve保护区hunt猎杀处于困境人们大量砍伐树木来建农田和盖房;竹子越来越少: 人们为皮毛二捕杀大熊猫采取措施建立自然保护区;不买皮毛制的衣服最后结果大熊猫会越来越多What can we do to protect Giant Panda?五总结反思32.水污染Water1、长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法,有一个专门的结构,那就是“基数词+单位词+ 形容词”提问用How +形容词。1,025 meters deepHow deep6,671 kilometers longHow long形容词的比较级和最高级(1) 一、a.变化规则:b.部分双音节和多音节词 在前面加more, most构成比 较级及最高级:原级比较级最高级important moreimportant most importantdifficult more difficult例词small, smaller, smallest large, larger, largest busy, busier, busiest big, bigger, biggest8.844.43 meters high-How high 三、语法-形容词比较级和最高级情况加词尾法一股情况直接加er,est以上结尾的词力口-r, 2以辅音+y结尾的词变y为i,再加er,est以“辅音字母”结尾的词 将这字母双写再加er,estmost difficultc.特殊词变化1 .many/much 2.ill/bad 3.good/well 4.1ittlc 5 .far 二、原级、比较级、最高级用法.原级提示词语:very / pretty/q uite/The book is very(good)/as as/No ocean in the world is as(big)as the Pacific Ocean.China is almost as(big) as the US/too + 原级+ to do /The boy is too(young) to go to school.so + 原级 + that/The book is so(interesting) that I can' t put it down.原级+ enough to do sth.比较级提示词语:两者比较1)A+比较级+thanB2) the +比较级,the +比较级3)比较级+and+比较级4) the +比较级of the two5)修饰比较级的词点 aliltleabil+比较级得多a lot /much far+比较级更even +比较级3.最高级提示词语:三者或三者以上比较in /of + 范围1) one of the +最高级+名词复数the +序数词+最高级+名词1 .Qomolangma is(high)than any otJier mountain in the world。2 .She is the second student in our class.A. Tall B. Taller C. tallestthe Caspian Sea is(deep) of all the salt lakes.3. 5.What is the(high) mountain in the world?6 .China has(big) population in the world.7 .China has a much(long) history than the US.It's a lot(big) than the population of the US.S.China is almost as(big )as the US, but it is(big) country in Asia.9 .Did you know that China is one of(old) countries in the world?10 .China is country in the world.A. the third largest B. the largest thirdC. the third large D. a third largest11 . The Yellow River is one of rivers in China.A lo.ng B longer C the longest.The weather is getting (越来越冷).12 .The girl becomes(越来越漂亮).13 .他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becomingEnglish.14 .他吃的越多,人越胖。The he eats, the he gets.四、重点句子Lit is also very hard(.吸入 )air as you get near the top. *2.The first people(reach) the top were3.0ne of the main reasons(be) because people want to challenge themselves(面对)difficulties.4.(登山者的精神)shows us that we should never(放弃努力实现我们的梦想)1.1 talso shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than(大自然的力量).6 .This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.7 .An adult panda(比.重彳艮多倍)a baby panda.8They're so cute and lovely. I take care of them like they're my own babies.9 .The babies often(死于疾病)and do not live very long.Adult pandas spend more than 12hours a day( eat) about 10 kilos of bamboo10 .there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas(liye) in the(remain) forests.11 .The Chinese governmenl is also planting more bamboo trees so there will be more forests for pandas to live in.12 .We ail hope Ihat in the Future there will be a lot more pandas than now. Hu mans catch whales for meat, fat and oil13 .Rules o.n whale protection 鲸鱼保护政策Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?(第一课时)Section A (la-2d) 组别:姓名: 教学目标1 .掌握p49p50的单词.谈论地理和自然现象,学会对事实和数字的比较,提高听说能力教学重难点识记形容词和副词比较级变法的多条规则;使用比较级来描述人的外貌。学习过程一、预习与交流写出下列单词的比较级和最高级high deep biglong old young 请根据预习写出下列短语1.最高的山 2.最长的河 3. 1025米深4.八百万平方公里5.的人口 6的高度7.和样大 8.少于的长度9.最古老的国家之一二、合作与探究I.观察图片并讨论完成la,和你的同伴讨论你所遇到的烦恼及解决方法。2 .大声朗读la中的句子,然后使用la中的信息编写对话,完成1c并作出展示。3 .用2a和2b中的信息编写对话,小组成员合作完成2c。4 .完成2d,分角色表演对话,勾画出其中的重点短语,小组讨论解决疑难问题,并尝试背诵 对话。5 .听力训练,完成lb, 2a, 2bo三、点拨升华l.long的名词性是 翻译成 ,high的名.词形式 翻译成,表达东西的长度可以有两种方法例如:这条河100米长。(1) The of the river is lOOmeters. 2) The river is2. One of the most endangered animals in (he world the giant panda.China one of the oldest civilizations in the worldone of+名词曼数,谓语动词要用 数。eg:其中一本书是新的。3. The population of the world is 6400000000.对人口这个数字划线提问要用特殊疑问词。 the population of the world?4. as big as和一样大as.as之间的形容词用 级。来源:学科网The Yellow river is not as long as the Yangtze river.否定形式nol asas意为 。5. Can you (ell me a bil more about China?我们学过的可以修饰比较级的副词和短语还有注意比较级和最高级 Which is the second longest river in China?Which river is longer ,the Nile or the Yellow River?最高级一般用于 者以上相比,最高级前一般要加定冠词,比较级一般用于 者之间的比较,被比较者用 引出。四、课堂练习(一)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。I .There less pollution and more trees in 100 years.(be)2. People won't do housework any more because they have to help (hem in 50years.3. There are too many (planet)in the shy.4. Many famous(predict) have come true these days.5. Don't sit on the window, you will be in(dangerous).(-)单项选择。1. It's in the world .A .the biggest desertB. biggest desertC. the biggest desertsD. bigger desert2. There arc no man-made structures as as the Great WallA. bigger B. big C. bigger D. the biggest3. The Nile is 6,470A .kilometers B. kilometer C. kilometers long D. kilometer long4. Mount Tai is lower than Qomolangma .A .lot's of B. manyC .veiyD. much5. Shanghai is one of in the world .A .more big cityB. the biggest cityC. (he biggest cities D .the most big city6. A11 Chinese people hope that Li Na will win gold medals in the future.A. fewer B. less C. manyD .more(三)将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语。1.1 hope (一切免费)in the future.2.1 believe she will be a famous singer (十年后).3. (数百个学生)are playing on the playground.4.in every family in 100 years.(将有一个机器人)5. Can you give me? (几张红纸)五总结反思Unit 7 Whafs the highest mountain in the world?(第二课 时)Section A 3a- 4c组别:一姓名:教学目标1 .学习P5152的生词:2 .能够掌握本课出现的重点短语和句子。3 .能够正确使用形容词的比较等级。4 .能够运用形容词的比较等级去描述事物。教学重难点1 .能够正确使用形容词的比较等级。2 .能够运用形容词的比较等级去描述事物。学习过程一、预习与交流1 .从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。(1)最危险的运动之一 (2)登山,攀岩(3)全世界(4)中国的东南边境(5)山顶 (6)严寒的天气条件.(7)大风暴(8)冒着生命危险(9)放弃(10)实现梦想.小组成员互读单词和词组。二、合作与探究.带着问题阅读3a,将每段文字与中心思想搭配起来。1 .再读文章,勾画出其中的重点短语。2 .独立完成3b, 3c,并在小组中作展示。3 .小组成员大声朗读Grammar Focus。4 .独立完成4a,并且核时答案,然后大声朗读这部分的句子。5 .小组合作完成4b, 4c的练习。6 .试着背诵记忆Grammar Focus, 4a部分的内容。三、点拨升华China has the biggest population in the world. It's a lot bigger than the population of the US. 中 国是世界上人口最多的国家,它比美国的人口要多得多。注意:指人口"多"或"少”时,一般用big/large或small,而不用many或few(2). Whal's the population of China ?中国有多少人?The population of China is over 1.3 billion.=China has a population of over 1.3 billion.中国有 13 多亿人口It,s 8,844 meters high.它有 8,844 米高。It is . meters high (long, wide.).它米高(长,宽)。“有多长(宽,高)”时,将数词和数量单位放在表示长宽高的形容词前The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our drcams. 这些登山者的精神向我们表明:我们决不应该放弃实现自己的梦想的尝试。I)give up doing sth 放弃做某事He gave up smoking after he got out of the hospital.2 ) achieve our drcam 实现。=makc our drcam come trueHe achieved great success in a short timesucceed v.成功 success n. successful adj. successfully advFeel free to ask me anything on today's Great Wall tour.在今天的长城游中,大家尽管随意问我任何问题。feel free to do sth随意做某事-Can I use your bathroom?-Yes, feel free.四、课堂练习一.单项填空:单项选择()1. Tian'anmcn Square is one of square in the world.A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest()2. -Are you feeling better today,dear? -No, even.A. well B. better C. bad D. worse()3. Which country haspopulation, China, America or Japan?-China, of course.A. biggest B. the most C. the biggest D. the smallest()4. The Great Wall is more than.A. 6000 kilometers long B. 6ooo kilometer longC.6000kilometers longD. 60(X) kilometer longer()5. Shanghai is bigger than in China.A. any other city B. any other cities C. other city D. the other city()6. She is already her brother.A. so tall than B. as tall than C. so tall as D. as tall as()7. Shanghai is bigger than in Japan.A. any other city B. all (he other cities C. any city D. the other cities()8. She looksthan she does.A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older()9. The garden is becoming.A. more beautiful and moreB. more beautiful and beautifulC. more and more beautifulD. more beautiful and bcautifulcr()10. They competed(比赛)to see who could work.A. the fastest and best. B. the faster and the betterC. fastest and better D. faster and better用形容词和副词的适当形式填空。1. Tom is(tall) than any other student in his class. So he is(tall) in his class.2. Li Ming is one of(clever) boys in our class.3. The sun is(bright) than all the other stars because it is(near) to the earth.4. The earth receives(little) heat from the sun in winter than in summer.5. The train is running and(fast).6. He said that it was(happy) day in his life.五总结反思Unit 7 Whafs the highest mountain in the world?(第三课 时)Section B la2e组别:姓名:教学目标.学习P53-55的生词和短语。1 .形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法,数词的表达.掌握阅读技巧。2 .掌握句型:1) When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over.2) . The babies often die from illness and don't live very long.3) . They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving the animals. 4). There will be more forests for pandas to live in.教学重难点形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法,数词的表达学习过程一、预习与交流(一).复习Unil7Seclion A Grammar Focus中的句子,看看你能背写下了吗?(二)翻译下列短语L 350厘米高 2. 15米长 3.重100千克 4.每天吃10千克的食物5. 出生时 6. live up to.7. weigh many times more than. 8. know much more than you9. stand on two legs.10. 死于疾病11.每两年 12.跑过来 13.绊倒14.大约 15,撞到.16. fewer than 2000pandas 17. the importance of saving the animals18. cut down the forests 19. have no forests to live in 二、合作与探究1 .小组长带领大家认读la中的短语并完成相应的任务。2 .听力训练,听录音完成lb; 1c,并大声朗读lb; 1c部分的内容。3 .小组合作完成Id4 .小组交流2a,阅读2b的短文完成2c所提问题。5 .交流完成2c;2d;2e并作交流。三、点拨升华1、倍数表达法1) . A is .times larger / higher / longer / wider than B. A 比 B 大/高/长/宽倍2) . A is .times as big/ high / long / wide as B. A 是 B 的倍大/高/长/宽.如:我的年龄是你的三倍。I am three times as old as you.=I am twice older than you.我们学校比你们学校大4倍。Our school is four limes bigger than yours.=Our school is five times as big as yours.2、Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 科学家 们说,如今生活在现存森林里的熊猫不到2000只。句中living in the remaining forests是现在分词作后置定语。如:the girls singing under the tree.树下唱歌的姑娘们The woman washing clothes by ahc river is my mother.河边洗衣服的那个女士是我妈妈。3、There will be more forests for pandas lo live in.将有更多的森林供熊猫来居住。句中lo live in是动词不定式做后置定语。如:He has no friends to talk with.他没有朋友来交流I need a piece of paper to write on.我需要一张纸来写四、课堂练习单项选择。()1. birth, Lily kept on crying.A. OnB. InC. AlD. Of()2.1 know about Shenzhen than you, so tel) me some, please.A. liuleB. someC. muchD. less()3. Tony's toys arc more than Susan's.A. many time B. many times C. much time D. more time()4. If there is pollution, the air in our city will be dirtier.A. less; more B. more; much C. less; less D. more; more()5. In order to finish the project, well have to work hours a dayA. more two B. two more C. two another D. other two()6. Our club plans to 20 new members. Do you want to join us?A. make into B. take into C. make in D. lake in()7. Friends are those who make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage youto.A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed()1. The house is too small for the family.A. live in B. living in C. to live in D. lives in()2. There are five boysin the classroom.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read()3. We mustusing plastic bags in order to protect our earth.A. give out B. give up C. give away D. give in()4. My father spends much money on books,he's not rich.A. but B. because C. even though D. unless()5. Nanjing isn't so large Shanghai, however


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