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    2019七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 2 This morning we took a walk导学案.doc

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    2019七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 2 This morning we took a walk导学案.doc

    1课题:课题:Module10Module10 A A holidayholiday journeyjourney UnitUnit 2 2 ThisThis morningmorning wewe tooktook a a walk.walk.学习目标重点:To get information from the email about Bettys holiday in ParisTo learn the key words and useful phrases in this email难点: 经典句式 Who met Betty at the airport?What did she see in the Louvre Museum? Where did she go this morning?When did they go to the Eiffel Tower? How did they get to the Eiffel Tower?程序集体备课内容个案补充3学习过程一一 自主学习自主学习 反馈质疑反馈质疑ReadRead thethe emailemail andand findfind thethe importantimportant phrasesphrases andand youryour problems.problems.1.1. 前天前天 2.2. 在机场在机场 3.3. 卢浮宫博物馆卢浮宫博物馆4.4. 世界著名的艺术品世界著名的艺术品 5.5.排队等候排队等候 6.6. 灯亮着灯亮着 7.7.将要干某事将要干某事二二 合作学习合作学习 即时训练即时训练ActivityActivity 1 1 ReadRead andand checkcheck thethe truetrue sentences.sentences.ActivityActivity 2 2 AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions andand thenthen checkcheck inin groups.groups.1.)1.) WhoWho metmet BettyBetty atat thethe airport?airport? 2.)What2.)What diddid sheshe seesee inin thethe LouvreLouvre Museum?Museum?3.)3.) WhereWhere diddid sheshe gogo thisthis morning?morning? 4.)4.) WhenWhen diddid theythey gogo toto thethe EiffelEiffel Tower?Tower? 5.)5.) HowHow diddid theythey getget toto thethe EiffelEiffel Tower?Tower?ActivityActivity 3 3 ReadRead andand completecomplete BettysBettys diary.diary. ActivityActivity 4 4 CompleteComplete thethe passage.passage.2.2. Writing:Writing: WhenWhereHowWhoWhenHowWhenWhereHowWhoWhenHow longHowlongHow longWhatHowlongWhatHow三、知识链接三、知识链接 1. 三个三个“到达到达” getget arrivearrive reachreach 到达天津:_ _ _ 到那 _ _ _2. 两 个“花费时间” spendspend taketake 你知道花费的两个句式?_ _四四 四、达标检测四、达标检测 A.A. 单项选择单项选择1.1. WeWe _ twotwo daysdays inin HollywoodHollywood lastlast week.week. A.A. spendsspends B.B. spendspend C.C. spentspent2.2. ItIt _ meme twotwo hourshours toto getget there.there. A.A. tooktook B.B. spentspent C.C. neededneeded3.3. WeWe oftenoften gogo therethere atat ninenine _._.到家 到这 三个“花钱”呢1A.A. inin thethe samesame dayday B.B. atat thethe samesame dayday C.C. onon thethe samesame dayday4.4. _ diddid youyou gogo toto lastlast week?week? TheThe schoolschool library.library. A.A. WhereWhere B.B. WhatWhat C.C. WhichWhich placeplace5.5. MaMa LiangLiang spentspent fivefive minutesminutes _that_that picture.picture. A.A. inin B.B. onon C.C. forfor6.6. _did_did youyou spendspend inin LosLos Angeles?Angeles? A A week.week.A.A. WhenWhen B.B. HowHow longlong C.C. HowHow oftenoften B.B.用括号内所给动词的过去时形式填空。用括号内所给动词的过去时形式填空。ImIm goinggoing toto HainanHainan IslandIsland forfor a a holiday.holiday.SoSo I I _(go)_(go) toto a a supermarketsupermarket andand _ (buy)(buy) somesome foodfood andand drinks.drinks. ThereThere _ (is)(is) muchmuchtraffictraffic onon thethe roadroad andand I I _ (spend)(spend) twotwo hourshoursgettinggetting toto LowLow PricePrice Market.Market. AtAt thethe gategate I I _(see)(see) thethe clockclock overover thethe doordoor andand itit waswas 11:00.11:00. I I_ (want)(want) toto buybuy somesome breadbread andand _(return)(return) homehome quickly.quickly. ButBut thenthen I I _ (meet)(meet) mymyfriendfriend John.John. I I _ (talk)(talk) withwith himhim untiluntil 1:001:00p.m.p.m. WhenWhen I I _ (arrive)(arrive) home,home, I I waswas veryveryhungry.hungry. 收获


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