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    1小升初英语衔接练习小升初英语衔接练习1、按要求写词。1. old(反义词)_ 2. sun(同音词)_ 3. my(复数形式)_4. hear(同音词)_ 5. he(物主代词)_ 6. America(形容词)_7. say(过去式)_ 8. act(名词)_ 9. plan(现在分词)_2、单选题。( ) 1. -Are you free this morning? -No. There _ a lot of homework today.A. is B. areC. has D. have( ) 2. -Is Mr Li nice _ his students? -Yes. He often plays ball games _ them.A. with; with B. to; withC. to; forD. to; to( ) 3. David always _a blue T-shirt.A. dresses up B. wears C. in D. put on( ) 4. Please tell me if he knocks_ the door.A. on B. in C. with D. by( ) 5. - When is Thanksgiving Day? Is it _ autumn?-Yes. Its _ November 28 this year.A.in; in B. on; in C.in; on D. on; on( ) 6. -I dont know if the shoes fit me. -Why not ?A. try it on B. try them on C. try on them D. try on it( ) 7. -_ woman is Daniel s mother? -The one in the red coat.A. What B. Where C. WhoD. Which( ) 8. If you can't English,you can it in ChineseA. speak;speak B. talk;say C. speak;say D. say;tell( ) 9. - is your uncle? -He is a driverA. Who B. What C.Where D.Whose( ) 10. -There are some pictures the wallWhat can you see?-I can see two windows the wall2A. in;other;on B. on;other;in C. in;else;on D. on;else;in( ) 11. Mr White enjoys home after work A. to walking B. walking to C. walk D. walking( ) 12. The housework is easyYou don't have to spend (花费) time on itA. too much;too much B. too much;much too C. much too;much too D. much too;too much( ) 13. We in Taixing, Jiangsu. We our hometown.A. are all, all like B. all are, all like C. are all, like all D. all are, like all( ) 14. Reading can help us learn about the worldA. a lot of B. 1ots of C. a lot D. 1ot( ) 15.-_ does he look like?- He looks_.A. What; strong B. How; strong C. What; happily D. How; nice( ) 16. - does our principal(校长) look after our School Choir Team(校合唱队) won(赢) the first prize last month?- .A. What; Happy B. How; Happy C. What; sad D. How; sad( ) 17. David with his friends often Simon his English.A. help; with B. help; to do C. helping; doing D. helps; with( ) 18. -Whos that man a white shirt? -He is Mr Wu, our English teacher.A. in B. put on C. with D. wear( ) 19. -Ill go to the park. The shows there are wonderful.- .A. Thats OK B. Have a nice day C. All the best D. Thats all right( ) 20. Let Simon and_ friends.A. I be B. I am C. me be D. me are3树人个性化教育欢迎你! 联系地址:龙翔商业中心 2 幢 3 楼 联系电话:84655552 13852759932 世贸生活家居广场 7 楼 84618880 153588596223、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. After _(get) up, I always drink a cup of water.2. Reading books and running are my _(hobby).3. There _(be) any milk in the glass just now.4. Whats your bad_(habit)?5. I have driving lessons_ a week. (two)6. Look! Your mother _(chat) with her friends on the phone.7. In our city, it is often _ (rain) in summer. There _(be) a lot of_ (rain). Look! It is_ (rain) outside. But I dont like _ (rain) days. 8. Who plays ball games_(well),you or Jack?9. Dont forget_(write) “Happy New Year!” on the road.10. They are happy_(see) their old friends again.4、阅读理解。We can see the sun in the day. We can see the moon and the stars at night.The sun is a ball, It is much bigger than the moon. It gives us light and heat(热).We cant live without it.The moon is smaller than a star ,but it looks bigger.Why? Because it is the nearest to us. In fact, a lot of the stars are bigger than the sun and the moon.The stars are in the sky all day.The sun light is too strong,so we cant see it in the daytime.1. When can we see many stars? _2. What gives us heat and light? _3. Are all stars bigger than the moon and the sun? _4. Why does the moon look bigger? _Can we see the stars in the day? _ 5.


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