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    单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 高二完型阅读专练二 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 完形填空 One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help.When I went outside to 41 what was wrong,I discovered an elderly neighbor had fallen down.She was 42 in pain so I helped her inside her house and 43 her on the bed.I noticed how 44 her place was and it was obvious she hadnt cleaned it for a while.She insisted she didnt need an 45 and that someone would be around soon,so I put a bottle of water at her side and 46 .On my return,I felt sad that,although we had been neighbors for 18 months,apart from a few smiles,we hadnt 47 .I hadnt even noticed she hadnt been 48 for weeks due to painful back.That weekend I met my grandma for her 80th birthday,and I noticed how 49 her flat seemed in comparison with my 50 .Then I remembered that my grandma was usually visited by her relatives.51 ,my neighbor,as far as I knew,had no family regularly 52 .When I returned home I went to visit her,but she didnt 53 my knocks.I walked inside.She was more 54 now than when she started to see me.She explained she was Ok.Yet,unable to 55 due to her back,she could not unpack 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 groceries that a delivery boy had left at floor level and her kitchen was filled with 56 because she was unable to take it out by herself.57 weve become good friends and chat every day.Now,every time I 58 from putting out her garbage,59 her mails or just chatting,I feel a deep sense of 60 and peace,so I am really content that I can help others.41.A.identify B.comfort C.assure D.check 42.A.luckily B.easily C.clearly D.scarcely 43.A.insisted B.settled C.persuaded D.called 44.A.dirty B.comfortable C.wide D.tidy 45.A.operation B.ambulance C.encouragement D.application 46.A.provided B.served C.presented D.left 47.A.worked B.competed C.quarreled D.connected 48.A.away B.off C.outside D.around 49.A.clean B.narrow C.smelly D.sweet 50.A.wifes B.neighbors C.relatives D.daughters 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 51.A.In short B.As a result C.On the contrary D.After all 52.A.dropping by B.looking after C.bringing up D.sending to 53.A.answer B.reply C.appreciate D.recognize 54.A.curious B.thankful C.angry D.impatient 55.A.sit down B.put down C.lie down D.bend down 56.A.dust B.garbage C.food D.furniture 57.A.Suddenly B.Gradually C.Temporarily D.regularly 58.A.suffer B.escape C.return D.stop 59.A.collecting B.reading C.writing D.copying 60.A.determination B.presentation C.ambition D.satisfaction 阅读理解 A 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 When asked about happiness,we usually think of something extraordinary,an absolute delight,which seems to get rarer the older we get.For kids,happiness has a magical quality.Their delight at winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved(毫无掩饰的).In the teenage years the concept of happiness changes.Suddenly its conditional on such things as excitement,love and popularity.I can still recall the excitement of being invited to dance with the most attractive boy at the school party.In adulthood the things that bring deep joy love,marriage,birth also bring responsibility and the risk of loss.For adults,happiness is complicated.My definition of happiness is“the capacity for enjoyment.The more we can enjoy what we have,the happier we are.Its easy to overlook the pleasure we get from the company of friends,the freedom to live where we please,and even good health.I experienced my little moments of pleasure yesterday.First I was overjoyed when I shut the last lunch-box and had the house to myself.Then I spent an uninterrupted morning writing,which I love.When the kids and my husband came home,I enjoyed their noise after the quiet of the day.Psychologists tell us that to be happy we need a mix of enjoyable leisure time and satisfying work.I dont think that my grandmother,who raised 14 children,had much of either.She did have a network of close friends and family,and maybe this is what satisfied her.单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 We,however,with so many choices and such pressure to succeed in every area,have turned happiness into one more thing weve got to have.Were so self-conscious about our“right to it that its making us miserable.So we chase it and equal it with wealth and success,without noticing that the people who have those things arent necessarily happier.Happiness isnt about what happens to us its about how we see what happens to us.Its the skillful way of finding a positive for every negative.Its not wishing for what we dont have,but enjoying what we do possess.1.As people grow older,they _.A.feel it harder to experience happiness B.associate their happiness less with others C.will take fewer risks in pursuing happiness D.tend to believe responsibility means happiness 2.What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 5 and 6?A.She cares little about her own health.B.She enjoys the freedom of traveling.C.She is easily pleased by things in daily life.D.She prefers getting pleasure from housework.3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 7?A.Psychologists think satisfying work is key to happiness.B.Psychologist opinion is well proved by Grandmas case.C.Grandma often found time for social gatherings.单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 D.Grandmas happiness came from modest expectations of life.4.People who equal happiness with wealth and success_.A.consider pressure something blocking their way.B.stress their right to happiness too much.C.are at a loss to make correct choices.D.are more likely to be happy.5.What can be concluded from the passage?A.Happiness lies between the positive and the negative.B.Each man is the master of his own fate.C.Success leads to happiness.D.Happy is he who is content.B If you want to walk in the footsteps of some of the worlds greatest figures,then go to Oxford.Many of Oxfords 38 colleges are open to the public year-round.Here are a few of the colleges worth visiting and some famous people who have studied there.Christ Church College Long before it became known as a location for the Harry Potter films,Christ Church was the college where Albert Einstein,author Charles Dodgson who wrote Alice in Wonderland,and 13 British prime ministers studied.In this large and popular college,you can see the paintings in the 16th-century Great Hall.Magdalen College 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 Many consider Magdalen to be one of the most beautiful Oxfords colleges.This is where author Oscar Wilde read his classics course.You can enjoy the medieval(中世纪的)church with its 15th-century tower.Opposite the college is the beautiful Botanic Garden founded in 1621.Merton College Founded in 1264,Merton has the oldest medieval library in use.J.R.R.Tolkien is said to have spent many hours here writing The Lord of the Rings.One of the colleges treasures is an astrolabe(星盘),thought to have belonged to Chaucer.The college has the most amazing collection of medieval colored glass in Oxford.Bodleian Library The Bodleian Library,the main research library of the University of Oxford,is the largest university library in the UK.It is one of the oldest libraries in Europe,and in Britain is second in size only to the British Library.It holds more than 9 million printed items on 189 km of shelving and seats up to 2,500 readers.The users of the library here include five kings,40 Nobel Prize winners,25 British prime minister and countless famous writers.6.If a Harry Potter fan travels to Oxford,hell probably visit _.A.Merton College B.Bodleian Library C.Magdalen College D.Christ Church College 7.Which of the following can travelers see in Magdalen College?A.A 15th-century tower.B.A seventon tower bell.C.Englands smallest cathedral.D.British oldest botanic 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 garden.8.According to the passage,J.R.R.Tolkien is _.A.the founder of Merton College B.the author of The Lord of the Rings C.the designer of the oldest medieval library D.the owner of the astrolabe in Merton College 9.What do we know about the Bodleian Library?A.It lies in Magdalen College.B.It is the most famous library in the UK.C.It has a collection of 2,500 kinds of books.D.It is smaller than the British Library.C Fatu Kekula is a hero.The 22-year-old Liberian nursing student,in her final year,managed to save the members of her immediate family from the Ebola virus,all without the help and convenience of a hospital.Kekula reduced the rate to 25 percent.Four of her family members were infected with the virus.Her father,Moses,her mother,Victoria,her sister,Vivian and her 14-year-old cousin,Alfred Winnie.Sadly,Kekulas cousin succumbed to the virus.Its also impressive to note that while Kekula was treating her family members she managed to avoid Ebola entirely.On July 27,Kekulas father,Moses,went to a hospital in Kanata,after his blood pressure rose sharply.The only reason the hospital had a bed to offer him 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 was because someone had just died.But the staff in the hospital didnt realize the patient died from an Ebola infection.Shortly,after he was admitted to the hospital,Moses developed a fever,started vomiting and was suffering from diarrhea.Once nurses started dying of Ebola,the hospital shut down and Moses had to leave.Kekula drove 90 minutes to Monrovia,the capital of Liberia,to seek treatment.Three hospitals turned them away because there is no spare bed for patients at all.Kekula made the drive back to Kanata to another hospital.They told Moses he had typhoid fever and did very little to treat him.So Kekula took him home.Once he was there,he infected three other family members.Her mother,sister and their cousin who was living with them.Kekula only lost one patient,her cousin.Her method proved so effective that international aid workers,including UNICEF,began teaching it to others in West Africa who may not be able to get to hospitals for treatment.Her father,mother and sister were already recovering when space became available at the JFK Medical Center on August 17.Alfred passed away at the hospital the next day.Kekulas father,Moses said,“Im very,very proud.She saved my life through the almighty God.10.What is the best title for the passage?A.A courageous and selfless nurse.B.Give her a medal:Woman saves family members from Ebola.C.A family survived Ebola with the help of government.D.The dreadful disease Ebola.单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校 时间:2022 年 4 月 12 日 创编者:阳芡明 11.What does the underlined word“succumbed to in Paragraph 2 mean?A.was affected with B.survived C.died of D.fight against 12.Why Kekula took her father home?A.Because a patient died from an Ebola infection in the hospital in Kanata.B.Because they were turned down by hospitals and little can be done to her father.C.Because Moses were already recovering when he was admitted to the JFK Medical Center.D.Because nurses started dying of Ebola and many hospitals were shut down.


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